Lady Gaga - Born This Way live White House for Barack Obama Download mp3: - no Copy Follow-me: SUBSCRIBE on my channel and see my latest videos: (Lady Gaga live on Skype PART 1): (Lady Gaga live on Skyper PART 2): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author: Gabriel Siqueira Duration: 4:06
Photos for video Lady Gaga - Born This Way live White House for Barack Obama
Joe Rogan, David Seaman, Abby Martin & Dell Cameron discuss the psychotic behavior of American leaders: From their reckless use of Predator drones to their proposed false flag attacks to justify starting wars. JRE Episode #276 recorded live at Deathsquad Studios on October 16, 2012. Joe Rogan (@joerogan) David Seaman (@d_seaman) http Abby Martin (@abbymartin) Dell Cameron (@dellcam) http redban (@redban) Featured Music Thievery Corporation - Lebanese Blonde (Instrumental) Ratatat - Mi Viejo Ratatat - Flynn Thievery Corporation/Anoushka Shankar - Beloved Rage Against The Machine - Renegades of Funk I do not claim ownership of any video footage, images, music, or audio in this film. Author: FuckTVChannel Duration: 10:01
Photos for video DRONES: The United Sociopaths of America (The Joe Rogan Experience)
How long were the lines to vote where you live? We traveled to Cleveland with Andy Cobb, interview the Rev. Jesse Jackson, and found lines that wrapped around the block. But most of all, we learned that suppressed voters are the most fun! Host/Director: Andy Cobb Written by: (former Ohioan) Andy Cobb and Mike Damanskis Producer and Camera: Mike Damanskis Dancing Guy With Dollar Sign Chains: Vision Von (as D'Coodie Bop) (c)2012 TheSecond City Inc. Andy Cobb The Second City Network is quickly becoming one of the hottest channels on YouTube. Our work has been featured on Tosh.0 on Comedy Central, G4's Attack of the Show, Inside Edition, NPR, MSNBC, CNN and more! Many of today's biggest names got their start at The Second City main stages -including Tina Fey of 30 Rock, Stephen Colbert of the Colbert Report, and Steve Carell of The Office. Do you want to be a better comedy writer, actor, and improviser? Then sign up to take a class at one of our training centers! Chicago: Hollywood: Toronto: Study comedy for college credit at Second City: Watch videos created by our current students: Category: Comedy License: Standard YouTube License Author: TheSecondCityNetwork Duration: 4:54
RT presents its new show 'The Truthseeker'. Seek truth from facts! In this edition we investigate corruption at the top. We expose the Big Business memo making this US election "one of the most corrupt EVER", look at how to rewrite the Constitution, and America's Enemy #1 could be sponsoring Barack Obama. Seek Truth From Facts with Our Undemocratic Constitution author Prof. Sanford Levinson, former US election Regulator Michael Toner, investigative journalist Anthony Gucciardi, author of The Presidency and Political Trust Prof. Marc Hetherington and America's most notorious lobbyist Jack Abramoff. MORE EPISODES RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark. Author: RussiaToday Duration: 10:35
Photos for video The Truthseeker: Bribing Mr. Pre$ident (E1)
Alex Jones presents a special transmission on the rapidly accelerating build-up to war in the Middle East and its political and social ramifications. He also covers the government of Switzerland preparing for mass civil unrest and critical aspects of the economy dominating world news and portending a historically monumental global crisis. ___________________________________________ http http Author: Mohammed Amin Duration: 50:21
Photos for video Alex Jones - World War III: A Special Transmission
The Mexican drug cartels are at war... with Mormons. In Part 3, cartel boss "El Rikin" executes his revenge against a local Mormon community leader. Watch the rest here: Hosted by VICE Founder Shane Smith Follow Shane on Twitter: Watch more VICE documentaries here: Subscribe to VICE for the best videos online: Check out our full video catalog: Videos, daily editorial and more: Like VICE on Facebook Follow VICE on Twitter: Read our tumblr: Author: vice Duration: 5:23
Photos for video Cartel Boss Retaliates with Murder (Drug Cartels vs. Mormons Part 3/7)
Президент России дал телеканалу RT эксклюзивное интервью. Владимир Путин ответил на вопросы ведущего RT Кевина Оуэна о саммите АТЭС во Владивостоке и других наиболее актуальных событиях в России и за рубежом. Подписывайтесь на RT Russian - RT на русском - Vkontakte - http Facebook - Twitter - Livejournal - Author: rtrussian Duration: 53:13
Photos for video Эксклюзивное интервью Владимира Путина каналу RT
