In his inaugural address, President Barack Obama says enduring security and lasting peace do not require perpetual war. But he said the US will defend itself through 'strengths of arms and rule of law. Author: 24DailyNews Duration: 2:14
Photos for video President Barack Obama: No Need for Perpetual War
"Texas conservative Rep. Louie Gohmert submitted an unlikely nomination for House speaker during the Republican leadership elections Wednesday: Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. "You don't have to be a member of the body to be speaker," Gohmert, of Texas, told the caucus during the closed-door meeting, according to a source inside the room.* His motion was not seconded by any other members, and House Speaker John Boehner was reelected by a voice vote, followed by a standing ovation." *Read more from Rebecca Berg/ Buzzfeed: Support The Young Turks by Subscribing Support The Young Turks by Shopping Like Us on Facebook: Follow Us on Twitter: Buy TYT Merch: Find out how to watch The Young Turks on Current by clicking here: Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 2:37
Photos for video GOP Rep. Nominates Gingrich for Speaker
WSJ Video chronicles the unfolding and aftermath of Superstorm Sandy from warnings and preparation to landfall, wreckage, relief and recovery. Featuring on-the-ground reporting from Wall Street Journal reporters, videographers and photographers. Subscribe to the WSJ Live YouTube Channel - More WSJLive YouTube: Facebook: Twitter: WSJ: Author: WSJDigitalNetwork Duration: 7:41
"President Barack Obama and challenger Gov. Mitt Romney are fretting about what role moderator Candy Crowley of CNN will play in their town-hall debate on Tuesday night. President Barack Obama's plan to confront Mitt Romney at Tuesday night's presidential debate in Hempstead NY, faces a challenge: a town-hall-style setting with voters posing questions. Time reports that both campaigns "have expressed concern" to the Commission on Presidential Debates about Crowley's possible approach. The role of moderator has been in the spotlight during the debates. The first moderator, Jim Lehrer, was criticized for being too passive. Martha Raddatz of ABC News, took charge of the vice presidential debate last week in a noticeably firm manner. The Obama and Romney camps apparently had believed that Crowley would take a limited role in the town hall confrontation. Now they may be fretting that she will follow Raddatz's strong lead. As Crowley herself noted last week: "Once the table is kind of set by the town-hall questioner, there is then there is time for me to say, 'Hey, wait a second, what about X, YZ?'"* Jimmy Dore (The Jimmy Dore Show) and Steve Oh (COO of The Young Turks) discuss what path Candy Crowley may take in her role as debate moderator. *Read more from Marketwatch/Wall Street Journal: Support The Young Turks by Subscribing Like Us on Facebook: Follow Us on Twitter: Buy TYT Merch: Find out how to <b>...</b> Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 6:43
Paul Ryan is a devoted follower of Ayn Rand. Or is he? Can Ryan follow Rand and Jesus at the same time? John Fugelsang explains it all in episode #6 of Maker Studios original PoliPop series, "Caffeinated!". Subscribe for new episodes every Tuesday: Watch John's interview with The Moms' View! Follow John Like John: FOLLOW US LIKE YOU, TOO! by MAKER STUDIOS http WATCH JOHN'S OTHER "CAFFEINATED!" EPISODES: #1 ROMNEY VS. MUHAMMAD ALI! #2 CHICK-FIL-A VS. THE GAYS! #3 EPIC KARDASHIAN RANT! #4 AFGHAN REALITY SHOW! #5 ROMNEY VS. THE GOP! (LIVE) JOHN DEBATES LEE DOREN! Paul Ryan on Ayn Rand: Credits: Written by John Fugelsang Executive Producer Will Keenan Produced by Matt Cross and Ryan Templeton Edited by Logan Burdick Director of Photography Steven DiCasa Royalty Free Music by Effects by Author: POLIPOP Duration: 4:35
Photos for video PAUL RYAN VS. JESUS VS. AYN RAND! (@JohnFugelsang/Caffeinated #6)
Kurt Nimmo March 8, 2012 Rep. Walter Jones, a North Carolina Republican, has introduced H. Concurrent Resolution 107, which calls on the House, the Senate Concurring, to prevent Obama from starting another war without authorization from Congress. The resolution was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary on March 7. Obama has violated article I, section 8, clause 11 of the Constitution. Obama's unconstitutional decision to involve the US in the illegal attack on Libya without the consent of Congress motivated at least some members of the House of Representatives to demand an explanation. On June 3 of last year, the House passed a resolution demanding that the president provide an explanation to the American people, a request that was ignored by Obama and his administration. Rep. Jones' resolution states that any use of military force by Obama without explicit consent and authorization of Congress constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution. It will be interesting to see if the resolution makes it out the Committee on the Judiciary. It was virtually ignored by the corporate establishment media. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 15:26
