President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney square off in the third and final debate before American voters go to the polls to determine who will become the next President of the United States. Join the conversation on Facebook Add TDC to your circles on Google+ Follow The Daily Conversation on Twitter Keywords: TDC TheDailyConversation The Daily Conversation Author: TheDailyConversation Duration: 96:21
Photos for video Third Presidential Debate: Obama vs. Romney (Complete - Closed Caption)
The Mexican drug cartels are at war... with Mormons. In Part 3, cartel boss "El Rikin" executes his revenge against a local Mormon community leader. Watch the rest here: Hosted by VICE Founder Shane Smith Follow Shane on Twitter: Watch more VICE documentaries here: Subscribe to VICE for the best videos online: Check out our full video catalog: Videos, daily editorial and more: Like VICE on Facebook Follow VICE on Twitter: Read our tumblr: Author: vice Duration: 5:23
Photos for video Cartel Boss Retaliates with Murder (Drug Cartels vs. Mormons Part 3/7)
On this Sunday Edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talk about World War 3, now in implementation stage as Obama ignores the Constitution and Congress in Libya and the US steams warships toward the coast of Syria on the Mediterranean. See Alex's video, Obama Launching World War III. Alex also covers Google-owned You Tube's removal of Eric Schmidt at the 2011 Bilderberg Group conference. You Tube removed the "honors" associated with the Alex Jones Channel and prevented the clip from going viral. Alex covers the latest news and takes your calls. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 14:55
Photos for video I'm Labeled an Extremist for Telling The Truth - Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 3/3
We are the citizens of a world that is being ruined by Zionism and its practitioners' thirst for power and greed for land that does not rightly belong to them. Obama & his criminal coalition were lying when they said that regime change was not the aim of their military action in Libya, which they initially attempted to disguise as a humanitarian intervention. Look for the mainstream media to continue ignoring the fact that the so-call ed freedom fever sweeping the Arab states is a gambit on the parts of elite Western political power players and unproblematically trumpeting each new uprising in the region as a spontaneous people's uprising that just happens to further isolate Iranian, Chinese and Russian interests in the region in the preliminary stages of World War III. Video credit in part to RTAmerica Author: 58784677 Duration: 11:55
Photos for video Obama Lies About Libya...The Shocking Truth Behind The Facade
"... what part of an overwhelming victory do the Democrats not understand? The American people sent them there to do a job, not to cower and be afraid of Republicans or hold out their hand and sing kumbaya. This is time now to get these things done for the people." -- Michael Moore Author: mmflint Duration: 8:50
Photos for video Michael Moore on Larry King Live with Wolf Blitzer - March 22, 2010 - Part 3
Wyclef Jean gettin' Norway Wyclectic! Skip to 1:10 for the hilarious interview with the man himself and his extraordinary performance! His acapella at 6:32 is something else and really makes you think! You better watch Part 2 too: Halfway in it he exceeds all expectations! Author: HiPreb Duration: 8:42
Photos for video Wyclef "Wyclectic" Jean - Nobel Peace Prize Concert 2009 Part 1
Alex welcomes back to the show Ray McGovern, a retired CIA officer under seven US presidents over 27 years and founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity or VIPS. The organization is dedicated to analyzing and criticizing the use of intelligence, specifically relating to the War in Iraq. In January 2006, McGovern began speaking out on behalf of the anti-war group Not in Our Name. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:54
Photos for video Ray McGovern on Alex Jones Tv 2/4:IRAN is IRAQ Part 2!!
Watch Brad perform "Welcome To The Future" during his visit to the White House! "Welcome To The Future" is the new single from his NEW album American Saturday Night - AVAILABLE NOW! Author: BRADPAISLEY Duration: 9:54
Photos for video Brad Paisley - Live at the White House
Gen. Colin Powell comments on Barack Obama's campaign and reflects on his own decision whether or not to run for president. Check local listings for airdates of Tavis Smiley on PBS. For more information, see Author: PBS Duration: 4:42
Photos for video TAVIS SMILEY | Guest: Gen. Colin Powell | PBS