Editorial board member James Freeman on the GOP's passing a short-term extension of the debt ceiling. Photos: Getty Images Click here to subscribe to our channel: www.youtube.com Visit us on Facebook: www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com Visit the Wall Street Journal: www.wsj.com Author: WSJDigitalNetwork Duration: 4:54
Photos for video GOP Outplays Barack Obama - WSJ Opinion
This girl can really rock! Captivating gamers and YouTube fanatics alike, Lindsey Stirling takes us through her journey from struggling artist to youtube sensation! Lindsey combines classical violin with dance and dub step. Watch her incredible story to see how she became the hit she is today with millions of video views and a huge base of loyal fans. TO WIN CONCERT TICKETS AND A MEET & GREET WITH LINDSEY STIRLING follow the rules below! SUBSCRIBE to our channel, COMMENT on the video with the city you live in and your favorite Lindsey Stirling song! The concert will be in Los Angeles, CA (The Roxy Theatre, 9009 West Sunset Boulevard, West Hollywood) Showtime is at 7:00 PM on November 26th 2012! Transportation will NOT be included. All ages venue. Winner will be announced Monday 10/29! Subscribe to The Stylish: Website: thestylish.com Facebook facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com Google+: bit.ly Pinterest: pinterest.com Tumblr: the-stylish.tumblr.com Lindsey Stirling http (Official YouTube Channel) lindseystirlingviolin.com (Official Website) http (Official Stirlingite) Apart we're fashionable. Together we're The Stylish. Join the best dressed social network. The Stylish is a premiere YouTube channel owned by Magical Elves, the producers behind Project Runway and Top Chef. It is the leading online source for fashion, beauty and personal style videos and is affiliated with InStyle Magazine. Author: thestylishvids Duration: 5:23
LIVE, UNSCRIPTED, AND UNCENSORED! To Be Debated! (TBD) is PoliPop's newest show, bringing together the diverse voices of our network. Stay tuned for weekly hangouts and debates! Subscribe to PoliPop for updates, and watch the livestream Thursdays at 6:30pm PST! Check here for the live link:... Author: POLIPOP Duration: 74:19
Photos for video TBD! #4 HowTheWorldWorks VS. TheAmazingAtheist!
Warning Graphic Footage! This is HOW USA is spreading our wonderful peace and democracy... Is this what Obama and NATO have planned for us? Notice the foreign Arab News Guy.. "Those who KILL their own people have lost all credibility.." He is talking about 911.. Makes me sick.. Imagine how you would feel having jets bomb you like this! THEY ARE NOT A THREAT TO US!!! WAKE UP... These people are human too! They live die love work take care of their children... TOO!!! The War Mongers have taken over our GOV!!! Mirrored from LedaOhio5 Author: helias314 Duration: 11:08
If you like this video, please SHARE and SUBSCRIBE! Thanks :) Like on Facebook for updates! facebook.com Or if you're a tweeter: twitter.com Barack Obama was born this way. SWAG SHIRT | Only 200 available! bit.ly MORE SHIRTS: baracksdubs.spreadshirt.com http | twitter.com Please subscribe! I'll be making more videos throughout the year. If you like this video, please 'like' and favorite so I can make more! Thanks! Video content from whitehouse.gov public domain. Audio content is an instrumental of Born This Way by Lady Gaga. -- president barack obama born this way dub parody singing autotune Lady Gaga "Lady Gaga" "Born This Way" "barack obama" Author: baracksdubs Duration: 1:50
Photos for video Barack Obama Singing Born This Way by Lady Gaga
AT LAST! Here is our second song! After "I am Bin Ladin" comes "Osama Will Be Back"!!! Enjoy, comment and share it! ~ This song and video is created by me, JuveArash, and two of my friends. If you find it anywhere else, please let us know. If anyone publishes this on his/her Youtube account without permission, it is against the copyright law and it will be reported. The background music is not made by us, it is an instrumental version of "Give me everything", therefore no rights of the background music belong to us. But the song itself, the voice, and the singing is made by us and belongs to us. Author: JuveArash Duration: 4:18
Photos for video Osama Will Be Back - AMN (OFFICIAL VIDEO)
On this Sunday Edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talk about World War 3, now in implementation stage as Obama ignores the Constitution and Congress in Libya and the US steams warships toward the coast of Syria on the Mediterranean. See Alex's video, Obama Launching World War III. Alex also covers Google-owned You Tube's removal of Eric Schmidt at the 2011 Bilderberg Group conference. You Tube removed the "honors" associated with the Alex Jones Channel and prevented the clip from going viral. Alex covers the latest news and takes your calls. www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv www.infowars.net www.prisonplanet.com Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 8:06
Photos for video Hardcore Tyranny is Coming, Evil Has Been Unleashed! - Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 3/3
Rem, It's The End Of The World As We Know It (and I feel fine) LYRICS- That's great, it starts with an earthquake, Birds and snakes, an aeroplane Lenny Bruce is not afraid Eye of a hurricane, listen to yourself churn World serves its own needs, Dummy serve your own needs Feed it off an aux... Author: FARTERSPARTERS Duration: 4:04
Photos for video Rem, It's The End Of The World As We Know It (and I feel fine) With Lyrics
Филипп Киркоров, Владимир Жириновский, Тина Канделаки, Татьяна Тарасова, Ксения Собчак, Анастасия Волочкова, Андрей Аршавин, Александр Овечкин, Евгений Плющенко, Николай Басков, Лолита Милявская, Алла Пугачева, Максим Галкин, Сергей Лавров, Барак Обама, Хилари Клинтон, Николя Саркози, Сильвио Берлускони Author: MultLi4nocti Duration: 8:38
Photos for video Мульт Личности "Избранное" 1 часть
WEB NEWS - In this edition, web users question Barack Obama's strategy in Afghanistan. Others raise doubt about the global warming. Author: france24english Duration: 5:01
Photos for video Obama's strategy in Afghanistan doesn't convince Web users
www.house.state.tx.us prisonplanet.tv Alex also talks with Rep. Leo Berman of Texas who authored House Concurrent Resolution No. 50 declaring Texan sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:55
Photos for video Tx-Rep. Leo Berman on Alex Jones Tv:1/2"The Tenth Amendment!!"
video.google.com This is George Carlin, comedian, speaking an awful lot of truth. America is run by large corporate interests and they seek to keep the population stupid and inept so they can do as they please without opposition. It is not as much about money, as it is about power. comedy bill hicks totalitarian goverment congress cheney hillary clinton barack obama john mccain army school kids alex jones truth movement truther cfr council foreign relations bohemian bilderberg skull bones ron paul united states america nwo new world order illuminati bush education conspiracy 9/11 iraq 911 war owner Author: HomeReality Duration: 4:41
Photos for video AMERICA IS TYRANNY - George Carlin