Singer Kelly Clarkson, winner of the first season of American Idol, performs 'My Country,'Tis of Thee' at the Inauguration of President Barack Obama. Photo: Getty Images. Full Inauguration Playlist: Click here to subscribe to our channel: Visit us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Visit the Wall Street Journal: Author: WSJDigitalNetwork Duration: 3:30
Photos for video Kelly Clarkson Performs at Obama Inauguration Распространите это видео как можно шире! На этой неделе в Сирии произошёл один из самых кровавых и бесчеловечных терактов за всю историю противостояния. Боевики обстреляли ракетами университет в г.Алеппо. Атака совпала с началом сдачи студентами зимней сессии, что отразилось на количестве жертв. Погибло 80 человек, ещё 160 получили ранения разной степени тяжести. Вопреки всякой логике на Западе в преступлении вновь обвинили Башара Асада. Интересный факт. В одном из прошлых выпусков мы рассказывали о начале строительства газопровод из Ирана в Сирию. Старт ему был дан 21 декабря 2012 года в Иране. Этот факт указывает на то, что власти Ирана уверены в стойкости режима Башара Асада и не боятся начинать реализацию долгосрочных проектов с ним. Теперь же такая версия получила новое подтверждение. Первый вице-президент Ирана Мохаммад Реза Рахими по итогам переговоров с премьер-министром Сирии Ваилем аль-Хальки заявил, что его страна построит в Сирии новую ТЭЦ и поставит оборудование для энергетического и нефтегазового сектора, наиболее пострадавших в результате конфликта. Кроме того, Тегеран откроет кредитную линию Дамаску на 1 млрд. долларов. По уверениям западных СМИ и политиков режим Башара Асада доживает свои последние дни. Видимо, руководство Ирана имеет на этот счёт свои соображения. Добро пожаловать в Малистан Начавшаяся на прошлой неделе война Франции с исламистами в Мали, имеет все перспективы превратиться в очередной затянувшийся конфликт, подобный афганскому <b>...</b> Author: MrEsuper Duration: 11:44
Photos for video Мировой передел. Обзор за неделю 59 (14.01.13-20.01.13)
The second presidential town hall debate between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama in the run up to the general election in November. Watch full coverage at Get complete up to the minute coverage: Author: TheNewYorkTimes Duration: 97:41
Photos for video Complete Second Presidential Town Hall Debate 2012: Barack Obama vs. Mitt Romney - Oct 16, 2012
Coal miners tell Obama to stop the absolute lies in TV ad accusing miners of being props at rally for Romney. Miners held a press conference to release a letter signed by over 500 miners saying they were not forced to attend Romney event. They wanted to attend because their is a war on coal and Obama is leading it. If Obama is re-elected he will put us all out of work permanently. Author: Miners Fightback Duration: 11:48
Photos for video Miners Fight Back Against Obama TV Ad: "Absolute Lies"
During the first presidential debate, Mitt Romney and Barack Obama found common ground on a basic idea: shutting Jim Lehrer up. Subscribe NOW to Late Night with Jimmy Fallon: Watch Late Night With Jimmy Fallon Weeknights 1235/11:35c Get more Jimmy Fallon: Follow Jimmy: Like Jimmy: Get more Late Night with Jimmy Fallon: Follow Late Night: Like Late Night: Late Night Tumblr: Full Episodes: Get more NBC: Full Episodes: NBC YouTube: Follow NBC: Like NBC: NBC Pinterest: NBC Tumblr: Romney & Obama Tell Jim Lehrer: "Shut The F*** Up" (Jimmy Fallon) Author: latenight Duration: 3:29
Photos for video Romney & Obama Tell Jim Lehrer: "Shut The F*** Up" (Jimmy Fallon) We few who dare say no to war. http Re-upload (with minor changes) of "We Who Who Say No to War" Author: David Kretzmann Duration: 3:55
Photos for video There Never Was a Good War or a Bad Peace
"The Pakistani Case" covers the story of a 28 year old pakistani student called Mohammed Saif Ur Rehman Khan who was detained in the US embassy in Chile after the alledged detection of explosive traces on his belongings. The documentary details the contradictions of the official government version and the role of minister Rodrigo Hinzpeter in installing fear-based policies of counterterrorism following the guidelines of the United States police state. Author: NWNoticias Duration: 46:13
Photos for video The Pakistani Case: CIA/Mossad False Flag in Chile
Our government seems to be trumping up the idea of war with Iran. This is yet another example of the fact that we don't have democracy when it comes to foreign policy. (The next episode of the Moment of Clarity podcast includes guest John Oliver from The Daily Show.) Author: LeeCamp2 Duration: 3:25
Photos for video The TRUTH About War With Iran -- MOC #102
After last night's GOP presidential debate many are hopeful about Ron Paul being elected president. Many believe that Ron Paul's views are very different from the mainstream, but now his message is resonating with a lot of Americans. Nick Hankoff, a grassroots activist, tells us why the US has hope. Follow Lauren on Twitter: Author: RTAmerica Duration: 10:20
Photos for video Ron Paul 2012 campaign gains momentum
On this Sunday Edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talk about World War 3, now in implementation stage as Obama ignores the Constitution and Congress in Libya and the US steams warships toward the coast of Syria on the Mediterranean. See Alex's video, Obama Launching World War III. Alex also covers Google-owned You Tube's removal of Eric Schmidt at the 2011 Bilderberg Group conference. You Tube removed the "honors" associated with the Alex Jones Channel and prevented the clip from going viral. Alex covers the latest news and takes your calls. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 14:38
Photos for video I'm Labeled an Extremist for Telling The Truth - Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 1/3