Help build this campaign: OFA.BO Vice President Joe Biden Biography Video - 2012 Democratic National Convention Video Author: BarackObamadotcom Duration: 7:47
Photos for video Vice President Joe Biden's Story - 2012 Democratic National Convention Video
...another case of "couldn't resist mishearing this". I'm in love with this song, and so I might've listened to it a bit too much. xD ******* Doing this for self-amusement, as opposed to any harm, so only people with a sense of humor allowed. If you're offended - I'm sorry, go watch something else. Don't own/hate Big Bang or anyone appearing in the lyrics (including Dara, Joon, Hoya, Khun, Barack Obama... and the many random animals... again. At least Key wasn't it in, this time around? ^^;) Author: ebilgrey Duration: 4:00
Photos for video Big Bang Fantastic Baby Misheard English Lyrics (Buffalaxed)
AMERICAN FREEDOM ALERT - CODE RED. The Government has committed TREASON against you! Will you sit and watch while your freedoms are taken away? Or will you walk out your door and fight for your rights? THE CHOICE IS YOURS. THE LATTER IS BEST. Gather an army of people. Flood the streets. If police gives you violence, give them tenfold of that. OCCUPATIONS ARE OVER. REAL REVOLUTION IS HERE. THE FORMER UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SHALL BE DESTROYED. In his last official act of business in 2011, President Barack Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act from his vacation rental in Kailua, Hawaii. In a statement, the president said he did so with reservations about key provisions in the law — including a controversial component that would allow the military to indefinitely detain terror suspects, including American citizens arrested in the United States, without charge. The president defended his action, writing that he signed the act, "chiefly because it authorizes funding for the defense of the United States and its interests abroad, crucial services for service members and their families, and vital national security programs that must be renewed." Some citizens remain completely confused by the language of the bill, running around the Internet screaming that the law "does not apply to American citizens." This is, naturally, part of the side effect of having such a dumbed-down education system where people can't even parse the English language anymore. If you read the <b>...</b> Author: SilverNowPeople Duration: 13:46
Photos for video Law Enforcement Is Intimidated By Anonymous
Share on Facebook: Share on Twitter: This is a parody of this video: Original script: I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm a Christian, but you don't need to be in the pew every Sunday to know there's something wrong in this country when gays can serve openly in the military but our kids can't openly celebrate Christmas or pray in school. As President, I'll end Obama's war on religion. And I'll fight against liberal attacks on our religious heritage. Faith made America strong. It can make her strong again. I'm Rick Perry and I approve this message. My script: I'm not ashamed to admit I've never read a science book, but you don't need to be a mathematician to know that queermosexuals aren't humans. They're either, uh, plants, or animals, or whatever the third one is. Anyway, all I know is that they don't deserve the same rights as intelligent, loving folk such as myself. And that's why I only want heterosexuals going to war for me. Speaking of Muslims, I know some of you aren't Christian. And I know it's those non-Christian Muslims that are preventing our kids from talking about Santa Claus in school. As President, I'll end the atheist Muslim leader Obama's war on religion. Well, my religion only, because we know all the other ones are poppycock. And I'll fight against library attacks on our religious heritage. You know one of those book ladies tried to tell me that the 1796 Treaty with Tripoli states that the United States was "not in any <b>...</b> Author: soundlyawake Duration: 1:30
Photos for video Strong - A Rick Perry Parody by soundlyawake
We are the citizens of a world that is being ruined by Zionism and its practitioners' thirst for power and greed for land that does not rightly belong to them. Obama & his criminal coalition were lying when they said that regime change was not the aim of their military action in Libya, which they initially attempted to disguise as a humanitarian intervention. Look for the mainstream media to continue ignoring the fact that the so-call ed freedom fever sweeping the Arab states is a gambit on the parts of elite Western political power players and unproblematically trumpeting each new uprising in the region as a spontaneous people's uprising that just happens to further isolate Iranian, Chinese and Russian interests in the region in the preliminary stages of World War III. Video credit in part to RTAmerica Author: 58784677 Duration: 11:55
Photos for video Obama Lies About Libya...The Shocking Truth Behind The Facade
Taylor Swift Live in Manila, Philippines February 19, 2011 at the Araneta Coliseum Presented by Ovation Productions Author: kennethtristan Duration: 5:13
Photos for video Taylor Swift Live in Manila The Story of Us What is coming in 2012? Is it the end of the world or just the end of the world as we KNOW it? Lindsey Williams, Gerald Celente, CNN, Fox News, and ABC...what do they have to say about verichips, martial law, and the collapse of the dollar and when it will happen? Please feel free to check out my website if you're interested in topics related to 2012, martial law, The Matrix, the Illuminati, the North American Union, and much more. ________________________________________ Please READ THIS MOST IMPORTANT ARTICLE: "America, America, awake out of your slumber..." _______________________________________ Extra Tags: alex jones, gerald celente, fox news, cnn, abc, new world order, chaos, martial law, police state, lindsey williams, verichip, george bush, barack obama, middle east conflict, collapse of the economy, crash of the dollar, bank failure, riots, G-20, subliminal messages in movies, rothchild, bilderbergs, henry kissinger, david rockefeller nwo, david rockefeller, trilateral commission, ufo sightings, killer storms, earthquakes, tornadoes, oil spill, illuminati, freemason, rock and roll, satanic, halo, video games illuminati, doomsday, end of the world as we know it, 2012 end of the world, mayan calendar, prophecy, prophecy club, club of rome, vatican archives, secret societies, apocalypse, world war three, world war 3, world war iii, nuclear war, nuclear iran, persian gulf, iraq <b>...</b> Author: 19justinbrown88 Duration: 9:10
Photos for video 2012 and the Verichip / Collapse of the Dollar / Mayhem
Peter Schiff on Glenn Beck 11-6-09 with Judge Napolitano as guest host. Subscribe Conneticut for Peter Schiff in 2010! Author: LibertySource Duration: 6:58
Photos for video Peter Schiff on Glenn Beck with Judge Napalitano 11/6/09: PS2010
Boney M. - Bahama Mama 1979 Bahama, bahama mama Got the biggest house in town bahama mama Bahama, bahama mama But her troubles getting down bahama mama She has six daughters And not one of them is married yet And she's looking high and low And none of them plays ever hard to get So if you're lonesome go there go Bahama, bahama mama You should all be looking for bahama mama Bahama, bahama mama And I'm sure you will adore bahama mama Bahama, bahama mama Got the biggest house in town bahama mama Bahama, bahama mama But her troubles getting down bahama mama You'll meet her daughters They'll be treatin you to honeycake They'll be sweet and nice to you And maybe there is one you'd like to take Well then you'll know just what to do Bahama, bahama mama She is really in a fix bahama mama Bahama, bahama mama Got the biggest house in town bahama mama Bahama, bahama mama Got the biggest house in town bahama mama Bahama, bahama mama But her troubles getting down bahama mama Hey - hey - hey Author: fritz51357 Duration: 1:45
Overjoyed civil rights leaders say that Barack Obama has paved the way for future black politicians to be smeared as country club snobs. Author: TheOnion Duration: 2:22
Photos for video Portrayal Of Obama As Snob Hailed As Step Forward For Blacks