"President Barack Obama will accept unlimited corporate donations for his Inauguration in January, reversing his position from his first Inauguration, according to two sources close to the planning. There are no legal limits for inauguration donations, but four years ago, the president capped all contributions at $50000 and barred companies from kicking in any money. Obama had also banned corporate money from the 2012 Democratic National Convention."* President Obama promised to be a reformer, someone who wouldn't play into crony capitalism and who would bring hope. Well, for his second term inauguration, Obama will be taking uncapped corporate cash. Cenk Uygur tells us who the president may owe very soon in the future. *Read more from Donovan Slack/ Politico: www.politico.com Support The Young Turks by Subscribing bit.ly Support The Young Turks by Shopping bit.ly Like Us on Facebook: www.fb.com Follow Us on Twitter: bit.ly Buy TYT Merch: theyoungturks.spreadshirt.com Find out how to watch The Young Turks on Current by clicking here: www.current.com Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 4:34
A stirring closing argument for Obama with music, featuring a cross-section of veterans, teachers, students, workers, business owners, and famous faces -- including from the original "Yes We Can" video by will.i.am. (Full list of who's who and what we do below.) This video is not produced by Obama for America, the Democratic Party, or any other official group. We're just a bunch of people who came together because we're really really psyched about getting people to vote. CAST (in order of appearance): BARACK OBAMA - President of the United States MELISSA FITZGERALD - "The West Wing"/"Chasing the Hill" SAM PAGE - "Mad Men"/"Yes We Can" by will.i.am BILL CLINTON - Married to Secretary of State ANTHONY AUER - Pastor (retired) DENNIS NICOMEDE - US Army CID/Power Plant Manager (retired) AGNES BARRIOS - Foster Youth Advocate MELVIN CALDWELL - Small Business Owner TONYA VIVIAN - Teacher CRYSTAL CANTU - Flight Attendant EDWARD TINNEY - Sales/Realtor ANDREW MCCLAIN - "Veronica Mars"/Founder of Fluther.com RHODA PELL - Salesperson/Customer Service (retired) JOE BIDEN - Vice President of the United States STEPHEN DUNWOODY - Iraq Veteran PABLO PRINCE - Trainer/Has Medical Coverage Because of Obamacare JAMES KYSON - "Heroes"/"Chasing the Hill" JUNIOR FUAHALA - Graduate Student LAURA NAPOLI - Producer/Writer/Actress JOE L. CEDILLO - Former Marine GREG MACHLIN - Writer/Teacher JOEL SILBERMAN - Writer/Producer/Former Child with a Preexisting Condition RODGER MILLS - Engineer/Salesperson <b>...</b> Author: YesWeDid YesWeWill Duration: 3:02
Photos for video Yes We Did + Yes We Will: Inspired by "Yes We Can" by will.i.am (Official Video)
The Broken Window Fallacy Explained. The Peter Schiff Show (10/29/2012) Live and Free Weekdays 10am to noon ET on www.SchiffRadio.com Buy my new book The Real Crash www.tinyurl.com www.Facebook.com www.Twitter.com Author: SchiffReport Duration: 6:39
Photos for video Yes, Sandy, Broken Windows Do Hamper Economic Growth
Senior Correspondents Judy Woodruff and Gwen Ifill join Mark Shields and David Brooks for a post-debate analysis of the second presidential debate between President Barack Obama and former governor Mitt Romney. Jeffrey Brown gets further analysis from Politicial Editor Christina Bellantoni and historian Michael Beschloss, followed by on-the-scene reporting from Politico's Jonathan Martin and NPR's Ari Shapiro. Author: PBSNewsHour Duration: 15:44
Photos for video Watch Post-Debate Analysis of Presidential Town Hall at Hofstra University
Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com The revised video is here: www.youtube.com It contains 3 more minutes of relevant content and a MUCH improved ending. Thanks for watching While thinking about the state of our country and the scarcity of the patriots therein, I was moved to make a short video on my Constitutional thoughts regarding 3 men who are hailed in the Republican ranks as "champions" of the Republic. (former Sheriff) Richard Mack, (Senator) Rand Paul and (vice presidential nominee) Paul Ryan. So I got out my trusty iPhone and just began to record the thoughts that went through my head as I drove, walked and trudged through life's mundane obstacle course. My "short" video turned into a longer version, but I really tried to include relevant information without any fluff. There are humorous parts, but my hope is that, instead of detracting from the main issues, they will aid in uncovering the ENORMOUS lie the media and our "benevolent" government is attempting to make us swallow -- that is, that we actually have different choices in the two-party political arena. I don't post this video for gain of popularity - it is posted because I think that it is RIGHT to shine a bright spotlight of TRUTH on those who claim to uphold the staff of light and lead the way, while they are covered in darkness and lead astray; and to tell as many as will listen, that we, the people of this patriot-purchased piece of terra firma - we call America <b>...</b> Author: OneTruth4Life Duration: 11:52
Photos for video Political Illusion Exposes Rand Paul Paul Ryan Richard Mack bad politics
21 апреля в городе Ульяновске состоялся митинг КПРФ против размещения в этом городе военной базы НАТО. На митинге выступил председатель ЦК КПРФ Г.А. Зюганов. Author: CommunistPartyRF Duration: 6:44
Photos for video Митинг в Ульяновске: Нет базам НАТО в России!
