The inaugural event hosted by the Josef Korbel School of International Studies' Center for Middle East Studies, this open forum, held one week before the presidential election at the University of Denver, raises questions revolving around the potential of an outbreak of war between the United States and the Islamic Republic of Iran. The forum's keynote speaker, Dr. Trita Parsi, is head of the National Iranian American Council, and a well-regarded analyst of US-Iranian relations and Iranian foreign policy. Joining him are Ambassador Christopher Hill, Dean of the Korbel School and former Ambassador to Iraq, Richard Lamm, former Governor of Colorado and Director of the University of Denver's Center for Public Policy, and former Korbel Dean, Tom Farer. The forum took place on September 26, 2012, at the Hamilton Auditorium on the campus of the University of Denver. Author: DU Center for Middle East Studies Duration: 117:33
Photos for video Can War with Iran be Averted? An Open Forum with Trita Parsi (9/26/12)
On Fault Lines, Josh Rushing embeds with US troops on the front lines of Obama's war and asks: What is the US trying to achieve in Afghanistan, and will it really make the US safer? Follow on Twitter: Follow on Facebook: Follow on Instagram: See all episodes of Fault Lines: Meet the Fault Lines Team: Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 21:51
Photos for video Fault Lines - Obama's New Strategy in Afghanistan
В гостях у президент Общества дружбы и делового сотрудничества с арабскими странами, специалист по Ближнему Востоку и исламскому миру Вячеслав Матузов. В прямом эфире он рассказал Максиму Шевченко, что стоит за "арабской весной" и какая вина за кровопролитие лежит на Асаде, Каддафи, Мубараке, какое значение в исламском мире играет Иран и партия "Братья Мусульмане". А также как США создали группировку "Хезболла", что общего между войной в Сирии и в Ливане и чем она отличается от войны в Ливии, каковы заслуги наёмников в победах повстанцев и кто будет следующим, если Дамаск падёт. Author: Дмитрий Рогозин Duration: 70:48
Photos for video Шевченко vs Матузов. Россия побеждает в Сирии
*** LATEST: Jill Stein arrested at site of Hofstra debate *** The money-ruled American political system has a pretty straight-ahead Wall Street agenda and is designed to eliminate opposition the way dictatorships do, Jill Stein, the US presidential candidate for the Green Party, shared with RT - FULL SCRIPT at RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark. Author: RussiaToday Duration: 11:55
Photos for video Jill Stein: US political system hostile to Americans
The final showdown in the ongoing financial war is appearing imminent. The 140 nation BRICS alliance is preparing to offer to buy up all cash US dollars and replace them with a new currency backed by a basket of commodities, including precious metals, according to multiple sources. Author: Timecrosser1 Duration: 9:36
Photos for video Benjamin Fulford May 28-2012 5-day bank holiday in Europe before Euro ends
Reason's Damon Root attended the pivotal second day of oral arguments before the Supreme Court on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), which he described as a "Constitutional Thunderdome." The debate over the legality of the mandate to purchase insurance at the heart of ACA was, says Root, a rough-and-tumble colloquy about the "the role of government in our lives" and "what sort of limits the Constitution places on the federal government." "I'm more confident after today's arguments than I was going in that the individual mandate is in trouble," says Root. Oral arguments end tomorrow and the Supreme Court's decision is expected in early June. Runs about 3 minutes. Produced by Anthony L. Fisher, shot by Josh Swain and Fisher. For more of's coverage of Health Care debate, go here: Go to for downloadable versions and subscribe to's YouTube Channel to receive automatic updates when new material goes live. Author: ReasonTV Duration: 3:03
Photos for video "Constitutional Thunderdome": Day Two of Obamacare Oral Arguments
President Obama announced a timetable for withdrawing 10000 troops from Afghanistan. Cenk Uygur explains why this number is woefully low. The Largest Online News Show in the World. Facebook: Subscribe: TYT Mobile: Twitter: FREE Movies(!): Read Ana's blog and subscribe at: Read Cenk's Blog: Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 6:44
Photos for video Obama Flops On Troops In Afghanistan
Illuminati Symbolism In Movies (NEW VERSION - MUST SEE ALL OF VIDEO!) symbols satanist pyramid eye and more. TAGS: Freemasons history symbolism simbologia simbolismo iluminati simbolos Illuminati masonic occult satanic symbolism new world order the anti christ in american hollywood music cartoon movies IMPORTANT : Illuminati manipulated the bible and rewritten anti christ, the false messiah dajjal will have only one eye !!! what is illuminati or masonic organisations ? Masonic Organisations, called sometimes illuminati or scientology are secret underground organisations which worship the satan ,devil. their goal is to create a new world order without religion.they want to destroy the god and praying from your life and instead of creating an atheist world. There are alot of tactics which they are use. for exampe 1- they indoctrine man that there is no god and the man hisself is the god like atheists (Allah cc tenzih ederiz) 2-they try to let man to worship everything except of god worshipping sculptures (buddhism ect.),worshipping polytheist(hinduism ect.) religions. 3-they control over media and entertainment they use it and make propaganda against religion and the god especially against islam! did you ever ask yourself why they attack islam ? because islam is the unique right religion of god which didnt manipulated by man satan wants mankind in the hell so be aware of , THE HOLY QURAN ABOUT THIS <b>...</b> Author: ADRian diaz requena Duration: 10:27
Photos for video The Occult Truth in Movies (HD) illuminati Symbolism Caution (+18) KILLUMINATI
Alex also welcomes back to the show Hilmar von Campe, the German WW2 veteran who escaped a POW camp in Yugoslavia. Von Campe lived through the years of Nazi power and brain-washing in Germany as a child and then as a soldier. Von Campe is the author of Defeating the Totalitarian Lie: A Former Hitler Youth Warns America. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:54
Photos for video Hilmer Von Campe Back on Alex Jones Tv 2/4:Nazi Deja Vu in America
Jay Pharoah returns to the Funny Bone Perfect Jay-Z Smeagol Eddie Murphy Will Smith Barack Obama and Denzel Washington Impressions bust guts He is a beast feed him checks and deals cause this dude is real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Author: Jhullk Duration: 9:03
Photos for video Barack Obama Eddie Murphy Denzel Washington Jay-Z Smeagol Impressions
Alexandra Burke gave a winning performance of Donna Summer song "On The Radio", to which Simon said she was the most improved with a best performance for the night. Author: isaacuz Duration: 3:40
Photos for video Alexandra Burke's Winning Performance-Donna Summer