Why has the Department of Homeland Security recently ordered a total of 1.2 billion bullets, the majority of which are hollow points and buckshot? What are they preparing for? Civil war? Economic Collapse? A combination of the two? These kinds of bullets are not used for target practice. ---------- Visit our website: StormCloudsGathering.com Follow us on Facebook facebook.com Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com Get weekly email updates: tinyurl.com If you support our work please consider making a donation: StormCloudsGathering.com ---------- Sources: 450 million rounds purchased by DHS earlier this year: www.upi.com Purchase order for additional 750 million rounds of ammunition www.fbo.gov Backup link to download the purchase order from my site: nindra.net Obama promises gun control action early next year www.reuters.com Top economist say US economy is in a death spiral that may end civilization as we know it: moneymorning.com DHS to use drones over US territory: rt.com NDAA 2013 passes with indefinite detention still intact rt.com QE3 has already Failed: www.forbes.com QE4: www.forbes.com Toxic assets still on the books: online.wsj.com The size of the derivatives bubble: www.siliconvalleywatcher.com Operation Fast and Furious: www.cbsnews.com news.investors.com www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/19/fast-and-furious-report_n_1897688.html www.cbsnews.com Obama used executive privilege to protect Eric Holder: news.yahoo.com Author: StormCloudsGathering Duration: 4:56
Photos for video DHS Preparing for Civil War? Economic Collapse? Both?
Alex Jones presents a special transmission on the rapidly accelerating build-up to war in the Middle East and its political and social ramifications. He also covers the government of Switzerland preparing for mass civil unrest and critical aspects of the economy dominating world news and portending a historically monumental global crisis. ___________________________________________ www.infowars.com http www.infowars.net http www.youtube.com twitter.com www.facebook.com Author: Mohammed Amin Duration: 50:21
Photos for video Alex Jones - World War III: A Special Transmission
vk.com Помогите разбить информационную блокаду! Распространите это видео как можно шире! Благодарим за поддержку Социальную сеть vopros.ua Спроси создателя http Для... Author: MrEsuper Duration: 8:50
Photos for video Мировой передел. Обзор за неделю. Выпуск 37
The Peter Schiff Show (6/27/2012) Weekdays LIVE and FREE on www.SchiffRadio.com Follow me on Twitter @SchiffRadio Friend me on http Buy my new book at www.tinyurl.com Author: SchiffReport Duration: 5:51
Photos for video Advertising Fraud? Government Says Food Stamps Assure Heath, Beauty & Happiness
Скандал на всероссийском съезде офицеров! Выступление патриота националиста... Рубит правду о нашей действительности... Настоящий офицер! Author: skoroRAsvet Duration: 7:23
Photos for video Скандал! Русский офицер рубит правду!
THE KING HAS RETURNED: OBAMA, RULER OF NATIONS The 44th President of the United States of America "BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA" The greatest black man... that ever lived! REV. 16:16 There will be "nowhere to hide" once Israel is attacked! God's... promise to man! The battle... begins. OBAMA, was Author: NextLevelEnt1 Duration: 0:17
Minister Louis Farrakhan reveals the truth behind the secret forces who finance and control world governments. During this Saviours Day in 1995, The Minister exposed the International Bankers and its agents before the entire world. Author: Ahmad770 Duration: 13:51
Photos for video Minister Farrakhan Exposes International Bankers, Government Debt, & Fall of America (3 of 3)
twitter.com twitter.com I've been meaning to address the historic passage of the health care bill, but wasn't feeling fully qualified to break it down, so I got the noted health care expert and standup comic Hari Kondabolu to give his thoughts on Obama's health care plan, and what he thinks we could have done to fight harder for truly progressive reform. You can see Hari live on Thursday night here in NY, when he headlines at Comix with another great comic, Baron Vaughn. Author: illdoc1 Duration: 1:53
Photos for video Health Care & the Lost Art of Compromise
October 28, 1980, Debate between Governor Ronald Reagan and then President Jimmy Carter. Reaganomics vs. Obamanomics: www.investors.com (short link: is.gd Single best explanation of Reaganomics and why it succeeded: blogs.forbes.com Why OBAMANOMICS IS A FAILURE: www.bloomberg.com Reaganomics works: festivaloffacts.blogspot.com (is.gd Limited Constitutional Government Works. Evidence: festivaloffacts.blogspot.com (is.gd Author: ensignbay Duration: 8:17
Photos for video Best Reagan Clips from 1980 Carter debate
In an appeal to working class voters, Barack Obama claimed his economic plan would save millions of backbreaking, mind-numbing shitty jobs. Author: TheOnion Duration: 2:26
Photos for video Obama Vows To Stop America's Shitty Jobs From Going Overseas
Enjoy this exclusive sit down interview with Ne-Yo and his mother Lorraine. They speak of his new foundation and their relationship when Ne-Yo was younger. Author: MichaelMelendy Duration: 10:21
Photos for video Ne-Yo Talks about Not Having a Father!