The inaugural event hosted by the Josef Korbel School of International Studies' Center for Middle East Studies, this open forum, held one week before the presidential election at the University of Denver, raises questions revolving around the potential of an outbreak of war between the United States and the Islamic Republic of Iran. The forum's keynote speaker, Dr. Trita Parsi, is head of the National Iranian American Council, and a well-regarded analyst of US-Iranian relations and Iranian foreign policy. Joining him are Ambassador Christopher Hill, Dean of the Korbel School and former Ambassador to Iraq, Richard Lamm, former Governor of Colorado and Director of the University of Denver's Center for Public Policy, and former Korbel Dean, Tom Farer. The forum took place on September 26, 2012, at the Hamilton Auditorium on the campus of the University of Denver. Author: DU Center for Middle East Studies Duration: 117:33
Photos for video Can War with Iran be Averted? An Open Forum with Trita Parsi (9/26/12)
Obama Inauguration Presidential Ceremony 2013 Introduction The 2013 Inauguration ceremonies to honor the start of President Barack Obama's second term in office include two official Inaugural Balls, a National Day of Service and two swearing-in ceremonies. Thousands flocked to Washington, DC to help Obama kick off his second round in the White House, including notable names like James Taylor, Stevie Wonder, Katy Perry and Beyonce. Author: ForyourInfoM Duration: 5:29
Photos for video Obama Inauguration Presidential Ceremony 2013 Introduction
Why has the Department of Homeland Security recently ordered a total of 1.2 billion bullets, the majority of which are hollow points and buckshot? What are they preparing for? Civil war? Economic Collapse? A combination of the two? These kinds of bullets are not used for target practice. ---------- Visit our website: Follow us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter: Get weekly email updates: If you support our work please consider making a donation: ---------- Sources: 450 million rounds purchased by DHS earlier this year: Purchase order for additional 750 million rounds of ammunition Backup link to download the purchase order from my site: Obama promises gun control action early next year Top economist say US economy is in a death spiral that may end civilization as we know it: DHS to use drones over US territory: NDAA 2013 passes with indefinite detention still intact QE3 has already Failed: QE4: Toxic assets still on the books: The size of the derivatives bubble: Operation Fast and Furious: Obama used executive privilege to protect Eric Holder: Author: StormCloudsGathering Duration: 4:56
Photos for video DHS Preparing for Civil War? Economic Collapse? Both?
Вторая часть лекции Андрея Фурсова в МГИУ, о наиболее значимых событиях 2011 года, их причинах и возможных последствиях, 01.06.2012. Подробнее Подборка тематических статей Author: systeemtheorie Duration: 44:51
On the Monday, April 9 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the latest news, including reports that antidepressants are causing an epidemic of mass mental illness, renewed call for a global tax on carbon emissions, newly revealed devastating effects of GMO insecticide, the mass drugging of US troops, the prospect of an engineered race war in the wake of the Trayvon Martin case and the Tulsa, Oklahoma shootings and other important news items. He also takes your calls. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 27:57
Photos for video Artificial Scarcity: A Culture in Denial
All through the primaries Ron Paul has been surrounded by thousands of people at almost every state he has visited. Now one less person will be around Ron Paul. NBC recently withdrew their embedded reporter who was on the Ron Paul campaign trail. The Texas Congressman has gained extensive attention when it comes to his anti-war stance and being pro-constitution. Paul has expressed his suspicion about voter fraud or votes not being counted because his numbers don't coincide with the numbers at the polls. So are all Ron Paul's votes being counted? Mary Willison, volunteer organizer and Ron Paul supporter, joins us for more. Like us and/or follow us: Author: RTAmerica Duration: 9:39
Photos for video Is Ron Paul the victim of voter fraud?
US Leaders Hiding What They Know about BHO! - By Bob Unruh WND... LISTEN ON RADIO AMERICA! Joseph Farah interviews Susan McDaniels Click on the GMAN link when you arrive A REPOSITORY of WND articles on OBAMA's SSN INVESTIGATION Author: ppsimmons Duration: 9:43
Photos for video BREAKING! Obama Conn. Social Security Number Investigator says American Leaders HIDING Info!
Whats behind the souring of US and China relations? When Barack Obama became US President, the conventional wisdom was that relations would improve. The high point came when Obama made his first visit to China in November of 2009 when both sides hoped cooperation would reach a new level. But whats happened since has been anything but. Heres the rundown of what we know. Author: RTAmerica Duration: 3:24
This content is owned by the BBC Series 3 Episode 5 - (Part 3 of 3) Funny stuff from the Northern Irishman, enjoy! Author: ArseRaptor Duration: 6:37
Photos for video Patrick Kielty Live At The Apollo Part 3