Our polling experts weigh in on the terrifyingly infinite number of possible election outcomes. Subscribe to The Onion on YouTube: bit.ly Like The Onion on Facebook: www.fb.com Follow The Onion on Twitter: www.twitter.com Author: TheOnion Duration: 1:49
Photos for video Romney Wins, Obama Reelected, Supernova Destroys Earth All Possibilities In A Random Universe
Angelia Jolie openly works for the UN and CFR pushing globalist wars under the cover of humanitarian intervention. Drunk on the blood of Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan and scores of other nations Jolie is now pushing military invasion to "help" Africa. She and her masters know full well that they are carrying out destabilization operations in the 3rd world so population can be reduced and resources stolen. We need to call a spade a spade, this is part of a new branding rollout to launch a AFRICOM take over of Africa. This constitutes a crime against humanity and Jolie is a party to it and needs to be arrested along with other globalist that are using left cover to widen globalist empire. The problem is you can't go to the UN because it is at the center of the corporate global government takeover, the people are asleep and wars are being launched against innocents in the name of a bleeding heat liberal agenda. THEY COME IN PEACE! www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv twitter.com www.facebook.com [Evidence] - USAID/OTI Uganda Quarterly Report] www.usaid.gov [Relationship with the CIA] en.wikipedia.org [CIA uses USAID as cover] www.ipresscenter.com [Instrument of CIA] infolanka.asia [Military Bars "Pro-democracy" Employees From Leaving Egypt] www.infowars.com [supporters have been scrubbed from the internet] invisible.tumblr.com [Globalist Warlord Obama Moves to Expand Africom Reach] www.infowars.com [LRA Disarmament and Northern Uganda Recovery Act of 2009] www.theresolve <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 5:55
Photos for video Arrest Angelina Jolie For War Crimes: Kony 2012
Rick Perry is Strong. Honestly Rick Perry is an ass so not really strong. in 2012 Rick Perry is an ass regardless so not strong in my opinion. In other words, Rick Perry mad an ass out of himself so I can't see anyone supporting him in 2012 against Barack Obama Thanks so much for watching my video! I really appreciate it! My Twitter, follow me if you'd like to contact me twitter.com Link to the video I was referring to: www.youtube.com Keywords: Strong strong faith iowa rick perry rick perry president perry president obama war on religion Obama religion caucus iowa grp12 RICK PERRY - 385k+ Dislikes On YouTube Rick Perry is an Ass (Strong) Rick Perry Donkey Buttocks Asinus Bill butt satire comedy Parody strong ashamed admit christian catholic jesus Funny Humour Spoof Sketch Humor politics Commercial faith iowa rick perry rick perry president perry president obama war on religion Obama religion gay Author: JustTurnOnTheCamera Duration: 3:54
KOC fans, don't freak out. There's an overseas contingency operation going on and it's all overseas, right? Klavan on the Culture's second installment of his voter guide looks at the realities of the worldwide war being waged against civilization. Author: Pajamasmedia Duration: 4:10
Photos for video WAR! Klavan on the Culture's Guide to the Elections, Part 2
Alex talks with David MacMichael, a former CIA analyst who also served as an analyst for the National Intelligence Council from 1981-1983. MacMichael resigned from the CIA in July 1983 because he felt the Agency was misrepresenting intelligence for political reasons. He is a member of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, founding member of Association of National Security Alumni and the Association for Responsible Dissent, and an outspoken critic of the Iraq War. Mr. MacMichael talks with Alex about the impending attack on Iran. www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 14:54
Photos for video Former CIA Analyst David MacMichael: 8 Days Till Armageddon? - The Alex Jones Show 1/3
On Tuesday's Riz Khan we look at the de-humanisation of war as robot combat gathers momentum, and we explore the legal implications of the latest advances in military technology. Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 22:29
Photos for video Riz Khan - Fighting wars by remote control
blog.joerogan.net prisonplanet.tv comedian, actor and longtime color commentator for the Ultimate Fighting Championship, Joe Rogan. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:59
Photos for video Joe Rogan in"Studio" on Alex Jones Tv 4/5