Singer Kelly Clarkson, winner of the first season of American Idol, performs 'My Country,'Tis of Thee' at the Inauguration of President Barack Obama. Photo: Getty Images. Full Inauguration Playlist: Click here to subscribe to our channel: Visit us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Visit the Wall Street Journal: Author: WSJDigitalNetwork Duration: 3:30
Photos for video Kelly Clarkson Performs at Obama Inauguration
btw if anyone is wondering why "the stache" didn't have his stache on it's because as he put it "I grew a real manly non fake stache... assholes" in the comment section tell me who you want me to dress up as next! : ) TWEET THIS: FACEBOOK: MM: MERCH: TWITTER: FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: stay cool, stay positive, stay in the light mitchell davis Author: livelavalive Duration: 2:41
During the first presidential debate, Mitt Romney and Barack Obama found common ground on a basic idea: shutting Jim Lehrer up. Subscribe NOW to Late Night with Jimmy Fallon: Watch Late Night With Jimmy Fallon Weeknights 1235/11:35c Get more Jimmy Fallon: Follow Jimmy: Like Jimmy: Get more Late Night with Jimmy Fallon: Follow Late Night: Like Late Night: Late Night Tumblr: Full Episodes: Get more NBC: Full Episodes: NBC YouTube: Follow NBC: Like NBC: NBC Pinterest: NBC Tumblr: Romney & Obama Tell Jim Lehrer: "Shut The F*** Up" (Jimmy Fallon) Author: latenight Duration: 3:29
Photos for video Romney & Obama Tell Jim Lehrer: "Shut The F*** Up" (Jimmy Fallon)
Ron Paul getting some acknowledgement over his economic skills and him predicting the finanical crisis and the housing market collapse. Ron Paul 2012 Google Ron Paul Tell Your Friends and Family to Google Ron Paul. Author: Jason Botzong Duration: 4:13
Photos for video Ron Paul schools Herman Cain and the Federal Reserve with his Economic Skills. Cain is an Idiot.
What happens when magic meets ChatRoulette! Follow me on Twitter: chat roulette chatroulette prank improv piano merlin web funny comedy makemebad35 makemebad reactions shane dawson shanedawson pianochat chatrt viral video messing with people exorcist last omegle torture justin bieber barack obama collegehumor college humor hot girls jimmy dead guy ray william johnson raywilliamjohnson nigahiga fun south park eye live chats perverts trolling strip stripper meme Author: MagicofRahat Duration: 4:40 Alex Jones gives the inside scoop on basketball MVP LeBron James' pivotal trade decision... err, I mean, rather breaks down how society has become obsessed with celebrity culture and taken its eye off of important world events, allowing corruption and global domination to take root. Here are people by the tens of thousands begging LeBron James to stay on their team, yet these same people won't go out and protest the looting of the Federal government, the banker-bailout or even the BP oil spill. Yes, modern bread and circuses-- endless ballgames, television and gossip about celeb birthday parties-- has driven our culture to embrace the meaningless, while reducing our consciousness to mindless drivel. America-- once the greatest cradle of imagination and wealth has fallen to a land of virtual morons who look up to decadent system-icons instead of leaders who could drive our future to greatness once again. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 5:22
Photos for video As United States Collapses, Media Worships LeBron James
Americans share their views on Obama the man, the policy-maker and the commander-in-chief. Follow on Twitter: Follow on Facebook: Follow on Instagram: See all episodes of Fault Lines: Meet the Fault Lines Team: Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 23:31
Here's round two of Michael Moore on The Sean Hannity Show. It was recorded live-to-tape on the same day as round one of the showdown, but Hannity decided to break it into two separate shows. I suppose he likes to take his beatings piecemeal. Enjoy round two of the TV appearance that turned Fox News viewers against Sean Hannity. Changing hearts and minds daily at Author: mmflint Duration: 22:26
Photos for video ROUND 2: Michael Moore on The Sean Hannity Show, Friday, October 9th, 2009
Law enforcement and military personnel are training to set up checkpoints in order to catch people who refuse to take the swine flu vaccination according to whistle blowers, while health authorities are laying the groundwork for a mass vaccination campaign by warning that serious and potentially deadly health problems will be blamed on the H1N1 vaccine. In a You Tube video, a woman describing herself as a soldier explains how she was part of a drill in California centered around setting up roadblocks and checkpoints so authorities could check who has received the swine flu vaccine. Those who have had the shots will be fitted with an RFID bracelet so they can be tracked. Those who have not taken the shot will be offered it there and then and if they still refuse, will be carted off to an internment camp, according to the woman. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:50
Photos for video The Alex Jones Show 1/4:Alex Takes Swine Flu Calls
Brought to you by MJ may have forever retired from basketball in 1999, but his memory and legacy are going to live on in history forever. Even today his records, NBA titles, and Air Jordan shoes are on the radar of the current President of the United States, Barack Obama. Leave it to JordanDepot News to dig up an old school video from ESPN, recapping the evolution of the Air Jordan Sneaker, from the Retro 1s through the 20s. Everyone from Tinker Hatfield and Spike Lee, to Ray Allen, to Barack Obama, shares their stories regarding these legendary shoes. The fashion explosion was a direct result of this shoe phenomenon, and it all started in Chicago with the first release of the Retro I (1) in 1985. Michael Jordan will forever have his nickname "Air Jordan" preserved on leather and lace as it will be worn by many future generations. Author: Carlo Jumpman Duration: 6:35
Photos for video Barack Obama talks about Air Jordans |
Mark Koernke speaks on social, political, historical, and military issues in regards to preserving freedom on the Alex Jones show. http http http Author: h888vids Duration: 8:55
Photos for video Mark Koernke in studio with Alex Jones 7-29-2008 part 3