"Diane Sawyer's election night performance left some viewers asking if she had begun celebrating the election a bit early. Co-anchoring ABC News' coverage on Tuesday, the veteran journalist struck a different manner from her practiced, straight-news-delivering style. Sawyer spoke more slowly than usual while seeming to prop herself on outstretched arms at the anchor desk she shared with George Stephanopoulos. "OK, I wanna — can we have our music, because this is another big one here? Minnesota, we're ready to project Minnesota, rrright now. ... Well, tonight we know that President Barack has won Minnesota," she said around 10 pm EST, stumbling over President Barack Obama's name."* Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian break down the video- was Sawyer drunk? Was she "tired?" News people and Twitter users respond. *Read more from Frazier Moore/ Associated Press: www.google.com Support The Young Turks by Subscribing bit.ly Support The Young Turks by Shopping bit.ly Like Us on Facebook: www.fb.com Follow Us on Twitter: bit.ly Buy TYT Merch: theyoungturks.spreadshirt.com Find out how to watch The Young Turks on Current by clicking here: www.current.com Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 2:56
Time is running out people. To many Americans believe that what they see happening all around the world could never happen hear but they are wrong its already started. Our government and our country has already bean taking over. We need to be prepared most people will not even recognize there own country soon. Wake up! Many Americans are waking up and standing up for our freedom and our country. The most important thing you can do is be spiritually ready, not for whats coming to America but for the return of Jesus, He is coming soon right around the corner. Also we do not know what we will have to go through before His return. a revolutionary war? a complete loss of freedom, including being able to worship our God? Complete tyranny and FEMA camps? When the first revolutionary army formed in America it was only supported by 3% of the population. The media is nothing more the a NWO propaganda machine they do not report facts, they tell you what to believe! brainwash you into arguing stupid right left policies that mean NOTHING. Links: modernmilitiamovement.com http Author: veiledInChrist Duration: 10:00
Carl Reddix, an OB-GYN based in Jackson, Mississippi, has been blocked from serving on the state's board of health despite his obvious qualifications. Why? Though the doctor does not perform abortions, he has a remote tie to a women's health clinic that does, and that's enough for the Lieutenant Governor to declare him unqualified. Dr. Reddix joins Rachel Maddow to talk about the situation. From the May 2nd, 2012 edition of The Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC. Author: Panzerfaust04 Duration: 19:04
Photos for video Mississippi puts radical politics ahead of women's health - The Rachel Maddow Show (May 2nd, 2012)
The West should accept Iran as a legitimate 'regional superpower' and drop 'yesterdays' rehashed policies of sanctions and military force, a British MP told RT. Talking to RT, John Baron, the only UK Conservative MP to vote against military action in Libya, called the potential use of force against Iran "illogical and naive." He further characterized the Western use of sanctions as "yesterday's failed policies." RT on Twitter twitter.com RT on Facebook www.facebook.com Author: RussiaToday Duration: 11:46
Photos for video 'Attack on Iran will force it to pursue nukes' - British MP
Angelia Jolie openly works for the UN and CFR pushing globalist wars under the cover of humanitarian intervention. Drunk on the blood of Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan and scores of other nations Jolie is now pushing military invasion to "help" Africa. She and her masters know full well that they are carrying out destabilization operations in the 3rd world so population can be reduced and resources stolen. We need to call a spade a spade, this is part of a new branding rollout to launch a AFRICOM take over of Africa. This constitutes a crime against humanity and Jolie is a party to it and needs to be arrested along with other globalist that are using left cover to widen globalist empire. The problem is you can't go to the UN because it is at the center of the corporate global government takeover, the people are asleep and wars are being launched against innocents in the name of a bleeding heat liberal agenda. THEY COME IN PEACE! www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv twitter.com www.facebook.com [Evidence] - USAID/OTI Uganda Quarterly Report] www.usaid.gov [Relationship with the CIA] en.wikipedia.org [CIA uses USAID as cover] www.ipresscenter.com [Instrument of CIA] infolanka.asia [Military Bars "Pro-democracy" Employees From Leaving Egypt] www.infowars.com [supporters have been scrubbed from the internet] invisible.tumblr.com [Globalist Warlord Obama Moves to Expand Africom Reach] www.infowars.com [LRA Disarmament and Northern Uganda Recovery Act of 2009] www.theresolve <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 5:55
