Today everyone in the media seems to be using their 1st Amendment freedom of speech to attack their 2nd Amendment right to bear arms. I find that intriguing, because there would be no 1st Amendment without the 2nd Amendment. It was the force of the arms of common citizens fighting the government that made the 1st Amendment possible. I'm going to use my 1st Amendment freedom of speech to defend and preserve my 2nd Amendment right to bear arms. There would be no America without the 2nd Amendment. How many people have died from mass shootings in the US in the last two years? Tucson, AZ (6), Batman (12), Sikh Temple (7), Sandy Hook (27). That's 52 people. How many people have died in the last two years from prescription drugs? 200000. How many people have died in hospitals in the last two years from medical errors? 390000. Are we going to fundamentally change our form of government for these 390000? or the 52? Sandy Hook Shooting False Flag- Bad Actors Used to Take Away the Second Amendment Sandy Hook 2nd Shooter Cover-Up STAGED HOAX- SANDY HOOK CONNECTICUT SHOOTING PT.3/5 Author: David Lory VanDerBeek Duration: 78:10
Photos for video DID OBAMA ORDER SANDY HOOK SHOOTING TO GET YOUR GUNS Nevada Governor 2014 David Lory VanDerBeek
Dave Stone takes a "flea market" approach to healthcare. Want to see more Stand Up Comedy? Subscribe to the Laugh Factory's channel here: Tell us what you thought in the comments and don't forget to like and add this video to your favorites if you LOL'd! LIVE SHOW TICKETS Author: TheLaughFactory Duration: 2:00
Photos for video Dave Stone - Home Remedies (Stand Up Comedy)
Today on this live Sunday edition, Alex Jones focuses in on the crumbling government narratives and the known liars patching them together, including the on-going hoax surrounding the account we've been given of boogie man Osama's demise. Barack Obama is poised to grandstand over the alleged death of Bin Laden on the May Day anniversary celebrations traditionally shared by pagans, socialists and the Illuminati in a lead up to his re-election bid for 2012. Meanwhile, House committee members led by Rep. Darrell Issa are making preparations to slap contempt charges on Attorney General Eric Holder over his role in covering up the Fast & Furious scandal and providing Congress with false information and misleading statements. Also, even establishment lapdog publications like the New York Times now admit the extensive role of the FBI in setting up alleged terror plots, often admittedly using entrapment to frame patsies as would be bombers in the public's mind. Your calls are welcome. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 29:13
Photos for video Obama to Grandstand Over Boogie Man Osama's Demise
Россия на продажу. Плата Китаю за поддержку против США? Давайте подумаем: Россия и Китай объединились против кого? Против США и Британии (не могу назвать её "великой" Британией)? ОСНОВНОЙ КАНАЛ: gen20rus12 Author: gen20rus12 Duration: 5:37
Photos for video Россия на продажу. Плата Китаю за поддержку против США? Соперник Обамы на президентских выборах 2008 года республиканец Джон Маккейн дал понять, что после жестких заявлений Дмитрия Медведева считает несостоятельным недавнее заявление Белого дома об успехе "перезагрузки" с Москвой. Между тем в Госдепартаменте США надеются, что диалог с Россией по противоракетной обороне будет продолжен. "Готовы к новой перезагрузке?", — иронически вопрошает сенатор, приводя гиперссылку к соответствующей статье газеты The Washington Post об угрозах российского руководства. США и НАТО приняли к сведению выступление российского главы. Через несколько часов после опубликования заявлений президента РФ Белый дом дал комментарий по этому вопросу. Как заявил журналистам официальный представитель совета национальной безопасности США Томми Витор, Вашингтон не изменит своих планов по созданию в Европе системы ПРО. Author: pravda Duration: 4:32
Photos for video Испытание перезагрузкой. США командуют Россией?
NYT Tries to Blame Political Film for White House Shooting Kurt Nimmo November 21, 2011 On Sunday, The New York Times said Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez, the schizophrenic accused of shooting at the White House, watched Alex Jones' The Obama Deception. Ortega-Hernandez bought the semi-automatic rifle he allegedly used to fire on the White House from a man named Jake Chapman. William Yardley writes for the Times: The AK-47 that Mr. Ortega is accused of using to fire on the White House was registered to Mr. Chapman, who said in an interview that he is known to friends as "the gun guy." He said that he sold the gun to Mr. Ortega in March for $550 and that he believed it was the first gun Mr. Ortega owned. Mr. Chapman, 21, said he had not heard Mr. Ortega talk of taking violent action. But more than a year ago, he recalled, Mr. Ortega and others watched an antigovernment film on the Internet called "The Obama Deception," which was written, directed and produced by Alex Jones, a Texas-based conservative talk show host who has espoused a number of conspiracy theories involving the federal government. (Emphasis added.) The insinuation is obvious -- Ortega was influenced by Jones' film and Jones is a dangerous anti-government conspiracy theorist. In 2009, the establishment media attempted to link Jones to the murder of police officers in Pittsburgh. The ADL said the convicted shooter, Richard Poplawski, had posted on and supported <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 8:55
Photos for video Obama Declares War on Alex Jones! 2/2
New TYT Network channels: New TYT Facebook Page(!): Follow us on Twitter: DISCOUNTS: FREE Movies(!): Note: The above two links are for TYT sponsors. Read Ana's blog and subscribe at: TYT Network (new WTF?! channel): Check Out TYT Interviews Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 4:34
Photos for video Poll: End The Afghanistan War Now
In this new music video, for the song "Mr. Big Shot" by Pilot Rai, we feature leading members of the Global Banking Cartel: Ben Bernanke, Tim Geithner and Jamie Dimon. We also feature the cartel's puppet president, Barack Obama. Video includes an exclusive audio clip from a censored interview that David DeGraw did with a leading US media outlet. Source site: More Pilot Rai music Ben Shalom Bernanke is wanted for violating the US Constitution, committing acts of financial terrorism and crimes against humanity. As a leading member of the Global Banking Cartel, he is considered a highly dangerous enemy combatant. Citizens of the United States hereby demand that he be properly detained under the laws and customs of war. Author: AmpedStatus Duration: 5:07
Photos for video Ben Bernanke: Public Enemy #1 -- Mr. Big Shot (Music Video)