Photos for video Obama & UN Declare Congress Ceremonial: Alex Jones Calls for Impeachment!! 2/4
September 15, 2011 - President Barack Obama awards Retired US Marine Corps Sergeant Dakota L. Meyer the Medal of Honor . . . for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty, while serving with Marine Embedded Training Team 2-8, Regional Corps Advisory Command 3-7, in Kunar Province, Afghanistan, on September 8, 2009. Reading of the citation detailing his heroic story included. "Hero Of The Corps" (Poem honoring Dakota Meyer) Semper Fi Dakota Meyer and your fellow Marines, USA Patriotism! Video courtesy of the White House ************************************** US Marines Gifts and Collectibles ************************************** Author: usapatriotism Duration: 19:03
Photos for video Medal of Honor Presentation to Dakota Meyer
Skousen explains how the Tea Party movement was founded by grass roots Ron Paul supporters, but is now in very real danger of being destroyed by the likes of Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin, who so often resort to excessive generalities in demonizing their political opposition that they can easily be debunked by the establishment. Skousen says Palin is being groomed for prominence in 2012, but that Newt Gingrich will probably become the primary establishment frontrunner for the Republicans, a man who has completely betrayed all constitutionalist principles and is clearly a globalist masquerading as a conservative. If Mitt Romney runs, then Mike Huckabee will act as his spoiler, predicts Skousen. Should the movement behind Palin be strong enough and she wins the Republican primary, "I believe the establishment will throw another four years to Barack Obama," predicts Skousen, saying that Palin's campaign will be sabotaged by mud-slinging, noting that Democrats tend to be given eight years rather than four by the establishment because they can do more damage than compromised Republicans, for example as bad as George W. Bush was, he could never have got Obamacare passed under a Republican administration. Alternatively, Palin could be paired with Newt Gingrich as a vice-presidential candidate to make Gingrich more palatable for conservatives. Author: iHelo58 Duration: 60:36
Photos for video Joel Skousen Part II: Election 2012 - Deception & War
Diane Ravitch on Arne Duncan, 1% Obama charter public education school reform teacher bashing no child left behind race to the top. She did not say the SEGREGATION word but spoke of a two tier education system when charter schools exclude low performing kids poor kids and needy kids with disabilities. Billionaires blame teachers for the poverty billionaires tax code created: "its (billionaires #edrform teachers evaluation blame game) a red herring, a diversion, to get our eyes away from the poverty n racial isolation in which so many of our childrens' live... absolves the conscience of the billionaires boys club..." United Teachers of Los Angeles UTLA CA 9-24-2010 Author: MrGidgid4u Duration: 14:35
Photos for video Ravitch on Obama charter school accountability Race To The Top 1% public education reform vs
The Carlisle Group is a massive "private equity firm," which raises money from wealthy individuals and companies, and then reinvests the money into private defense companies with extremely high profit margins. It is made up of well known politicians such as George Bush, Sr. and James Baker, and it is one of the most powerful elements of the "military industrial complex," which is a business built around the defense industry being so large and powerful that it able to influence the politics of war. This video discusses the structure of the group and explains its history of many abuses. See Author: noitv Duration: 46:43
Photos for video The Iron Triangle - The Carlisle Group The story behind the cover-up,as told by former law enforcement,FBI,BATF and Special Forces officers.See the whole movie at: The Mena Connection: Clinton Body Count,The List: The Clinton Chronicles: Hillary:The Movie: Author: eenkmouse2311 Duration: 8:49
Photos for video Hillary Clinton /Waco:New Revelation(Part 8 of 12)MUST SEE