CLICK to share of FACEBOOK! Click to TWEET!: PLEASE REGISTER TO VOTE ONLINE- IT TAKES SECONDS! GET AN ALPHACAT SHIRT and other cool stuff! http Send me some MAIL! PO BOX 93894 Los Angeles, CA, 90093 Please SUBSCRIBE to be notified of new videos! VIDEO LINKS! Check me out on EPIC RAP BATTLES of HISTORY: WATCH ME COMPETE ON DANCE SHOWDOWN for $100k Deepak Chopra "30 Days of Intent" Reality Show CAST: President Obama: Iman Crosson Twitter: @Alphacat Business Contact ONLY: MITT ROMNEY Adam Ray Twitter @adamraycomedy MODERATOR Skyy John Twitter: @TipsyBartender Secret Service Jamar Johnson (Rick Ross lol) Crowd: NIkki Limo Natesvlogs Jesus Lopez Written and Directed by Iman Crosson Produced by: Andres Delsol Production Coordinator: Sandra Varona Production Assistant: Angelica Delgado Cameramen: Eric Thompson, Gustavo Padron Sound: Sheena Moriarty TAGS: 2012 presidential debates" "2012 Presidential Debates Spoof" "2nd presidential debate" "Complete Second Presidential Town Hall Debate 2012: Barack Obama vs. Mitt Romney - Oct 16, 2012" "second presidential debate" 'town hall debate" "debate spoof "rap battle" "President Barack Obama" "Mitt Romney" parody "Democratic National Convention" DNC speech presidential president Democrat <b>...</b> Author: Alphacat Duration: 4:30
Photos for video 2012 Presidential Debate SPOOF- Rap Battles (ROUND 2)
Тема: Ангела Меркель обещает спасти Еврозону от распада. Слушать эфир: Получить бесплатно аудиозапись вэбинара Михаила Хазина «Проблемы и возможнсти России - 2012» от 16 марта 2012 года можно подписавшись на рассылку "Экономического дискуссионного клуба" Блоги Михаила: Author: Neprotivlenec Duration: 31:19
Photos for video 27.03.2012. ЭКОНОМИКА ПО-РУССКИ с Михаилом Хазиным
Sweet Home Chicago - The White House Allstars Buddy Guy gets President Obama to sing a verse of Sweet Home Chicago! https Author: JasonBuieTV Duration: 12:28
Photos for video Sweet Home Chicago - The White House All Stars
On Monday's power-packed transmission, Alex reports live from US-Mexico border as Obama tries to distract attention away from his complicity in Fast and Furious -- the Justice Department organized gun-running operation with bank-financed criminal drug gangs in Mexico. Alex talks about Obama beating wars drums under the flimsy pretense of bogus terror accusations leveled against Iran last week. He also divulges bombshell info on today's show and talks about the Federal Reserve takedown order filed with YouTube after Infowars posted a video revealing how the Fed is a privately run bankster cartel and not a federal agency as it fraudulently claims. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 15:09
Photos for video "Santa Muerte" Mexico's Saint of Death: on The Border with Alex Jones 1/2
Even as President Obama maintains close to 50000 troops in Iraq and continues to escalate and expand the war in Afghanistan, the antiwar movement in America continues to shrink. So, what happened? visited two antiwar protests—one left-leaning, one libertarian—in an attempt to answer that question. Author and historian Thaddeus Russell and Reason Senior Editor Brian Doherty also weigh in. War, it seems, is a bipartisan venture, which is reflected by the fact that Democrats have a favorable view of Obama's foreign policy, despite its remarkable similarity to George W. Bush's foreign policy. And though there have been rumblings of antiwar sentiment from some on the Right, Republicans remain strongly in favor of an interventionist foreign policy. Although public sentiment is turning against the war in Afghanistan, the always-shifting withdrawal deadlines and the unwillingness to touch defense spending mean that this bipartisan war is likely to continue far into the future. Approximately 7 minutes. Written and Produced by Zach Weissmueller. Senior Producer: Ted Balaker. Visit for downloadable versions, and subscribe to's YouTube Channel to receive automatic notification when new material goes live. Author: ReasonTV Duration: 7:10
Photos for video What Happened to the Antiwar Movement?
This content is owned by the BBC Series 3 Episode 5 - (Part 3 of 3) Funny stuff from the Northern Irishman, enjoy! Author: ArseRaptor Duration: 6:37
Photos for video Patrick Kielty Live At The Apollo Part 3