"EDIT" Today, Saturday Dec. 31, 2011. Obama did indeed sign the NDAA into LAW! Americans MUST know about this if we are going to STOP it. Urgently spread this petition as widely as possible. Write or call the White House to tell the President you won't sit by and watch NDAA Section 1031 and the dangerously misleading Feinstein Amendment 1031(e) become law. www.whitehouse.gov The Obama administration officially states he is signing the NDAA - Click for news article. Both the House and Senate have finalized it and submitted it for his signature. (4:39pm ET 12/15) In the final bill, they renamed Section 1031 to Section 1021, but it is otherwise unchanged. The President will promptly sign NDAA Section 1031 into law, codifying who is eligible for "Detention under the law of war without trial." Without a trial, there is no chance to tell a judge that the government has no evidence. The worst thing about this law is that it originally exempted US citizens, but now it dangerously does not specify either way.. The bottom line is that the NDAA bill contains language that will codify, or make into law, the much debated act of defining US citizens as enemy combatants. It will leave that discretionary power to the executive branch. While many readers have contended that nothing in this bill applies to US citizens, Senator Carl Levin, the bill's sponsor, explicitly disagrees. Even more alarming, it was Senator Levin who announced in Senate chambers that it was Barack Obama himself who <b>...</b> Author: kheroot Duration: 10:12
Photos for video Obama Signs NDAA Martial Law Bill
Welcome to the World Trade Center & 9/11 Tribute for the victims and families around the world. The purpose was to awaken memories of the World Trade Centers and remember the events & consequences from September 11, 2001. America continues to rebuild and the preview to the One World Trade Center with the Memorial & Museum which opens on September 11, 2011. Please subscribe, rate, and respond below; be aware comments related to political debates and conspiracies are to be removed. Thanks! Author: Michael Kole Duration: 8:01
Photos for video World Trade Center & 9/11 Tribute: 11 Years [HD]
On Thursday December 16th 2010, snow fell as 131 people were arrested in a Civil Disobedience at the White House protesting the continuing wars in Afghanistan, Pakistan and in Iraq. Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, Chris Hedges provides an extraordinary anti-war soliloquy which is inter-cut with interview of Veterans of the recent wars and with Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked the top secret Pentagon Papers. Read John Halle piece about this film www.johnhalle.com This action was organized by the Veterans Peace www.veteransforpeace.org Stop These Wars www.stopthesewars.org The March Forward www.answercoalition.org A story by John Halle describes the challenges to organizing the event. dissidentvoice.org A partial transcript of this video can be found at www.examiner.com Full Transcript of the Chris Hedges Speech www.opednews.com Bitter Memories of War on the Way to Jail, Monday 20 December 2010 by: Chris Hedges in Truthdig | Op-Ed www.truth-out.org Read an interview with Chris Hedges just after the speech on the RawStory www.rawstory.com And another Interview on Democracy Now where he discusses his most recent book, "Death of the Liberal Class" www.democracynow.org More about "Death of the Liberal Class" www.amazon.com Iraq Veterans Against The War Operation Recovery 678.986.0617 www.ivaw.org Newspaper about the action www.classwars.org Poll: Assessment of Afghanistan War Sours 60% now Oppose ABC News/Washington Post Poll: Record Six in 10 Say it's 'Not Worth Fighting <b>...</b> Author: ebecker2000 Duration: 13:38
Photos for video Veterans for Peace White House Civil Disobedience to End War
www.infowars.com Alex Jones gives the inside scoop on basketball MVP LeBron James' pivotal trade decision... err, I mean, rather breaks down how society has become obsessed with celebrity culture and taken its eye off of important world events, allowing corruption and global domination to take root. Here are people by the tens of thousands begging LeBron James to stay on their team, yet these same people won't go out and protest the looting of the Federal government, the banker-bailout or even the BP oil spill. Yes, modern bread and circuses-- endless ballgames, television and gossip about celeb birthday parties-- has driven our culture to embrace the meaningless, while reducing our consciousness to mindless drivel. America-- once the greatest cradle of imagination and wealth has fallen to a land of virtual morons who look up to decadent system-icons instead of leaders who could drive our future to greatness once again. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 5:22
Photos for video As United States Collapses, Media Worships LeBron James
endtimes.freehostia.com Obama Secret Illuminati New World order Swine Flu Camps for Americans Exposed! Obama Secret Illuminati New World order Swine Flu Camps for Americans Exposed doomsday judgment 2012 hell paranormal supernatural attack war death pestilence seal catholic Jesus Christ antichrist 666 alien giant scary horror ghost creature demon spirit Author: Paranormalmysteries Duration: 9:15
Photos for video Secret Obama 2012 Illuminati New World order Swine Flu Camps for Americans Exposed!