Photos for video Arrest Angelina Jolie For War Crimes: Kony 2012
President Barack Obama was not asked a question about marijuana legalization at his YouTube Q & A ('Your Interview With the President') despise the fact that it was voted most popular. According to Raw Story, "Another marijuana legalization question, submitted by NORML, was flagged as "inappropriate" and removed from YouTube...".* Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur break it down on The Young Turks. *www.rawstory.com Subscribe to The Young Turks: bit.ly Find out how to watch The Young Turks on Current by clicking here: www.current.com The Largest Online New Show in the World. Google+: www.gplus.to Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 5:27
Photos for video Obama Marijuana Legalization ?'s Ignored at YouTube Q & A
NDAA - National Defense Authorization Act 2012 Indefinite Detention of American Citizens without a trial Senate Passes S.1867 Bill 93-7 - - - - - - - - - - John McCain Rand Paul Ron Paul, today Alex Jones, Fox abc cnn news nbc msnbc bbc fox senate passed indefinitely congress president obama war on terrorism americans targeted as terrorists under NDAA passed by the senate passes bill treason nwo Cops brutality police state military Arrest people in america S 1867 fema camps activated overview citizens detained without due process no posse comitatus habeas corpus not charged with a crime Martial Law illuminati us freedom constitution unconstitutional Guantanamo Bay occupy wallstreet scam fraud protests repulican race polls statistics Author: Fazioenterprise Duration: 5:19
Photos for video INDEFINITE DETENTION OF AMERICANS - New NDAA Bill Passed by Obama
Taylor Swift Live in Manila, Philippines February 19, 2011 at the Araneta Coliseum Presented by Ovation Productions Author: kennethtristan Duration: 6:59
Alex also talks with researcher and author Webster Tarpley. Alex also covers the latest news following the holiday and takes www.tarpley.net www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:59
Photos for video Webster Tarpley Details TIm Geithner's "America is Finished" Comment to China on Alex Jones Tv 1/3
CLEANTV.com CleanTV® is your safe haven for educational and entertaining television programs. www.netsoftwaretools.com This video will SETTLE the issue. Remember when he and his campaign DENIED his Muslim connection? Remember when using his middle name was forbidden in the campaign for fear that it might emphasize his Muslim roots? This film tells a different story. Hear Obama proclaim his Muslim heritage, faith, knowledge of the Koran - his love for Islam - his quoting of the Koran. Hear him proclaim that the USA is NOT a Christian nation. Hear him and see him as he extols the wonderful virtues of the Muslim faith and the Muslim impact upon the "beautiful" things of the world. (Something he has NEVER done concerning the USA or the Christian faith.) Watch it till the end for a rather dramatic and shocking conclusion. NOTE TO OBAMAMANIACS - Yes - I KNOW he was often speaking to Muslim countries and was just "being polite." I UNDERSTAND that - that is the POINT of the film. He said ONE THING to the USA when he was running and now says ANOTHER thing to the Muslim world. But, wait, what does he say? 1. He has strong Muslim heritage and ties 2. The Koran is a "beautiful" book 3. Islam is a "beautiful" religion 4. Islam has made many "wonderful" contributions to society 5. We are NOT at war with Islam. 6. America is NOT a Christian nation. ALL of these things he either DENIED or played down during his campaign. This film simply proves BHO to be a LIAR. It is plain and simple. Author: ppsimmons Duration: 6:44
Obama's pick for Chief Of The Department Of Homeland Security says that if you are against Abortion, If you didn't vote for Obama or if you are a War Vet or if you practice your Freedom Of Speech, you are NOW being watched by "Big Sister" ! You just might be a Terrorist! Author: RenalJim Duration: 4:15
Photos for video Janet Napolitano Head Of DHS says "We Are All Terrorists".