Lupe Fiasco continues to stir up controversy. During his performance at an inaugural concert on Sunday, the outspoken rapper was kicked off stage after performing anti-Obama lyrics. Lupe was the headliner at the StartUp RockOn concert in celebration of Obama's second term in Washington, DC But instead of celebrating the president's re-election, he took the opportunity to bash him. After performing his anti-war single "Words I Never Said" for over 30 minutes, he was asked to move on to the next song. When he didn't comply, security told him to leave the stage. "Things going terribly wrong at @lupefiasco performance during #SURO. Kicked off stage, bashing obama," tweeted CNN's Matt Dornic. "#SURO slammed by @lupefiasco's nonstop, anti-obama rap. Corporate sponsors scurrying." Hypervocal, which co-founded StartUp RockOn, denied that Lupe was asked to leave for his anti-Obama rant. "This was not about his opinions," said the organization in a statement. "Instead, after a bizarrely repetitive, jarring performance that left the crowd vocally dissatisfied, organizers decided to move on to the next act." This is not the first time Lupe has spoken out against the president. In an interview from 2011, he called Obama a terrorist. "In my fight against terrorism, to me, the biggest terrorist is Obama in the United States of America," he said. credit: Author: HipHopInBox Duration: 1:28
Photos for video Lupe Fiasco Kicked Off Stage at Obama Inauguration - Lupe Fiasco Obama Slander LIVE
An aircraft like object with lights seems to materialize out of nowhere over the Washington Monument and evaporate into a ring of blue-ish smoke in a span of less than 10 seconds. This was captured Live on Fox News the night before President Obama's second Inauguration. Bear in mind I am using my iphone to capture the video from a DVR. I noticed this and decided to play it back for my fiance and recorded it. No trickery, no shenanigans, just a video for you draw your own conclusions about. Several websites have run stories about my video the past couple of days apparently. I'd love to hear Fox's take on it. YOU CAN FIND MY FOLLOW-UP VIDEO HERE: My goal is to get Fox News to re-air and address this clip. Thank you for your interest and comments. Please share. Author: EdCrapper Duration: 0:45
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On the Monday, January 14, edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with the "Obama Phone Lady" who was featured in a music video that went viral on the internet. Alex also covers the escalating threat posed to the Second Amendment by Democrats in Congress and the Obama administration as New York's Chuck Schumer calls for stores to voluntarily stop selling firearms. He also talks about the refusal of CNN host Piers Morgan to engage in a second debate over the Second Amendment and covers other important news of the day. Alex Jones Show Playlist: Alex Jones Show Playlist Pt. 2 Author: ConspiracyScope Duration: 210:36
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Chris Brown Live MTV VMA 2011 (HD) Thanks for watching please subscribe for more videos about : mattyb, sport, music, beckham, funny stuff, ... Check it out !!! Author: VdWLex Duration: 4:49
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SUBSCRIBE to Above Average Network: The girls talk politics, but Kenzie just wants to impress Bobby Moynihan. Share on FACEBOOK: TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: TUMBLR: "Cool Kids' Table - Season 1: Episode 6" Kenzie and Blake host Bobby Moynihan at the Cool Kids' Table to talk about the upcoming election. Kenzie crushes hard on Bobby and tries to win him over with her political knowledge. "Cool Kids Table" Kenzie and Blake hold court at the Cool Kids' Table, where a new guest sits down with them each week. New Episode Every Friday Episode Credits WRITTEN & CREATED BY Lang Fisher Carol Kolb Daniel Mirk DIRECTED BY GUEST STARRING Bobby Moynihan STARRING Taylor Gildersleeve as Blake Juliette Monaco as Kenzie Audio file(s) provided by http:/ Author: AboveAverageNetwork Duration: 3:41
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LIKE US on Facebook: LIKE US ON FACEBOOK: LIKE US ON FACEBOOK: The 33rd Annual Kennedy Center Honors. December 7th, 2010 Author: CrowVideoTV Duration: 2:30
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Is every year at the UN General Assembly Ground Hog Day? Who won the PR battle - Obama or Ahmadinejad? And why was Georgian President Saakashvili meeting Donald Trump, while others were trying to make the world better? All the uncovered details of the week at the United Nations in a live report from New York by RT America correspondent Anastasia Churkina. Author: RTAmerica Duration: 5:18
Photos for video Obama loses PR match to Ahmadinejad Obama Secret Illuminati New World order Swine Flu Camps for Americans Exposed! Obama Secret Illuminati New World order Swine Flu Camps for Americans Exposed doomsday judgment 2012 hell paranormal supernatural attack war death pestilence seal catholic Jesus Christ antichrist 666 alien giant scary horror ghost creature demon spirit Author: Paranormalmysteries Duration: 9:15
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