"And those of us who manage the public's dollars will be held to account, to spend wisely, reform bad habits, and do our business in the light of day, because only then can we restore the vital trust between a people and their government." Reason TV looks back at Obama's 2009 inaugural address to see how well his rhetoric compares to his first four years in office. Produced by Meredith Bragg. About 90 seconds. For full text, links, and downloadable versions, go here: reason.com and subscribe to Reason TV's YouTube Channel to receive automatic updated when new material goes live. Music: Kool Kats by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Author: ReasonTV Duration: 1:22
Photos for video Obama Inaugural Rewind: Rhetoric vs Reality
Подписаться на мой канал: bit.ly Мои концерты от 1987 до ...: bit.ly Видео по истории древней Руси: bit.ly Мои интервью: bit.ly Задорнов Создавакшн: bit.ly Стоит посмотреть: bit.ly Author: mnzadornov Duration: 20:31
Photos for video 2012 - Концерт 28.12.2012 в Санкт-Петербурге - отрывок 4
Barack Obama and the fiscal cliff The so-called fiscal cliff refers to a combination of severe tax increases and spending cuts due to kick in automatically in January if the president and Congress don't find a compromise plan to cut the deficit first. President Barack Obama and House of Representatives speaker John Boehner met Sunday to discuss the so-called impending fiscal cliff of steep tax hikes and spending cuts. No details of the talks were given, but a statement from Boehner's office said "the lines of communication remain open." Visual report live from the scene of events, between 3 seconds and two minutes long. 4 news reports daily broadcast from 6.15 am. An in-depth report on a major news issue. More FRANCE24 reports: www.france24.com Author: france24english Duration: 3:01
Photos for video Barack Obama met House of Representatives speaker John Boehner to discuss the fiscal cliff
Thank you for the ratings and comments! Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Playthrough Part 1 : youtu.be This is Black Ops 2 playthrough part 16. Black Ops 2 or BO2 is the newest installment in the Call of Duty franchise. This is a complete single player campaign playthrough. The single-player campaign will feature two connected storylines, one set in the 1970s through 1980s and the other in 2025. The protagonist of Black Ops, Alex Mason returns in the Cold War section, where he will be fighting in proxy wars for the United States in the Cold War. Black Ops 2 campaign will also show the rise to infamy of the game's primary antagonist, Raul Menendez, a Nicaraguan narco-terrorist and the leader of "Cordis Die." My Music Channel: www.youtube.com Download my songs: itunes.apple.com Tweet at me dawg: www.twitter.com T-Shirts: tryhardninja.spreadshirt.com Author: TryHardNinjaGAMES Duration: 10:41
Photos for video Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Walkthrough / Playthrough Part 16 OBAMA SHIP [Gameplay - ODYSSEUS]
You and your family may live to see the new world order - that is also the last Bible prophecy to be fulfilled before the return of the Savior Jesus Christ! For centuries, shadow groups like the Illuminati, and more recent groups such as the Bilderbergs, have planned for how to bring about a one-world government. Recently Henry Kissinger declared: US President Barack Obama has been elected at a unique moment in history that could allow him to create this new world order! In this video teaching, Drs. Jack & Rexella Van Impe show you the biblical foundation for this coming one-world government, document the great strides that have been made toward it through the European Union and explain how the critical years from 2012 to 2019 could be the rapidly approaching time-frame for the return of Jesus Christ! Author: theyareagreewithhe Duration: 97:06
Photos for video Jack Van Impe-New World Order Rising
THIS IS MY BLOG tatoott1009.com TOWERING INFERNO AND STAND BUT 911 TOWERS FALL.avi tatoott1009.com Moscow Skyscraper Goes Up in Flames But Does Not Collapse tatoott1009.com Flame Turns On Computer Microphones, Takes Screen Shots, Copies Data, Records Communications tatoott1009.com New Big Brother Cyber Weapon Can Turn on Your Computer's Microphone, Record Communications tatoott1009.com Virginia Gov: Warrantless Drones "Great" for America tatoott1009.com Landslide Closes I-75 South In Campbell County Friday, March 09, jellico mountain landslide tatoott1009.com Arizona Sheriff Not Backing Down On Obama Birth Issue tatoott1009.com Tepco: 'No Plan' To Deal With A Fukushima Collapse That Threatens Civilization tatoott1009.com RED ALERT, POSSIBLE MISSILES ON TRAIN UNDER THE COVER OF NIGHT! Army Missles Space Craft in Indianapolis Indiana URGENT! tatoott1009.com The Role of Delegates in the US Presidential Nominating Process ! WE CAN HELP RON PAUL IF WE KNOW HOW tatoott1009.com Fukushima: If Number 4 Collapses, Japan Will Be Evacuated & FEATURED STORIES tatoott1009.com WORLD WAR III: Obama has signed 3 new executive orders: NDAA 2013: Now Featuring Propaganda And War With Iran tatoott1009.com Homeland Security in the Land of the Free & Obama: The Groomed from Birth Dictator tatoott1009.com Republican-led House votes to allow military action against Iran tatoott1009.com OBAMA'S LIES? THE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH SO HELP ME GOD tatoott1009.com The Vetting -- Exclusive <b>...</b> Author: tatoott1009 Duration: 87:40
Photos for video Aaron Russo MAD AS HELL (FULL LENGTH).avi
Obama's Department of Justice Puts Out Master Patriot Hit-list Kurt Nimmo www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv August 30, 2010 The Department of Justice has fired a salvo in the war against patriotic Americans supporting the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The DOJ has issued Investigating Terrorism and Criminal Extremism --Terms and Concepts, a 120-page propaganda addendum described as "a glossary designed primarily as a tool for criminal justice professionals to enhance their understanding of words relating to extremist terminology, phrases, activities, symbols, organizations, and selected names that they may encounter while conducting criminal investigations or prosecutions of members of extremist organizations." The DOJ glossary will be used by the federal government and increasingly federalized law enforcement to criminalize language used by the patriot movement. The glossary describes the word "constitutionalist" as a "generic term for members of the 'patriot' movement. It is now often used to refer to members of the sovereign citizen or common law court movement. Sometimes the word 'constitutionalist' is also used." According to Merriam-Webster, a constitutionalist is a person who adheres to a form of government according to constitutional principles. The DOJ is now apparently in the business of newspeak. In his dystopian novel on totalitarian government, Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell introduced the term doublethink, from which the terms newspeak and <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 14:39
Photos for video Obama's Department of Justice Puts Out Master Patriot Hit-list - Alex Jones Tv 2/5
This content is owned by the BBC www.facebook.com Series 3 Episode 5 - (Part 3 of 3) Funny stuff from the Northern Irishman, enjoy! Author: ArseRaptor Duration: 6:37
Photos for video Patrick Kielty Live At The Apollo Part 3
charleskey.com www.infowars.com Alex talks with Representative Charles Key, author of Oklahoma's HJR 1003, the Tenth Amendment Resolution calling on the federal government to follow the US Constitution and stop infringing on states rights. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:46
Photos for video OK-Rep.Charles Key on The Alex Jones Show:Oklahoma's Sovereignty 1/2