The passage of the authoritarian military dictatorship bill, the NDAA, by the House of Representatives on Wednesday. He talks about Obama's theatrical about-face after he promised to veto the legislation and implications the bill presents for an all-out war against enemies of the state by the Pentagon on the internet. www.prisonplanet.tv Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 12:39
Photos for video Obama's Power Grab Within NDAA Bill & More: Infowars Nightly News
In this LIVE presentation, Dr. Michael Salla demonstrates why President Obama and former Clinton era officials are behind a renewed effort to disclose UFO files. Dr. Salla will also reveal how and why they are receiving support from an unlikely source -- the US Navy. On January 21, the first full day after his inauguration, President Obama issued two Presidential Memoranda and an Executive Order outlining his approach to promoting the principles of Open Government and Transparency. At a Press Conference he said that his administration "is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in Government." President Obama has made it very clear that Open Government and Transparency will be signature issues of his administration. In choosing these signature issues, President Obama was greatly influenced by the co-Chair of his transition team, and former Clinton Chief of Staff, John Podesta. Podesta led Clinton administration efforts to promote Open Government by declassifying many millions of national security files that were unnecessarily kept secret. Podesta was especially in favor of declassifying national security files dealing with UFOs. In this presentation Dr. Michael Salla will show why former Clinton era officials are behind a renewed effort to disclose UFO files. Dr. Salla will also reveal how and why they are receiving support from an unlikely source -- the US Navy. The X-Conference is pleased to welcome Dr. Michael Salla. The X-Conference is produced by X <b>...</b> Author: UFOTVstudios Duration: 58:54
Photos for video President Obama and UFO/ET Disclosure Dr. Michael Salla LIVE
endtimes.freehostia.com Top Secret Obama 2012 alien concentration camps for USA Americans exposed! MUST SEE!!! Top Secret Obama 2012 alien concentration camps for USA Americans exposed nwo new world order antichrist 666 rapture doomsday end time creature exorcism giant bush president earth evolution truth proof Author: Paranormalmysteries Duration: 8:08
Photos for video Secret Obama 2012 alien concentration camps for USA Americans exposed! MUST SEE!!!
Obama's pick for Chief Of The Department Of Homeland Security says that if you are against Abortion, If you didn't vote for Obama or if you are a War Vet or if you practice your Freedom Of Speech, you are NOW being watched by "Big Sister" ! You just might be a Terrorist! Author: RenalJim Duration: 4:15
Photos for video Janet Napolitano Head Of DHS says "We Are All Terrorists".
The New York Times has exposed a secret Pentagon campaign to infiltrate the media with pro-war propaganda. The scheme reaches all the way to the Bush White House, where top officials recruited dozens of "military analysts" to spread favorable views of the war via the news. Many of these propaganda pundits didn't reveal that they were working from Pentagon scripts or lobbying for companies seeking to cash in on major military contracts. Matt Thompson of Free Press.net, a group that advocates for media reform reports this is a violation of every conceivable standard of journalism — and possibly of federal law. Author: Veracifier Duration: 4:13
Photos for video CAUGHT: Pentagon-scripted TV News Interviews