President Obama Inauguration 2013 Ceremony Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir Hymn Of The Republic' Monday morning, the nearly 300 members of the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir sang "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" at President Obama's second inaugural ceremony. The famed choir formed in the 1970s and has since won six Grammy Awards and sold thousands of records and performance DVDs. The group comes from the non-denominational Brooklyn Tabernacle church, which has 10000 members and is housed at the former Loew's Metropolitan movie theater in downtown Author: ForyourInfoM Duration: 4:20
Photos for video President Obama Inauguration 2013 Ceremony Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir Hymn Of The Republic'
When US President Barack Obama is inaugurated on Monday he will already be officially 24 hours into his second term. Under the constitution, the president must take office at noon on Sunday, January 20, so he will be sworn in on both days. In 2008, Chief Justice John Roberts made a slip when he administered the oath, so they did it again a day after, making Obama the first two term president to take it four times by January 21. Al Jazeera's Al Fisher reports from Washington DC Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 2:30
Photos for video Four oaths for two-termer Barack Obama
"It should be a warning sign when your case for why polls are underestimating your party's strength is that fewer people will actually vote than pollsters project. If your party's fate depends on fewer Americans participating in our democracy, perhaps you have a popularity problem. It's not just that Mitt Romney lost, as did several Republican Senate candidates who should have won easily. The election was a victory for all kinds of big city liberal values: Weed was legalized. So was gay marriage. The rape apologist candidates lost. The first openly gay woman was elected to the Senate. The first black president was reelected -- on a platform of Obamacare, immigration, and raising taxes. On the Republican side, the most energetic part of the party is also the most opposed to these ideals. While the Tea Party won Republicans a majority in the House in 2010, election night 2012 showed the party's message is toxic at the national and statewide levels. While house races are local in character, Senate and presidential races are held statewide. And that is where the Tea Party did worst last night. Tea Partier Richard Mourdock picked off moderate Republican Sen. Dick Lugar in the Indiana primary, and then lost the election. Todd Akin proved he really was too conservative for Missouri, as Sen. Claire McCaskill claimed in primary ads intended to trick Republican voters into picking him as her opponent. Three other Tea Partying Senate candidates met the same fate in 2010. But while <b>...</b> Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 3:09
Photos for video Tea Party Defeated - The Madness Will End
KURT BRAUNOHLER FROM IFC's BUNK IS HERE! We also have GILBERT GOTTFRIED with another Gilbert Gets It on the show today. Table of Contents: 00:01 - Beth! 00:50 - You Suck at Photoshop 5:41 - More Beth! 6:13 - Kurt's Apartment (Game Show) 10:38 - Kurt & Beth Co-Host 11:24 - Mortmer Exterminators 13:19 - LIVE with Kurt & Beth! 16:05 - Gilbert Gets It 20:06 - More LIVE with Kurt & Beth! 22:02 - Co-op of the Damned 23:59 - Q&A w/ Kurt 30:52 - Kurt Takes it a Little Too Far Subscribe to Beth: Gilbert: More: Author: MyDamnChannel Duration: 33:42
Photos for video Kurt Braunohler & Gilbert Gottfried LIVE - 6/20/12 (Full Ep)
Former Bush era defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld went on Fox News to discuss the one-year anniversary of the death of 9/11 mastermind Osama Bin Laden. Rumsfeld dismissed President Obama's achievement by saying it was an easy decision to send Seal Team 6. The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur points out that Rumsfeld blatantly screwed up a previous attempt to get Bin Laden in Pakistan. Read more: Subscribe to The Young Turks: Find out how to watch The Young Turks on Current by clicking here: The Largest Online New Show in the World. Facebook: Twitter: Google+: Pinterest: Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 4:21
Photos for video President Obama's Bin Laden Decision Was Easy According To Rumsfeld
Airing Date Dec.20, 2011 You can also view this video at DailyMotion here Ron Paul Interview On CNN's John King, USA lets see here Ask about a third party run... Check Ask why his own party hates him... Check Ask about newsletters he did not write..... Check Ah yes the main stream media, your relevancy is fading before you but fortunately you can not see it. Your time is up, LONG LIVE THE INTERNET ! Author: SaveOurSovereignty3 Duration: 6:20
Photos for video Ron Paul Interview On CNN's John King, USA
Marine Sgt. Dakota Meyer is inducted into the Hall of Heroes in the Pentagon for his valor in the Afghanistan War and his being awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor by President Barack Obama on Sept. 15th, 2011. Author: 3rdID8487 Duration: 40:59
Photos for video Hall of Heroes Induction, Sgt. Dakota Meyer, Marine See Jim in JIMPRESSIONS at The Acting Center, Hollywood, February 2 at 8 pm For tickets and info FOR DVD of entire live JIMPRESSIONS show: Here, Jim Meskimen performs Clarence's speech from William Shakespeare's Richard III as a number of different celebrities, from George Clooney to Droopy Dog. Author: jimmeskimen Duration: 3:46
Photos for video Impressionist Jim Meskimen Does Shakespeare in Celebrity Voices
После этой программы, в которой Носик запугивал Кремль, называя Навального русским Обамой, Следственному комитету было приказано накопать на Навального ну хоть что-нибудь Author: Дмитрий Щёлоков Duration: 50:31
Photos for video Навальный и Носик у Альбац на Эхо Москвы о РосПиле The family of murdered Border Patrol agent Brian Terry prepares for his funeral and discusses their frustrations with Janet Napolitano and the Obama Administration in failing to secure the border. Author: StandWithAZ Duration: 4:08
Photos for video Brian Terry's Family Prepares For Funeral, Rips Obama Admin.
On Sat., Dec. 12, 2009, Chris Hedges, journalist/author, was one of the speakers at the emergency "End-the-US-Wars" rally. See, for background: The event was held in Lafayette Park, opposite the White House. For a short bio on Mr. Hedges, go to: Many of his most recent commentaries can be found here: This video contains excerpts from Mr. Hedges remarks. Author: liamh2 Duration: 9:24
Photos for video Chris Hedges: "We Live in a Time of Radical Evil!"
The Carlisle Group is a massive "private equity firm," which raises money from wealthy individuals and companies, and then reinvests the money into private defense companies with extremely high profit margins. It is made up of well known politicians such as George Bush, Sr. and James Baker, and it is one of the most powerful elements of the "military industrial complex," which is a business built around the defense industry being so large and powerful that it able to influence the politics of war. This video discusses the structure of the group and explains its history of many abuses. See Author: noitv Duration: 46:43
Photos for video The Iron Triangle - The Carlisle Group
True story of a mysterious wind appearing suddenly to help some Israeli soldiers get through a field covered with land mines. What an AWESOME God we serve! Author: IsraelWillStandAlone Duration: 3:13
Photos for video Miracle at Golan Heights: True Story!