The performance was filmed live on New Year's Eve at the Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles. In the one-hour special, Williams takes to the stage like a championship boxer, riffing on everything from Doomsday, how President Obama gets rid of terrorists, "stepping-stone" relationships, NASA, Mitt Romney, not "clearing" Herman Caine, the recession, and the Michael Jackson murder trial. For the most part, Williams disappeared from the public eye three years ago. Although he has done occasional spot dates. Rumors flooded the blogosphere supposing he was locked up in an insane asylum. Of course, only he can tell his story. Read more at Author: Kevin Wilson Duration: 2:52
Photos for video Katt Williams Clowns the hell outta Herman Cain
Two-term Governor, Gary Johnson, says the internet must remain free. SOPA and PIPA are just the latest efforts on behalf of the federal government to limit free speech. If no one stands up to this threat on our fundmental right, we will lose it. Two two-party system is one system of control, censorship and the loss of personal liberty. Be Libertarian for one election. LIVE FREE Author: govgaryjohnson Duration: 0:59
Photos for video GARY JOHNSON Will Protect Internet Freedom
America, if you openly elect people like this, then you probably deserve everything that's coming to you. I can't believe there's still people like this shameless bigot...proud, even. This is a response to this video: Music by Kevin MacLeod (Written by Gustav Holst, 1921; Arranged by Kevin MacLeod 2006): License: In America, where you can't be elected president without being an open Christian, why, I'm not ashamed to tell you that I just so happen to be a Christian. During these tough economic times, when you may have lost your job or your house, I, Rick Perry, know what truly matters to you: the icky icky gay people. At this very moment, some red-blooded, vagina-lovin' American soldier might be overseas with a sand nig... uh, terrorist in the sights of his assault rifle, only to have Poop Chute Pete sneak up the flank and take the shot. That shoulda been Vagina Vince's kill - not Poop Shoot Pete's. Because when it comes to killin' towel-hea...terrorists, where you stick your giggle stick matters....It matters. Elect me president and I will fight for the Vagina Bill. Every adult male who can provide notarized evidence that he has come into contact with a vagina, will receive a free license to carry a firearm. As president, I promise to end the war, the quagmire that America has been stuck in for years. That's right, I'm talkin' about the war on Christmas. Last year at my nephew's school, there were 54 children <b>...</b> Author: DarkMatter2525 Duration: 2:04
Today at the UN General Assembly, the speech of Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was not met with warm welcome from western representatives, many of whom walked out as he spoke. The Iranian president attacked the Western European countries. calling them"arrogant powers" ruled by greed and eagerness. Ahmadinejad even attacked President Barack Obama for his lack of "change" and the disappearance of "hope" that he promised during his campaign. RT's own Marina Portnaya spoke earlier to the Iranian president and she joins live Lauren Lyster from New York. Follow Lauren on Twitter: Author: RTAmerica Duration: 8:45
Photos for video Ahmadinejad shocks UN General Assembly
Thanks for watching! God bless ya! More of my Right Wing rants are called ZoNation at FACEBOOK: TWITTER: Author: machosauceproduction Duration: 8:50