SOURCE: In this episode of The Truth Is Viral, the plans of the Department of Homeland Security to violently suppress the citizenry of the US, and reeducate "dissidents" in concentration camps, are revealed through the use of official government documents. In the past 8 months DHS has purchased over 1.6 Billion rounds of hollow point handgun ammunition and rifle rounds suitable for use by snipers. Ammunition has gone to government agencies like the TSA, the Social Security Administration, and the National Weather Service. Really? Armed weathermen? "Gentlemen, prepare to defend yourselves" - Sgt. Maj. Basil Plumley (RIP) Executive Order 13603: Internment and Resettlement Field Manual: Author: Bobby Powell Duration: 15:50
Photos for video DHS Ready For Massive Civil Unrest; Internment Of "Dissidents"
Today on this live Sunday edition, Alex Jones focuses in on the crumbling government narratives and the known liars patching them together, including the on-going hoax surrounding the account we've been given of boogie man Osama's demise. Barack Obama is poised to grandstand over the alleged death of Bin Laden on the May Day anniversary celebrations traditionally shared by pagans, socialists and the Illuminati in a lead up to his re-election bid for 2012. Meanwhile, House committee members led by Rep. Darrell Issa are making preparations to slap contempt charges on Attorney General Eric Holder over his role in covering up the Fast & Furious scandal and providing Congress with false information and misleading statements. Also, even establishment lapdog publications like the New York Times now admit the extensive role of the FBI in setting up alleged terror plots, often admittedly using entrapment to frame patsies as would be bombers in the public's mind. Your calls are welcome. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 29:13
Photos for video Obama to Grandstand Over Boogie Man Osama's Demise
Доказано, что при помощи секса можно управлять крысами, как вздумается. Человеком управлять ничуть не сложнее. Об этом мало кто знает, но уже во время Второй миров... Author: AlyoMari Duration: 15:05
Source (Farrakhan Press Conference on Libya, Pres. Obama and Col. Gadhafi): Farrakhan Cautions Against Drums Of War On Libya; Regime Change Funding, US Hypocrisy: Minister Louis Farrakhan talking about the motives and actions of the United States Government in war on Afghanistan: Minister Louis Farrakhan Speaking On The International Bankers and Corruption: Farrakhan Speaks: The Fall of The Dollar (The Debt of America): PS Shirley Chisholm - Outlook For America's Future: Author: mebadgett Duration: 5:57 Comedienne Wanda Sykes was the entertainment headliner at the 2009 White House Correspondents' Dinner. Her stand-up routine referenced Presidents Obama and Bush, Rush Limbaugh, Dick Cheney and other contemporary political figures. Author: CSPAN Duration: 15:31
Photos for video Wanda Sykes at the 2009 White House Correspondents' Dinner The story behind the cover-up,as told by former law enforcement,FBI,BATF and Special Forces officers.See the whole movie at: The Mena Connection: Clinton Body Count,The List: The Clinton Chronicles: Hillary:The Movie: Author: eenkmouse2311 Duration: 9:10
Photos for video Hillary Clinton /Waco:New Revelation(Part 11 of 12)MUST SEE