Slavery is once more legal in the United States thanks to language buried deep inside Executive Order 13603, which Barack Obama signed into law on March 16th 2012. According to this Executive Order the President, or those he designates, can conscript "persons of outstanding experience and ability without compensation," in "peacetime and times of national emergency." In a nutshell, that means that Barack Obama, and those he designates, can seize any resource, property, or person at any time for any reason, forcing that person with labor without being paid. There is only ONE definition for forced, "uncompensated employment." That word is slavery. This episode also includes an appeal to Federal, State, County, and Local law enforcement officers to uphold the oath they took to "Protect and Defend the Constitution of the United States," by defending the citizens they have sworn to protect, even when the aggressor is a Federal Government that has devolved into nothing more than a Tyranny where one man (or those he designates) can order the enslavement of its citizens, their detention in labor and re-education camps - even their deaths - simply by signing a piece of paper. Executive Order 13603: Internment and Resettlement Field Manual: Author: Bobby Powell Duration: 16:41
Photos for video Obama Institutes Slavery In US: A Plea To Law Enforcement (Part 2 of 2)
This episode takes us to the very heart of America's War on Terror: Guantanamo Bay. Julian sits down with a former Gitmo prisoner and a rights campaigner, both fighting for those still trapped behind the wire. Ten years ago the war on terror prompted the opening of the facility. Now, more than three years after President Obama ordered its closure, the Guantanamo Bay detention camp remains with us. Moazzam Begg is a former inmate. During his imprisonment, he signed a forced confession, admitting he "was armed and prepared to fight alongside the Taliban and Al Qaeda against the US,", but only after being hog-tied and beaten, as he listened "to the sound of a woman screaming next door I'm told or am led to believe is my wife". Asim Qureshi operates a human rights organization with the sole aim of raising awareness of the plight of prisoners remaining in Guantanamo Bay. Together, both men discuss the plight of Muslims in the post 9/11 world, the thin line between terror and self-defense, and Begg's belief that Obama has ushered in an era where "extra-judicial killing" has replaced "extra-judicial detention." Author: AssangeWorldTomorrow Duration: 28:14
Photos for video The World Tomorrow: Moazzam Begg and Asim Qureshi
by coffeefication video from 2009 NDAA was planned along time ago ! Petition Arrest Rogue US Senators that support National Defense Authorization Act S1867 Rohbss New Channel. 1st channel Terminated because Truth #1 threat to Elites Security. Your life is in Jeopardy !... Author: Rohbss2 Duration: 7:42
Elite at Bilderberg Confab: War is Solution for Over-population Kurt Nimmo June 10, 2011 Jim Tucker's anonymous steering level Bilderberg inside source told him war in the Middle East is at the top of the elite's agenda. Speaking with Alex Jones today, the long time Bilderberg sleuth said the elite believe the world is over-populated and war represents a partial solution. "They are unified on their war project," said Tucker, citing his Trilateralist-Bilderberg source, "their rationalization the world is too crowded anyway, they have to limit the population growth, the one way to do it is with our wars. They have been emphasizing that all day." The elite are outraged at the presence of activists outside the gates of the exclusive resort where they are cloistered in St. Moritz, Switzerland, Tucker said. Following a call by Alex Jones to protest the globalists, activists are beginning to arrive in the village for a demonstration to be held tomorrow, Saturday, June 11 Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 8:35
Photos for video Bilderberg Sleuth Jim Tucker: Globalist Feel War is Solution for Over-population Alex Jones covers some recent aspects of diplomatic immunity, as extended to Interpol and other foreign agencies, by way of President Obama's Executive Order 12425. They, along with foreign troops & assets have been increasingly used throughout the United States to for 'Homeland' control over the populace. Check these links for more info: Obama Extends Diplomatic Immunity to Interpol by Executive Order Why Does Interpol Need Immunity from American Law? FEMA: National Level Exercise 2009 (NLE 09) IDF, US National Guard to share defense ideas Army Dispatched in Response to End the Fed Protests The Pentagon Wants Authority to Post Almost 400000 Military Personnel in US Secret State Police Report: Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin, Libertarians are Terrorists The Modern Militia Movement-Missouri MIAC Strategic Report 20Feb09 Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 6:31
Photos for video Obama grants Interpol immunity as foreign 'assets' assigned to US homeland