РАСПРОСТРАНЯЙТЕ НАШЕ ВИДЕО! ПОМОГИТЕ ПРОБИТЬ ИНФОРМАЦИОННУЮ БЛОКАДУ! 22 июня 1941 года фашистская Германия без объявления войны напала на Советский Союз. 71 год спустя, ровно в этот же день 22 июня мир вновь встал на пороге катастрофы. Турецкий истребитель, неосмотрительно нарушивший воздушное пространство Сирии, был сбит средствами ПВО. Логика развивающегося противостояния Сирии и Запада диктовала только один вариант развития событий -- немедленный военный ответ со стороны НАТО. Ведь, казалось бы, лучшего повода для интервенции трудно представить. Напомним, что Турция является членом НАТО, а нападение на одного члена НАТО приравнивается к нападению на весь блок. Author: Elena Grigoryan Duration: 7:36
Photos for video Мировой передел. Обзор за неделю. Выпуск 33
April 1, 2011 - Min. Farrakhan responded to questions on Libya, Pres. Barack Obama, Libyan leader, Col. Muammar Gadhafi and the controversial book, The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews. Interview on WPFW/Pacifica Radio, Washington, DC Author: FCNN Duration: 28:10
Photos for video Farrakhan Questioned on Libya & More: WPFW/Pacifica Radio Interview
RTR.org | http | In this edition Gary Franchi takes Obama and Biden to the woodshed and exposes their hypocrisy to the world in a scalding rant regarding the unprovoked war against Libya. We also sit down with Heather Lewis to get the inside story on the verdict in the Liberty Dollar Trial. We present Ron Paul's recent statements on the unconstitutional no-fly zone over Libya and Jason Bermas is back with this week's Punk Rock Politics segment. We reserve a special place for a new Enemy of the State, dip into the mailbag and present last week's poll results. Angie Ress breaks down the latest headlines including a story on a grassroots effort to draft Jesse Ventura to run for president at DraftVentura.com and a new Ron Paul Video contest where you can win big with your creativity.Join the discussion at our RTR Group ; Become a Fan at our Facebook Page:facebook.com Author: lonelantern Duration: 34:57
Photos for video Response to Presidential Address on Libya
Mike Kalombo aka "KlassicMaster" is an artist known for his talent of building foundations of sound. He's been in the YouTube scene since Sept, 2006 and now has almost 200K toe-tapping viewers he calls his Klassmates, who love his art. This one man band orchestrates his three YouTube Channels: Klassicmaster, Klassicmaster2 & MikeKalomboMusic. He's a music producer and vlogger making it big in the YouTube scene. If you watch YouTube you probably have heard one of Klassicmaster's definitive beats that you just can't get out of your head. So how did Klassicmaster start working with other "Hollyweb Celebs"? Let's find out... KLASSICMASTER (Mike Kalombo) www.youtube.com PASSWORD (NOW AVAILABLE ON ITUNES) itunes.apple.com GLOBAL 14 | JD'S WORLD | SO SO DEF www.global14.com 0 YouTube Spotlight intro produced by KlassicMaster (custom) 0:33 KlassicMaster - Workaholic Symptoms.mp3 (Password album) 0:55 KlassicMaster - Making A Beat for Shane Dawson www.youtube.com 1:39 ShaneDawsonTV - KE$HA "BLAH BLAH BLAH" SPOOF!! youtu.be 2:19 AlphaCat - Blame It - BARACK OBAMA SPOOF www.youtube.com 2:53 KlassicMaster - Cypher "So Crazy" ft. Jermaine Purifory youtu.be 3:17 KlassicMaster - Klassic Cypher 2 (Hip Hip Version) www.youtube.com 3:23 stirfryTV - Lisa Lavie in the YouTube Spotlight www.youtube.com 3:35 KlassicMaster - Day Dreaming (Password album) itunes.apple.com 4:00 ShaneDawsonTV - Harry Potter Deleted scene www.youtube.com 4:46 thecomputernerd01 - Owl City Parody (Kangaroos) www <b>...</b> Author: ST1RFRYTV Duration: 23:13
Photos for video KLASSICMASTER in the YouTube Spotlight
www.grailcode.net discordiancell.wordpress.com www.illuminati-news.com/secret-societies.htm In Luke Chapter 4 Satan offered the world to Jesus if He simply worshiped him.What this passage proves is that Satan is god of this world of sin, and he who bows to him he gives power to rule.Satan is the god of this world until Christ returns. The reason Satan is the current ruler of this world goes back to the Garden. "And we know that we are of God, and the WHOLE world lieth in wickedness" -1 John 5:19 Author: TheWatcherReptilian2 Duration: 10:59
Photos for video Labyrinth of Truth pt.31 (No Rest For The Wicked)
Kevin Rudd, PM Series 2 follows on from last year's finale cliff hanger. Kevin Rudd pranks President Barack Obama ? Official ROVE site - www.RoveDaily.com.au (Roving Enterprises, Melbourne Australia) Voiced by Nick Maxwell Broadcast date 8th of February, 2009 - Episode 1 of 2009 (s10e01) Brought to you by www.RoveOnline.com (unofficial) Author: RoveOnlineClips Duration: 3:01
Photos for video ROVE - Kevin Rudd, PM (Series 2) - Ep 1
prisonplanet.tv Former Democratic Party Congressman from California Daniel Hamburg joins Alex to talk about National Emergency Centers Act or HR 645. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:51
Photos for video Daniel Hamburg on Alex Jones Tv:HR 645 2/3
I have been requested by DAVE CAHILL to upload his video, so don't pull it. www.youtube.com www.thealmightyterribles.com http Directed by Dylan Avery, music by the almighty terribles please spread this far and wide to get the patriots pumped up and ready to fight the fascist new world order thugs!!!!!!!! Author: Robert Wanek Duration: 5:26