Watch highlights from President Barack Obama's second Presidential Inauguration. Photo: Getty Images. Full Inauguration Playlist: Click here to subscribe to our channel: Visit us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Visit the Wall Street Journal: Author: WSJDigitalNetwork Duration: 1:33
Photos for video Highlights from Barack Obama's Second Inauguration
В гостях у президент Общества дружбы и делового сотрудничества с арабскими странами, специалист по Ближнему Востоку и исламскому миру Вячеслав Матузов. В прямом эфире он рассказал Максиму Шевченко, что стоит за "арабской весной" и какая вина за кровопролитие лежит на Асаде, Каддафи, Мубараке, какое значение в исламском мире играет Иран и партия "Братья Мусульмане". А также как США создали группировку "Хезболла", что общего между войной в Сирии и в Ливане и чем она отличается от войны в Ливии, каковы заслуги наёмников в победах повстанцев и кто будет следующим, если Дамаск падёт. Author: Дмитрий Рогозин Duration: 70:48
Photos for video Шевченко vs Матузов. Россия побеждает в Сирии
Fueled by questions from average people, President Obama and Mitt Romney face-off in a contentious Presidential debate. Aired 10/21/2012. From Season 38, Episode 5 Enjoy all 38 Seasons of SNL on Hulu Author: huluDotCom Duration: 10:46
Photos for video Saturday Night Live - Cold Opening: Town Hall Debate
Sept 27, 2012 While introducing President Obama at a campaign event in Virginia, Sen. Jim Webb rewrites Mitt Romney's idea of the "47 percent." Author: Licentiathe8th Duration: 7:44
Photos for video The Last Word - Sen. Webb rewrites Mitt Romney
Help build this campaign: OFA.BO President Bill Clinton's Remarks at the 2012 Democratic National Convention - Full Speech Author: BarackObamadotcom Duration: 49:25
Photos for video President Bill Clinton's Remarks at the 2012 Democratic National Convention - Full Speech
Click here for a random song, Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed todays tune! Don't forget to drop a like and a comment to support the artist, and SoundGlee. Liked the song? You can download it for free here! Support the artists! Support us! - SoundGlee Author: SoundGlee Duration: 3:27
Photos for video Dimitry G - Skyrim Theme (Electro House)
Jeff Beck & bassist Rhonda Smith (formerly of Prince) and Veronica Bellino (drums) Booker T Jones (Musical Director/"Green Onions") lay down a blues groove on "Brush with the Blues" at The White House Feb 21, 2012. Check your local PBS listing for the entire program to be aired Feb 27, 2012 **NOTE**.... Any comments which are political in nature will be removed. Author: Angel13Productions Duration: 3:45
Photos for video Jeff Beck - "Red White & Blues" at The White House
In which Dan writes letters to author Dan Brown and President Barack Obama asking if maybe, potentially it would be possible to meet them. Tasks in this episode: Meet Dan Brown: Meet Barack Obama: ///Rough draft of letter/// Mr. President, My name is Dan Brown. I'm twenty years old and just moved from Lincoln Nebraska to San Francisco California for an internet show/project/social experiment I'm doing called "Dan 3.0." I've been a video blogger for the better part of four years-- I got started in 2007 with a tutorial on how to solve the Rubik's Cube, began "vlogging" regularly in 2008 and over time have grown an audience of over 250000 subscribers on YouTube. I've posted almost five hundred videos spanning all sorts of topics and styles. Some have been just plain silliness, but others have included "vlogs" about the 2008 election cycle, documenting a month-long trip to China I took with the University of Nebraska, and starting a discussion about the current state and potential future of higher education. The project I'm working on right now, Dan 3.0, is a bit of a change of pace-- essentially I'm letting my audience control my life for the year. Anyone can submit an idea into what we call the "decision engine" as to something they think I should do, submitted ideas are then voted upon by the masses and I do my best to carry out the highest rated ideas. Sometimes I wind up doing little things like making a rubber band ball or rolling down a hill <b>...</b> Author: pogobat Duration: 12:30 The family of murdered Border Patrol agent Brian Terry prepares for his funeral and discusses their frustrations with Janet Napolitano and the Obama Administration in failing to secure the border. Author: StandWithAZ Duration: 4:08
Photos for video Brian Terry's Family Prepares For Funeral, Rips Obama Admin.
Sponsor: - This is an unofficial illustrated version of Ron Paul's July 12 broadcast on Afghanistan. And you thought a few $69 toilet seats were a big deal! Learn more at http How you can buy an Many images from: - plz donate to them at afghanistan ron paul kabul ridleyreport hamid karzai karzai's brother new hampshire drug dealers opium poppies guarding poppy fields patreaus free state project us soldiers nh vietnam dave ridley report economic collapse recession depression staters war on drugs liberty kandahar offensive live free or die libertarian mccrystal general mcchristal fires obama fires. afghanistan ron paul karzai us soldiers kabul uganda bombings bomb attacks war on terror depression free state project warren buffett economy estate tax army suicides faith-based glenn beck financial reform bill Glenn Beck Iraq suicide bombing john mccain al-Qaida fighters tax cuts CIA iran strike gingrich geithner kills libya bomber Obama condemns bomber's release recession kandahar offensive. Federal Reserve Author: RidleyReport Duration: 4:19
Photos for video Ron Paul: Feds spend $400/gallon on gas in Afghanistan
When President Barack Obama's efforts at arms control last month included a new arms reductions treaty with Russia and a Nuclear Security Summit of world leaders in Washington, DC, I noticed only Jon Stewart on Comedy Central's "The Daily Show" compared this meeting to the original meeting of the United Nations more than 60 years ago which, ironically, began with a call for the elimination of atomic weapons, all of which reminded me of the senior essay I wrote to get my undergraduate history degree on the failed attempt at international control of atomic weapons at the end of World War II, as I explain in this video. The clip I use of Jon Stewart on "The Daily Show" comes from the April 14, 2010, segment titled "A Farewell to Arms" available using the Comedy Central video player page at The image I show of my own 1990 senior essay titled "LOST OPPORTUNITIES: An Examination of the Attempt at International Control of Atomic Weapons at the End of World War II" comes from my own webpage at The public domain image I use of Josef Stalin and Harry Truman comes from the wikimedia commons page at The public domain image I use of Bernard Baruch comes from the wikimedia commons page at The public domain image I use of Henry Stimson comes from the wikimedia commons page at The image I use of my own December 25, 2008, YouTube video titled "Hiroshima: Right or Wrong?" comes from the <b>...</b> Author: LiberalViewer Duration: 6:54