BREAKING: Analysts are scrambling to determine what leaked searches like "Blood child, blood on the child" and "must the president look at people" could tell us about Mitt Romney. For More War For The White House: Subscribe to The Onion on YouTube: Like The Onion on Facebook: Follow The Onion on Twitter: Author: TheOnion Duration: 2:13
Photos for video Romney's Terrifying Google Search History Leaked
CBS affiliate KPHO channel 5 in Phoenix declares OBAMA Winner of the 2012 Election. Remember folks Its NOT voter fraud its election fraud Read this article from Forbes Magazine: "Romney Family Investment Ties Author: RP4409 Duration: 5:34
Photos for video 4409 -- CBS leaks 2012 election results Declares Obama Winner
Check out my latest video: Ron Paul is succeeding with his secret plan to gather all his delegates from the caucus states. Because Ron Paul's campaign & supporters are the only ones smart enough to become actual delegates, this will help Ron Paul win the nomination. Also, Mitt Romney gave a speech at CPAC pretending to be a conservative. Register to vote: Find the date of your state's primary/caucus: Become a volunteer: Click on the "Volunteer" tab. Make phone calls: (Note: 90% of the time they won't answer, but it's when they do that makes a HUGE difference in a low-turnout race) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rachel Maddow on Ron Paul's strategy: CNN Dana Bash worried about Ron Paul: Full Mitt Romney CPAC speech: Ron Paul—War Propaganda: Author: GoldBugShow Duration: 9:06
In his last Afterburner of 2011, Bill Whittle takes a look at the state of this country three years into Obama's rule and has amassed a list of breathtaking failures bound to stun and/or depress champions of smaller government. Solyndra, Fast & Furious, the Keystone Pipeline and the deficit are just a handful of the scandals that make Bill's blood boil. So what do we need to do in 2012 to counteract Obama's policies? Take a look. Author: Pajamasmedia Duration: 6:35
Photos for video Afterburner with Bill Whittle: Three Years Under Obama
Minister Louis Farrakhan delivered a press conference on May 3, 2004 at the National Press Club in Washington DC and exposed to the world the hidden forces guiding America and her wicked policies. Author: Ahmad770 Duration: 15:22
Photos for video Farrakhan Exposes The Jewish & Neo-Con Conspiracy In Middle East (2 of 2)
Alex welcomes back to the show Ray McGovern, a retired CIA officer turned political activist. McGovern presented morning intelligence briefings at the White House for a number of presidents. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:53
Photos for video Ray McGovern: Israel to Start War with Iran Maybe in August 2010 - Alex Jones Tv 2/2
SUPPORT THE RESISTANCE 1st ever WeAreChange TV I hope everyone enjoys our pilot for a new weekly WeAreChange show. On our 1st episode we go over the daily news, overview Obama's year in office, give you the weather, sports, and two great interview with Cindy Sheehan and Charlie Veitch of the Love Police. This is a pilot episode of our show before we go live in late Faburary on, WeAreChange is doing this show for free with the studio provided by UBATV, which in exchange gets to play our videos on their site. Please help support our efforts to provide you better content with donations, because we are all doing this for free and can only survive with your support. This is our first ever, professionally produced show that many WeAreChangers put their effort in. Please email us your comments, suggestions, and feedback to, yes we know the sound sucks but we did the best we could with the little we know. We are also asking anyone who wants to get involved and help make this show great to please email us as well. Hope you guys enjoy, Luke Rudkowski Author: wearechange Duration: 10:00
Photos for video WeAreChange TV 3 Obama a year in review
Is economic despair the vehicle for totalitarianism? Plummeting unemployment rates mark this economic crisis around the nation which is resulting in a political crisis on Capitol Hill, as Democrats and the GOP debate the stimulus. Some analysts say that this economic despair is creating a vehicle towards totalitarianism, which was evident during the Great Depression. But during that depression, the nation had strong labor unions and a vibrant independent press. Without those traditional tools, what might we face in the coming years? Chris Hedges is the author of American Fascists: the Christian Right and the War on America, and a Pulitzer-prize winning journalist. He is pessimistic about he says is a growing movement towards fascism in the US. Author: IWantDemocracyNow Duration: 8:57
Photos for video -MUST WATCH- Chris Hedges on Obama and the rise of Fascism
John Stossel's interview with Ron Paul. Ron talks about the failed War on Drugs, public perceptions , and solutions for returning to a sane policy in handling this issue. Author: RonPaulvsTyranny Duration: 4:32
Photos for video Ron Paul on marijuana, prohibition, and personal freedom