Editorial board member James Freeman on the GOP's passing a short-term extension of the debt ceiling. Photos: Getty Images Click here to subscribe to our channel: www.youtube.com Visit us on Facebook: www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com Visit the Wall Street Journal: www.wsj.com Author: WSJDigitalNetwork Duration: 4:54
Photos for video GOP Outplays Barack Obama - WSJ Opinion
We MUST hold this government accountable! Knowledge is Free! Share it! "I see the strongest and the smartest men who have ever lived... and these men are pumping gas and waiting tables." Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club, Chapter 19 ### PM2012Mirror: galatorg.com PM2012Site: projectmayhem2012.org (Down) Project Mayhem 2012 'Dangerous Ideas #1 and #2': pastebin.com Beta Candidates galatorg.com Project Mayhem 2012 Tyler: pastebin.com TYLER forum discussion: galatorg.com TYLER pad discussion: pad.telecomix.org pad.fnordig.de (Don't BEE afraid to start your OWN seKret TYLER) Project Mayhem 2012. Game OVer. ra2012.tumblr.com November: www.youtube.com Deeper: anoncentral.tumblr.com Open the Door: www.galatorg.com PM2012 Tumblr: pm2012.tumblr.com RA2012 Twitter: twitter.com RA2012 Facebook: www.facebook.com RA2012 Tumblr: ra2012.tumblr.com PM2012 Twitter: twitter.com twitter.com www.facebook.com #TYLER Beta Testing: Audit, test, and report issues here: galatorg.com #pm2012 #Nov5 #Anonymous Twitter: twitter.com | twitter.com Tumblr: ra2012.tumblr.com | pm2012.tumblr.com Author: LilKing420s Duration: 16:43
Photos for video -= Anonymous =- Obama: You are fooling NO ONE!
A stirring closing argument for Obama with music, featuring a cross-section of veterans, teachers, students, workers, business owners, and famous faces -- including from the original "Yes We Can" video by will.i.am. (Full list of who's who and what we do below.) This video is not produced by Obama for America, the Democratic Party, or any other official group. We're just a bunch of people who came together because we're really really psyched about getting people to vote. CAST (in order of appearance): BARACK OBAMA - President of the United States MELISSA FITZGERALD - "The West Wing"/"Chasing the Hill" SAM PAGE - "Mad Men"/"Yes We Can" by will.i.am BILL CLINTON - Married to Secretary of State ANTHONY AUER - Pastor (retired) DENNIS NICOMEDE - US Army CID/Power Plant Manager (retired) AGNES BARRIOS - Foster Youth Advocate MELVIN CALDWELL - Small Business Owner TONYA VIVIAN - Teacher CRYSTAL CANTU - Flight Attendant EDWARD TINNEY - Sales/Realtor ANDREW MCCLAIN - "Veronica Mars"/Founder of Fluther.com RHODA PELL - Salesperson/Customer Service (retired) JOE BIDEN - Vice President of the United States STEPHEN DUNWOODY - Iraq Veteran PABLO PRINCE - Trainer/Has Medical Coverage Because of Obamacare JAMES KYSON - "Heroes"/"Chasing the Hill" JUNIOR FUAHALA - Graduate Student LAURA NAPOLI - Producer/Writer/Actress JOE L. CEDILLO - Former Marine GREG MACHLIN - Writer/Teacher JOEL SILBERMAN - Writer/Producer/Former Child with a Preexisting Condition RODGER MILLS - Engineer/Salesperson <b>...</b> Author: YesWeDid YesWeWill Duration: 3:02
Photos for video Yes We Did + Yes We Will: Inspired by "Yes We Can" by will.i.am (Official Video)
www.talkingsticktv.org Talking Stick: A weekly one hour program that airs Wednesdays at 8:00 pm on SCAN (Seattle Community Access Network) 77/29 Seattle/ King County and www.scantv.org Original speech can be found at www.youtube.com Video: www.youtube.com Excerpt from a speech by Chris Hedges author of "War is a Force That Gives Us Meaning" given April 23, 2010 at the 8th Annual Western Regional International Health Conference "War & Global Health" held at the University of Washington in Seattle. Transcript of speech can be found at: www.informationclearinghouse.info Score: Ink Song: Remember Composer: Jamin Winans Author: MindCrimesInc Duration: 7:44
Photos for video War Is A Force That Gives Us Meaning
