President Obama Inauguration 2013 Ceremony Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir Hymn Of The Republic' Monday morning, the nearly 300 members of the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir sang "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" at President Obama's second inaugural ceremony. The famed choir formed in the 1970s and has since won six Grammy Awards and sold thousands of records and performance DVDs. The group comes from the non-denominational Brooklyn Tabernacle church, which has 10000 members and is housed at the former Loew's Metropolitan movie theater in downtown Author: ForyourInfoM Duration: 4:20
Photos for video President Obama Inauguration 2013 Ceremony Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir Hymn Of The Republic'
When US President Barack Obama is inaugurated on Monday he will already be officially 24 hours into his second term. Under the constitution, the president must take office at noon on Sunday, January 20, so he will be sworn in on both days. In 2008, Chief Justice John Roberts made a slip when he administered the oath, so they did it again a day after, making Obama the first two term president to take it four times by January 21. Al Jazeera's Al Fisher reports from Washington DC Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 2:30
Photos for video Four oaths for two-termer Barack Obama
"A country reeling from one disaster has dodged another. While President Obama's re-election inspires varying degrees of hope among progressives, it has evoked one common sentiment: relief. Democracy may not be reborn, but a living symbol of plutocracy was defeated by the voters on November 6. It's worth remembering, before Mitt Romney settles into a comfortable 1 percent retirement from politics, that his victory would have imperiled the security of all but those insulated by extreme wealth from concerns like being able to find safe, warm housing in the wake of a hurricane. A Romney/Ryan win would have been viewed as a validation of a radical individualist worldview that runs counter to every value progressives hold dear. It would have collapsed the space the left needs to gain strength, and it would have empowered social forces—from the religious right to the Tea Party voter-suppression machine to Wall Street and corporate elites—that form an intractable bloc of opposition to progress for all those struggling for equality and opportunity in today's United States."* *Read more from The Nation: Support The Young Turks by Subscribing Support The Young Turks by Shopping Like Us on Facebook: Follow Us on Twitter: Buy TYT Merch: Find out how to watch The Young Turks on Current by clicking here: Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 2:35
Photos for video Progressives Win Big in Elections
Mitt Romney Fights With Reporter After Being Exposed As A Liar This video Mitt Romney Fights With Reporter After Being Exposed As A Liar I think he is lying. Mitt Romney Fights With Reporter After Being Exposed As A Liar If he is being honest why worry about what the reporter says. Thanks so much, and don't forget to check me out on the links below! MAIN CHANNEL Mitt Romney Fights With Reporter After Being Exposed As A Liar urbanwarfarechannel police state ron paul revolution liberty barack obama election CNN iraq war politics afghanistan middle east iran nuclear weapons bomb federal reserve economic collapse 2012 bernanke newt gingrich iowa republicans gop establishment mitt romney Author: MeganSpeaks Duration: 1:40
Photos for video Re: Mitt Romney Fights With Reporter After Being Exposed As A Liar "Mitt Romney"
Republican Mark Amodei (who's trying to fill Nevada's 2nd Congressional District seat) made a questionable ad involving China, the debt ceiling and president Obama. Cenk Uygur explains. The Largest Online News Show in the World. Facebook: Subscribe: TYT Mobile: Twitter: FREE Movies(!): Read Ana's blog and subscribe at: Read Cenk's Blog: Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 2:53
Website: Facebook Helping people to understand and live out the teachings of Jesus. Visit us on "peaceworks". The Peaceful Christian is produced by Stephen Jarnick Author: PeacefulChristianTV Duration: 6:04
PART 1 of 3 Controversial Doctor Jack Kevorkian FOX NEWS EXCLUSIVE Interview by Neil Cavuto-YOUR WORLD-September 2, 2009. I mostly disagree with the doctor, but I think this live, organic-style, long form, give & take interview format (30 minutes in length), between Cavuto & Kevorkian benefits everyone, no matter what their position is on the issue. I can still think of more questions to ask the doctor (like whether he would endorse the suicide of the teen girl he described who didn't want to be in this world any longer), but I think Cavuto was polite & fair. ABC's Charlie Gibson would have never done an interview like this. Author: ObamAtheist Duration: 9:31
Photos for video Dr. Kevorkian Part 1 EXCLUSIVE FOX News Interview by Neil Cavuto
US Gospel Superstars, Mary Mary, do an in-depth interview with Michael on the UK's premier Gospel TV show, ONE to One, which broadcasts in Europe via Genesis TV (Sky 592) & Revelation TV (Sky 585). Showing this and every Sunday @ 9PM on GENESIS TV, Sky 592 or watch live online at Visit for more information Author: RevTV585 Duration: 10:00
Photos for video Mary Mary on The One to One Show - Part 1
October 28, 1980, Debate between Governor Ronald Reagan and then President Jimmy Carter. Reaganomics vs. Obamanomics: (short link: Single best explanation of Reaganomics and why it succeeded: Why OBAMANOMICS IS A FAILURE: Reaganomics works: ( Limited Constitutional Government Works. Evidence: ( Author: ensignbay Duration: 8:17
Photos for video Best Reagan Clips from 1980 Carter debate
Emmy Award Winning, Judge Judy stops by and visits with Larry King and discusses many issues. She talk about Michelle and Barack Obama, and the importance of this election. She also talks a little about Proposition 8 and Gay marriage as well as Gay Adoption. Author: RandomClips2008 Duration: 7:34