SUPPORT THE RESISTANCE 1st ever WeAreChange TV I hope everyone enjoys our pilot for a new weekly WeAreChange show. On our 1st episode we go over the daily news, overview Obama's year in office, give you the weather, sports, and two great interview with Cindy Sheehan and Charlie Veitch of the Love Police. This is a pilot episode of our show before we go live in late Faburary on, WeAreChange is doing this show for free with the studio provided by UBATV, which in exchange gets to play our videos on their site. Please help support our efforts to provide you better content with donations, because we are all doing this for free and can only survive with your support. This is our first ever, professionally produced show that many WeAreChangers put their effort in. Please email us your comments, suggestions, and feedback to, yes we know the sound sucks but we did the best we could with the little we know. We are also asking anyone who wants to get involved and help make this show great to please email us as well. Hope you guys enjoy, Luke Rudkowski Author: wearechange Duration: 10:00
Photos for video WeAreChange TV 3 Obama a year in review
Defense officials have confirmed that US drones have been intercepted by insurgents with $26 software. How can this complex military technology be hacked into so easily? Is this a sign of the potential dangers of President Obama's move toward unmanned warfare? Or is there a chance that the US military didn't encrypt this information on purpose? Author: RussiaToday Duration: 5:07
Photos for video US drones intercepted by $26 software Alex welcomes back to the show Lindsey Williams, the author of The Energy Non-Crisis who predicted $50 a barrel oil based on insider information Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:02
Photos for video Lindsey Williams on Alex Jones Tv"Final Stage is Set for Global Control"6/6