In the wake of December's horrific mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, Vice President Joe Biden is chairing a panel of experts that will make gun-control recommendations to President Barack Obama by the end of the month. The president has said that enacting new restrictions on guns will be one of his highest priorities. No one wants to ever again see anything like the senseless slaughter of 26 people -- including 20 children - at a school. But as legislators turn toward creating new gun laws, here are five facts they need to know. 1. Violent crime -- including violent crime using guns -- has dropped massively over the past 20 years. The violent crime rate - which includes murder, rape, and beatings - is half of what it was in the early 1990s. And the violent crime rate involving the use of weapons has also declined at a similar pace. 2. Mass shootings have not increased in recent years. Despite terrifying events like Sandy Hook or last summer's theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado, mass shootings are not becoming more frequent. "There is no pattern, there is no increase," says criminologist James Allen Fox of Northeastern University, who studies the issue. Other data shows that mass killings peaked in 1929. 3. Schools are getting safer. Across the board, schools are less dangerous than they used be. Over the past 20 years, the rate of theft per 1000 students dropped from 101 to 18. For violent crime, the victimization rate per 1000 <b>...</b> Author: ReasonTV Duration: 2:27
Photos for video 5 Facts About Guns, Schools, & Violence
Paul Ryan is a devoted follower of Ayn Rand. Or is he? Can Ryan follow Rand and Jesus at the same time? John Fugelsang explains it all in episode #6 of Maker Studios original PoliPop series, "Caffeinated!". Subscribe for new episodes every Tuesday: Watch John's interview with The Moms' View! Follow John Like John: FOLLOW US LIKE YOU, TOO! by MAKER STUDIOS http WATCH JOHN'S OTHER "CAFFEINATED!" EPISODES: #1 ROMNEY VS. MUHAMMAD ALI! #2 CHICK-FIL-A VS. THE GAYS! #3 EPIC KARDASHIAN RANT! #4 AFGHAN REALITY SHOW! #5 ROMNEY VS. THE GOP! (LIVE) JOHN DEBATES LEE DOREN! Paul Ryan on Ayn Rand: Credits: Written by John Fugelsang Executive Producer Will Keenan Produced by Matt Cross and Ryan Templeton Edited by Logan Burdick Director of Photography Steven DiCasa Royalty Free Music by Effects by Author: POLIPOP Duration: 4:35
Photos for video PAUL RYAN VS. JESUS VS. AYN RAND! (@JohnFugelsang/Caffeinated #6) why are we becoming so lazy? It really is not that hard to go speak to citizens about 9/11 truth and various topics, nor is it hard to spare 5.00 and get many copies of fliers at your local libraries. I don't know if I should stay on youtube, as I do feel I am contributing to the laziness of a once active movement, share this video to get people in the streets, out in public, and motivated. Author: Robert Wanek Duration: 4:13
Photos for video Fed Up With The Truth Movement - The Actvism Challenge
In an exclusive interview with Press TV, ex Malaysian leader Mahathir Mohamad calls for an international criminal court to be set up to prosecute Israelis over war crimes in Gaza. He also blasted the US and the UK over their supprt for the Zionist state. Roshan Muhammed Salih reports from London. Author: presstvlondon Duration: 7:38
Photos for video Mahathir Mohamad blasts US and UK over Palestine - Part 2
A Classic track from one of the Legends, Bobby Womack. As you can see after you peep this track, certain things never change Author: SONYLOGIC Duration: 6:16
Photos for video "Fact of Life/He'll Be There" by Bobby Womack April 25, 2008 Yes, that's right — that's really me, DJK (aka Jonathan Kim) on MSNBC's Verdict with Dan Abrams! It's my first television appearance, and I have to tell you that it was a very strange experience. But more on that later. The topic of discussion was whether it was a good idea for Barack Obama to give in to Chris Wallace's Obama clock and appear on FOX News Sunday on April 27. As you can see, I think I was probably the most adamant about the fact that Obama really has little to gain from "addressing the FOX audience" since FOX will dissect every possible aspect of the interview to extract every possible microgram of negativity conceivable. And FOX is perfectly willing to lie to do it. And Abrams pointed out, Obama is legitimizing FOX as a news source, which is exactly what allowed FOX to gain the influence it has — by maintaining the appearance of a news network when they are really a republican propaganda machine. The best way for Obama to turn his bad decision into a positive is if he goes after FOX and shows democrats and the world that he is, in fact, "in touch" with what democrats and most of the world knows — that FOX is a republican propaganda machine. He'll earn more respect of his base and show that he understands the role that FOX plays in legitimizing republican talking points. He'll show that he knows how the system works. And if there's any fear that he might lose votes by alienating FOX voters, remember this — in the 2004 election <b>...</b> Author: bravenewfilms Duration: 8:10
Photos for video Should Obama Go On FOX? (Dan Abrams, MSNBC, and DJK!)