On the Monday, January 14, edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with the "Obama Phone Lady" who was featured in a music video that went viral on the internet. Alex also covers the escalating threat posed to the Second Amendment by Democrats in Congress and the Obama administration as New York's Chuck Schumer calls for stores to voluntarily stop selling firearms. He also talks about the refusal of CNN host Piers Morgan to engage in a second debate over the Second Amendment and covers other important news of the day. www.infowars.com prisonplanet.tv conspiracyscope.blogspot.com twitter.com Alex Jones Show Playlist: www.youtube.com Alex Jones Show Playlist Pt. 2 www.youtube.com Author: ConspiracyScope Duration: 210:36
Photos for video Alex Jones Show: Monday (1-14-13) "Obama Phone Lady" Live in Studio
SUBSCRIBE!!!! New vlogs every day!! INSTAGRAM: @ShaneDawson Get "THE VACATION SONG!" on iTunes here: bit.ly and watch the music video HERE www.youtube.com SUBSCRIBE TO SHANNA'S CHANNEL!!! www.youtube.com Also check out Qaadir! www.youtube.com THANKS FOR SUBSCRIBING! :) I have 3 channels! Check em out! :) *Main Channel* www.youtube.com *2nd Channel* (vlogs & extras) www.youtube.com *iPhone Channel* (daily vlogs) www.youtube.com Hit me up on my social networks! Google+ plus.google.com Facebook www.facebook.com Twitter www.twitter.com Website www.shanedawsontv.com Shirts & Merch http Tumblr shanedawsonblog.tumblr.com Send letters to: 3727 W. Magnolia Blvd #712 Burbank, CA 91505 *Branding, Media, & General Business Inquiries: The Collective ShaneDawsonTVBiz@gmail.com *Film & Television Agent: William Morris Endeavor (310) 285-9000 Author: shane Duration: 8:52
Recorded on 10/10/12 Obama and the Embassy / Do I worry About Revealing Personal Info? / Living Abroad - Captured Live on Ustream at www.ustream.tv Author: BillWhittleChannel Duration: 73:10
Photos for video The Stratosphere Lounge Episode 16
Via Reason.com: "A poll conducted earlier this month by Mason-Dixon Polling & Research on behalf of the Marijuana Policy Project finds that 76 percent of Americans want President Barack Obama to end his crackdown on medical marijuana in states where medicinal use of the plant is legal...". Why is Obama siding with a fraction of the country? The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down. *Read more from Mike Riggs: reason.com Subscribe to The Young Turks: bit.ly Find out how to watch The Young Turks on Current by clicking here: www.current.com The Largest Online New Show in the World. Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 3:26
Photos for video Medical Marijuana: Obama Vs 74% Of Americans
Military cantonment is Pakistan's version of McLean, Virginia, rife with retired Pakistani military and intelligence officers, a military academy, and would have been on the CIA's radar screen a long, long time ago. Al Jazeera reporting that there was a US military base located near Bin Laden's Abbottabad compound. Bin Laden killed by US Special Forces and body conveniently buried at sea. But we're to believe the US government after yellow cake, mobile weapons labs, incubator babies being smashed on the floor, and Libyan troops on Viagra raping women. Sure, Obama, we believe your Osama story. Not! www.waynemadsenreport.com www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv www.infowars.net www.prisonplanet.com Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 12:24
Photos for video Wayne Madsen: Bin Laden Death, Looks Like Staged Terror to Escalate US Into Nuclear War 1/2
The most anticipated Alien threat, ufo false flag operation in the history, is coming to you soon. Please get deprogrammed if you still believe that this threat is real. www.halfpasthuman.com http Author: chemlin Duration: 7:24
Champain Era is a up and coming Artist/Philanthropist/Actor who stared in Vh1's Lets Talk About Pep. Champain Is Laughing at Jay Pharoah a stand up Comedian who has just joined NBC's Saturday Night Live as he Impersonates( Barack Obama, Jay z, 50 Cent, Cassidy and Kat Williams)...CHEERS!!! Author: Champain Era Duration: 2:01
Photos for video Jay Pharoah - " Obama/ Jay z/ 50 cent/ Cassidy/ Kat Williams "
Alex discusses the latest in economic news including schools requiring students to bring their own toilet paper. Hal Turner, a radio host with ties to the FBI has been convicted of threatening several judges. Alex also covers the latest news and takes your calls. www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 13:17
Photos for video The Lawlessness of Government: Alex Jones Tv {Sunday Edition} 1/6