New TYT Network channels: www.youtube.com www.youtube.com New TYT Facebook Page(!): www.facebook.com Subscribe to the FREE Video Podcast on iTunes: bit.ly Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com www.theyoungturks.com DISCOUNTS: www.theyoungturks.com FREE Movies(!): www.netflix.com Note: The above two links are for TYT sponsors. Read Ana's blog and subscribe at: www.examiner.com TYT Network (new WTF?! channel): www.youtube.com Check Out TYT Interviews www.youtube.com Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 4:41
Photos for video 9/11 Quran Burning Cancelled by Pastor Terry Jones
"What are we doing in Afghanistan? This is absolutely insane ... 15 of the 19 hijackers, terrorists, killers, of 9/11 they were from Saudi Arabia. In fact there wasn't one Afghanistan citizen amongst them. We have been in this war for twice as long now as the US was in World War II, twice as long as world war II. We defeated Hitler and Tojo and Mussolini in half the time it's taken us to find Osama bin Laden ..." Michael Moore Author: mmflint Duration: 10:58
Photos for video Michael Moore Takes on Obama's Afghanistan Escalation on Larry King Live, December 2, 2009
Dr. Paul discusses US foreign policy in Afghanistan and growing unrest over Obama's expansion of the war and nation building efforts. Author: campaignforliberty Duration: 4:16
Photos for video The growing problem in Afghanistan
Author, journalist, film maker John Pilger speaks at Socialism 2009 www.socialistworker.org; wwwhaymarketbooks.org Filmed by Paul Hubbard at the Womens Building in San Francisco 7-4-09. Author: PHubb Duration: 32:28
Barack Obama has pledged to deploy 30 thousand extra troops to fight in Afghanistan and is expanding the US military's theatre of operation into Pakistan. Opinion polls show public support for this move which the US administration says is being done to end what it calls human rights violations in the north-west of Pakistan. When the Taliban recently flogged a young Pakistani woman in public for committing adultery, and the Afghan parliament introduced laws that severely restrict women's rights, there was a strong public indignation in many parts of the world. Marwan Bishara says the US should be cautious in its latest "moral crusade". Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 2:32
Photos for video Empire - Marwan's Postscript - Pakistan
www.jackmclamb.org www.infowars.com Alex talks with Arizona's most highly decorated lawman and radio talk show host, Jack McLamb. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:59
Photos for video Officer Jack McLamb on The Alex Jones Show:Corrupt Cops! 1/2
Manassas, Virginia, 11/3/08 Obama: Finally we get to Greenwood. We pull up -- first of all, you don't know you're in Greenwood right away when you get to Greenwood, there aren't a lot of tall buildings there. We pull up to a small building, a field house in the park. We go inside. And lo and behold, after an hour and a half drive, turns out there are twenty people there. Twenty people, and they all look kind of damp and kind of sleepy, like maybe they aren't really excited to be there either. But you know, I am a professional. Ive got to do what I got to do. [applause] So I go around, I'm shaking hands, I'm saying how ya doing, what are ya doing? [applause] Wait, wait. As I go around the room suddenly I hear this voice cry out behind me, "Fired Up!" And Im shocked. I jump up. I dont know what's going on. But everybody else acts like this is normal and they say, "fired up." Then I hear this voice say, "ready to go!" And the other twenty people in the room, they act like this happens all the time, they say ready to go. I don't know what's going on. So I look behind me, and there's this small woman, about sixty years old, a little over five feet. It looks like she just came from church, got a big church hat. [laughter] And she's standing there and she looks at me and shes smiling. And she says, "fired up!" Turns out she is a city councilwoman from Greenwood who also moonlights as a private detective -- I'm not making this up. [laughter] And it turns out she is famous for her <b>...</b> Author: DemRapidResponse Duration: 4:53