Глава комитета Государственной думы по международным делам Алексей Пушков дал эксклюзивное интервью каналу RT. В нем о рассказал он конфликте в Сирии, напряженности на Ближнем Востоке, а также предстоящих президентских выборах в США. Подписывайтесь на RT Russian - www.youtube.com Vkontakte - vk.com Facebook - www.facebook.com Twitter - twitter.com Livejournal - rt-russian.livejournal.com Author: rtrussian Duration: 10:06
Click here for a random song, www.youtube.com Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed todays tune! Don't forget to drop a like and a comment to support the artist, and SoundGlee. Support the artists! soundcloud.com www.facebook.com www.youtube.com Support us! twitter.com www.facebook.com www.youtube.com - SoundGlee Author: SoundGlee Duration: 4:58
21 апреля в городе Ульяновске состоялся митинг КПРФ против размещения в этом городе военной базы НАТО. На митинге выступил председатель ЦК КПРФ Г.А. Зюганов. Author: CommunistPartyRF Duration: 6:44
Photos for video Митинг в Ульяновске: Нет базам НАТО в России!
Kurt Nimmo www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv twitter.com March 8, 2012 Rep. Walter Jones, a North Carolina Republican, has introduced H. Concurrent Resolution 107, which calls on the House, the Senate Concurring, to prevent Obama from starting another war without authorization from Congress. The resolution was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary on March 7. Obama has violated article I, section 8, clause 11 of the Constitution. Obama's unconstitutional decision to involve the US in the illegal attack on Libya without the consent of Congress motivated at least some members of the House of Representatives to demand an explanation. On June 3 of last year, the House passed a resolution demanding that the president provide an explanation to the American people, a request that was ignored by Obama and his administration. Rep. Jones' resolution states that any use of military force by Obama without explicit consent and authorization of Congress constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution. It will be interesting to see if the resolution makes it out the Committee on the Judiciary. It was virtually ignored by the corporate establishment media. www.infowars.com Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 15:26
Photos for video Obama & UN Declare Congress Ceremonial: Alex Jones Calls for Impeachment!! 2/4
On February 5, 2012 Father Sammie Maletta delivered a Homily at St. John the Evangelist Parish in St. John, Indiana. This Homily addressed how President Obama is threatening our Religious Freedom and declaring war with the Catholic Church. Please take a few moments to listen. No one sums it up quite like Father Maletta. Go to bit.ly to fight the HHS Mandate. Author: TheReligiousFreedom Duration: 11:38
Stephen Henry Schneider (February 11, 1945 -- July 19, 2010) was Professor of Environmental Biology and Global Change at Stanford University, a Co-Director at the Center for Environment Science and Policy of the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies and a Senior Fellow in the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment. Schneider served as a consultant to federal agencies and White House staff in the Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George HW Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama administrations. His research included modeling of the atmosphere, climate change, and "the relationship of biological systems to global climate change." Schneider was the founder and editor of the journal Climatic Change and authored or co-authored over 450 scientific papers and other publications. He was a Coordinating Lead Author in Working Group II IPCC TAR and was engaged as a co-anchor of the Key Vulnerabilities Cross-Cutting Theme for the Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) at the time of his death. During the 1980s, Schneider emerged as a leading public advocate of sharp reductions of greenhouse gas emissions to combat global warming. Basic Information Awards MacArthur Fellowship (1992), Nobel Peace Prize (2007) This video was screened before a live audience by Climate One of the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco on Dec 6, 2011 as the introduction to an event honoring Stephen Schneider and presenting an award in his name to Richard Alley, Professor of <b>...</b> Author: Plomomedia Duration: 12:00
Photos for video Stephen Schneider: Climate Science and Media Distortion
If a federal government shutdown takes place in the United States members of the military will not be paid. Cenk Uygur breaks down inaction/reaction from President Barack Obama and Republicans. Subscribe: bit.ly TYT Mobile: bit.ly On Facebook: www.facebook.com On Twitter: twitter.com www.theyoungturks.com FREE Movies(!): www.netflix.com Read Ana's blog and subscribe at: www.examiner.com Read Cenk's Blog: www.huffingtonpost.com Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 3:21
Photos for video No Pay For Troops - Obama Hit By GOP
TAYLOR SWIFT LIVE IN MANILA FEB. 19, 2011 Will you believe me and my sister didn't even plan on watching the concert, not until a friend of ours texted us AN HOUR BEFORE THE CONCERT STARTS and offered us upper box a tickets for TSwifts concert, we literally rushed right away to get the ticks in this persons house then made the car FLY to araneta coliseum! Thanks for the ADRENALINE TSWIFT! It was totally worth it! FOR THOSE WHO WERE ASKING WHAT CAM I USED, ITS LX5. Author: gelic143 Duration: 4:06
One of the most stunning performances ever by a 47 year old. Susan Boyle from Scotland, who performed on Britains got talent, was on Larry King Live. Larry interviews Susan Boyle and also Piers Morgan, one of the judge from Britains Got Talent who praises Susan. She Even sings for Larry and Piers Morgan WOW !! WHAT A AMAZING VOICE. AMAZING !! AMAZING !! This is Part- 1 of 2 God Bless Her Author: romagman Duration: 8:12
Photos for video Larry King Live (Interviews Susan Boyle and Piers Morgan ) of Britains Got Talent-4-17-09.Part-1of2