SUBSCRIBE NOW!! AMTV WEBSITE: GREENEWAVE WEBSITE: MY FACEBOOK: MY TWITTER: MY GOOGLE+ -==DONATE LINK==- 1-8-2013: On today's edition of AMTV, Christopher Greene warns Americans that President Barack Obama's gun ban will result in civil war. Author: cgreene34 Duration: 4:53
We MUST hold this government accountable! Knowledge is Free! Share it! "I see the strongest and the smartest men who have ever lived... and these men are pumping gas and waiting tables." Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club, Chapter 19 ### PM2012Mirror: PM2012Site: (Down) Project Mayhem 2012 'Dangerous Ideas #1 and #2': Beta Candidates Project Mayhem 2012 Tyler: TYLER forum discussion: TYLER pad discussion: (Don't BEE afraid to start your OWN seKret TYLER) Project Mayhem 2012. Game OVer. November: Deeper: Open the Door: PM2012 Tumblr: RA2012 Twitter: RA2012 Facebook: RA2012 Tumblr: PM2012 Twitter: #TYLER Beta Testing: Audit, test, and report issues here: #pm2012 #Nov5 #Anonymous Twitter: | Tumblr: | Author: LilKing420s Duration: 16:43
Photos for video -= Anonymous =- Obama: You are fooling NO ONE!
On the Sunday, March 11 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks about the establishment's latest propaganda effort -- Kony 2012 -- as it takes its bankster and war machine into Africa. Alex calls for the arrest of Hollywood darling Angelina Jolie, the CFR "ambassador" who has enthusiastically provided her services as part of a cynical propaganda cover for the next phase of globalist war crimes. He also runs down the latest developments in the effort to hold Obama responsible for High Crimes and Misdemeanors and the latest on the simmering Iran attack. Alex also covers the economy as Obama and the establishment cheerfully claim we are now out of the woods. Obama's campaign against Kony and the LRC was similarly cast as a noble humanitarian gesture -- this time with the spotlight on Kony's use of children combatants -- and the fact that Uganda and much of Africa are considered a prized strategic asset is ignored. Back in 2005, investigative journalist Wayne Madsen reported that the US had major communications and listening stations in Uganda's Ruwenzori Mountains. Since then, Africom has set-up a sprawling operation there. Libya was its first "engagement." In what is now a well-established pattern, the global elite exploited tensions created by the disastrous economic impact of its loan sharking operation and moved to establish a sphere of influence in a region historically dominated by the former colonial powers of France <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 14:06
Photos for video Obama's KONY 2012 Campaign: "Propaganda on Parade" 2/5
Get the Fast & Furious facts at Your government - in the form of the Obama-Holder Justice Department - helped arm Mexican drug cartels through the botched sting known as Operation Fast and Furious. Hundreds have died and the Obama Administration refuses to answer the question: who is accountable here? Where does the buck stop? Oversight Committee watchdogs, led by Chairman Darrell Issa, will not relent until those responsible for this felony stupid, deadly Obama Administration program is held to public account. Americans have a right to know. 10-7-11: Oversight Productions Author: oversightandreform Duration: 1:18
Photos for video Holder vs White House: Who Is Accountable?
Minister Louis Farrakhan delivered a press conference on May 3, 2004 at the National Press Club in Washington DC and exposed to the world the hidden forces guiding America and her wicked policies. Author: Ahmad770 Duration: 15:22
Photos for video Farrakhan Exposes The Jewish & Neo-Con Conspiracy In Middle East (2 of 2)
Cenk Uygur breaks down the different ways conservatives are trying to take credit away from President Obama for the capture and death of Osama Bin Laden. Subscribe: TYT Mobile: On Facebook: On Twitter: FREE Movies(!): Read Ana's blog and subscribe at: Read Cenk's Blog: Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 3:54
Photos for video Conservatives: Obama Gets No Credit For Osama Bin Laden Death
Paul Craig Roberts March 30, 2011 What does the world think? Obama has been using air strikes and drones against civilians in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and probably Somalia. In his March 28 speech, Obama justified his air strikes against Libya on the grounds that the embattled ruler, Gadhafi, was using air strikes to put down a rebellion. Gadhafi has been a black hat for as long as I can remember. If we believe the adage that "where there is smoke there is fire," Gadhafi is probably not a nice fellow. However, there is no doubt whatsoever that the current US president and the predecessor Bush/Cheney regime have murdered many times more people in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia than Gadhafi has murdered in Libya. Moreover, Gadhafi is putting down a rebellion against state authority as presently constituted, but Obama and Bush/Cheney initiated wars of aggression based entirely on lies and deception. Yet Gadhafi is being demonized, and Bush/Cheney/Obama are sitting on their high horse draped in cloaks of morality. Obama described himself as saving Libyans from violence while Obama himself murders Afghans, Pakistanis, and whomever else. Indeed, the Obama regime has been torturing a US soldier, Bradley Manning, for having a moral conscience. America has degenerated to the point where having a moral conscience is evidence of anti-Americanism and "terrorist activity." The Bush/Cheney <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 15:03
Photos for video Paul Craig Roberts: Obama Raises American Hypocrisy To A Higher Level
From the creators of Baracka Flacka Flames come deleted scenes from the controversial Hard In The Paint parody and trailers for upcoming projects, produced and directed by MARTIN USHER @martinusher and JAMES DAVIS @theejamesdavis. Live That Life Entertainment. Author: freshforthafuture Duration: 2:44
Photos for video Baracka Flacka Flames - Deleted Scenes & Previews (Official Video)
English+Deutsch Freeman talks at Brave New Books about the coming space war propelled by the fear of the coming asteroid, Apophis. Freeman spricht bei Brave New Books Author: Ultim8Bob Duration: 10:30
Photos for video Obama's Space War from the Freeman Perspective - Pt. 1/7 - Deutsche Untertitel Alex talks with Arizona's most highly decorated lawman and radio talk show host, Jack McLamb. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:59
Photos for video Officer Jack McLamb on The Alex Jones Show:Corrupt Cops! 1/2