( ntdtv.ru ) 21 января в США состоялось одно из главных событий 2013 года -- инаугурация президента. Как прошли торжества, и что надела первая леди страны на бал -- давайте узнаем. Author: NTDRussian Duration: 2:57
Photos for video Барак Обама принял присягу и посетил бал
SUBSCRIBE to Chescaleigh! bit.ly Thanks for helping make 2012 such an awesome year. Have a happy and healthy 2013! Links to featured clips & articles below :) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Check out the clips featured in this video! 00:00 MTV Impact "Was that Racist?" www.mtv.ca 00:07 "Shit White Girls Say...to Black Girls" Anderson Cooper interview www.youtube.com full Anderson interview www.youtube.com 00:23 Shit White Girls Say...to Black Girls www.youtube.com 00:26 Storm Super Hero Therapy | The Key of Awesome www.youtube.com 00:27 Cock Block the Vote | FX's Totally Biased with W. Kamau Bell www.youtube.com 00:30 My Damn Channel LIVE 6/28/12 www.youtube.com 00:32 November is Coming | College Humor www.youtube.com 00:36 When YOLO Goes Wrong www.youtube.com 00:39 April 2012 Glamour Magazine 00:42 Franchesca takes Highlight for a test drive | Anderson talk show www.youtube.com 00:45 Belated Father's Day vlog www.youtube.com 00:46 28 day challenge finale www.youtube.com 00:50 The Secret to Long Natural Hair www.youtube.com 00:53 Oreo Pride www.youtube.com 00:55 Powerful Wife Lessons www.youtube.com 00:58 No Mo' No Homo www.youtube.com 01:01 Beth of the Week | My Damn Channel Live www.youtube.com 01:05 Obamacare Basics for Barbies www.youtube.com 01:07 2012 Beautiful People | Paper Magazine www.papermag.com 01:09 Anderson hot topics web exclusive www.youtube.com 01:13 Chesca Marbles explains Black Friday www.youtube.com 01:16 Just Us Girls with De'lon and Chesca www <b>...</b> Author: chescaleigh Duration: 1:46
- Противостояние в Нью-Йорке.Средний Восток в преддверии мира или в преддверии войны - Дороги смерти.Как будут наказывать пьяных убийц за рулем. - Социальный патронат под вопросом.Кто за и кто против.Ювенальная юстиция. - Перекошеная экономика.Люди для банков или банки для людей. - Когда союзники убивают союзников.Безнадежное дело НАТО в Афганистане. - Выборы и черный пиар в США.Безвольный тюфяк против алчного рейдера.Обмен ударами ниже пояса. - Манна небесная.Кто накормил ею племя Моисеево. Неразгаданные тайны Библии. Author: Михаил Леонтьев Duration: 51:48
Photos for video "Постскриптум" c Алексеем Пушковым (29.09.2012)
US Foreign Policy the Cause of Middle East Protests? Air Date: Sep 14, 2012 Former CIA Operative Michael Scheuer on the motives behind the recent protests in the Middle East. All credits to: Fox Business Network FBI -- WARNING -- Federal law allows citizens to reproduce, distribute or exhibit portions of copyright motion pictures, video tapes, or video disks under certain circumstances without authorization of the copyright holder. This infringement of copyright is called fair use and is allowed for purposes of criticism, news reporting, teaching and parody. Author: djgabrielpresents Duration: 5:34
Photos for video Michael Scheuer: Mrs Clinton Has Blood on her Hands Everywhere
Доказано, что при помощи секса можно управлять крысами, как вздумается. Человеком управлять ничуть не сложнее. Об этом мало кто знает, но уже во время Второй миров... Author: AlyoMari Duration: 15:05
The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan exposes the hatred from elected politicians and influential citizens for Pres. Barack Obama and his family during the Nation of Islam's annual Saviours Day convention. View this entire lecture at www.noi.org and order it at http Author: Ahmad770 Duration: 29:12
Photos for video Farrakhan Speaks on Political Racism & Disrespect of Pres. Barack Obama
9/11 MICHAEL JACKSON IS SINGING FROM HEAVEN: "MAKE LOVE NOT WAR" Now's the time to live in the here and now just for LOVE. God bless you all, Sunny 9th of September 2011. www.sunnylovesyou.com Michael Jackson tribute artist NIKA nika.michaeljackson@gmail.com lflymusic.atw.hu Author: lfly765 Duration: 5:46
Photos for video 9/11 Sunny - Make Love Not War (Official Music Video HD)
Avi Lewis talks to Cornel West, professor of African American Studies at Princeton, hip hop artist, and one of the most controversial academics in the US about the state of democracy for African-Americans in the US today, US foreign policy, global recession, and his dispute with Lawrence Summers. Follow on Twitter: twitter.com Follow on Facebook: facebook.com Follow on Instagram: www.instagram.com See all episodes of Fault Lines: www.youtube.com Meet the Fault Lines Team: aje.me Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 23:10
www.grailcode.net discordiancell.wordpress.com www.illuminati-news.com/secret-societies.htm In Luke Chapter 4 Satan offered the world to Jesus if He simply worshiped him.What this passage proves is that Satan is god of this world of sin, and he who bows to him he gives power to rule.Satan is the god of this world until Christ returns. The reason Satan is the current ruler of this world goes back to the Garden. "And we know that we are of God, and the WHOLE world lieth in wickedness" -1 John 5:19 Author: TheWatcherReptilian2 Duration: 10:59
Photos for video Labyrinth of Truth pt.31 (No Rest For The Wicked)
Humorist John Hodgman was the entertainment headliner at the 2009 Radio and TV Correspondents' Dinner. Mr. Hodgman roasted the president for being a "nerd", referencing his place in popular culture and passion for comics and science fiction. www.c-spanarchives.org Author: CSPAN Duration: 14:04
Photos for video John Hodgman at Radio & TV Correspondents' Dinner