CNN projects that Barack Obama has been re-elected President of the United States as the state of Ohio is called for President Obama. ----------------------------------------------------------- Barack Obama has won the 2012 presidential election, overcoming a determined challenge from Mitt Romney and the worst election-day unemployment rate since World War II. For the 51-year-old Democratic incumbent, gaining a second term during a weak economic recovery proved even more difficult than his historic selection as the nation's first African American president. The reelection drive bore only a faint resemblance to the "hope and change" campaign that brought him to power in 2008, a time of deepening financial crisis and voter dissatisfaction after eight years of a Republican administration in Washington Author: NakedMile2000 Duration: 1:05
Photos for video CNN - The Moment Obama is Declared the Winner of 2012 Election (Official)
On the LIVE Sunday, October 14 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex discusses the outlandish medical practice of misdiagnosing children with ADHD to justify psychotropic drug prescriptions with investigative reporter and writer Jon Rappoport. He also breaks down the escalating tensions between Turkey and Syria potentially foreshadowing World War III and the manufactured collapse of American and other world economies. We'll also cover the Internet firestorm of tweets and Facebook posts from people pledging to riot if Obama loses the election, as covered in Michael Snyder's article "Will the Election Results Cause Massive Riots to Erupt All Over America?" Alex Jones Show Playlist: Alex Jones Show Playlist Pt. 2 Author: ConspiracyScope Duration: 118:35
Photos for video Alex Jones Show: Sunday (10-14-12) Jon Rappoport
In a special post-speech analysis, panelists discuss what America did to make President Obama so angry he was actually spitting while he yelled at us. Subscribe to The Onion on YouTube: Like The Onion on Facebook: Follow The Onion on Twitter: Author: TheOnion Duration: 2:54
Photos for video In The Know Panel Analyzes Obama's Furious, Profanity-Filled Rant At Nation
NDAA Bill Nation Defense Authorization Act : Indefinite Detention of Americans without a charge or trial. - - - - - Ndda Arresting americans new law to arrest americans habeas corpus posse comitatus Police military state martial law fema Camps Nwo indefinite detention Barack Obama new world order illuminati Fox News Cnn Guantanamo Bay gitmo Michelle Bachman vs Mitt Romney Newt Gingrich Alex Jones terrorist terrorism war Ron Paul ndaa bill law America obama veto signed posse comitatus habeas corpus alex jones new world order barack obama signs legislation veto senate pass bill passed Fox news abc cnn world news america overview laws constitution police military police state prisons in the US americans arrested protesters protest United States Scam fraud corrupt alexjoneschannel mtv martial law commercial fema camps illuminati economic collapse army marines troops terror threat Conspiracy people George Bush Bill Clinton 911 9-11 osama bin laden iraq iran Author: ExplosiveNews Duration: 9:54
Photos for video Obama Signs NDAA Bill : What is the NDAA Bill TRANSCRIPT To the President of The United States Of America. We are ANONYMOUS. We would like to ask you, Are you happy with what you have allowed the United States to become? The entire country a war zone, People standing up for their rights and the city governments allowing the brutal beating and arresting the citizens across America. By allowing this to happen you are a disgrace to the presidency. Any past president would put their political careers aside and focus on the city streets of his own country. So far you have done nothing about the thousands of people arrested in the city streets for exorcising their First Amendment rights, because you are too busy campaining for your 2nd term as president. Stop and listen to the people you took an oath to uphold, Stop treating the people of America like terrorists with the building of FEMA camps to house Americans that stand up against political control. Mr. President you had a dream of change when you were first elected but clearly you have sold out to the corporate injustices that every American involved in the Occupy movement are speaking out against. You Mr. President are a FAILURE to AMERICA. In fact you are building an ARMY, An ARMY of angry AMERICANS that will not allow the government to control every little aspect of their lives. It is only a matter of time before the people of America turn the tables and focus their revolution on True Freedom. And they will fight for it. By allowing the <b>...</b> Author: xen0nymous Duration: 3:29
NDAA - National Defense Authorization Act Indefinite Detention Of Americans S 1867 passed 93-7 by the senate - - - - - - - - - - - - S-1867 Indefinite detenention of us citizens without a charge or trial military to police usa Battfield america judge napolitano john mccain ron paul alex jones New terror suspects world news president to veto bill obama will pass sign ndaa into law fox cnn cnbc nbc abc bbs msnbc fight terrorism terrorists suspects politics economy peters schiff kbr fema camps martial law illegal arrests by police cops nwo new world order illuminati music movies actors musicians media china iran iraq japan russia terror attack violation of the constitution freedom state george Bush clinton - - - - FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 USC section 107 of the US Copyright Law. Author: ExplosiveNews Duration: 2:01
Photos for video Indefinite Detention of Americans under New NDAA Bill
Marine Sgt. Dakota Meyer is inducted into the Hall of Heroes in the Pentagon for his valor in the Afghanistan War and his being awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor by President Barack Obama on Sept. 15th, 2011. Author: 3rdID8487 Duration: 40:59
Photos for video Hall of Heroes Induction, Sgt. Dakota Meyer, Marine
Glenn Beck and Judge Napolitano discuss the legality of how Osama Bin Laden was killed. Cenk Uygur breaks it down. Subscribe: TYT Mobile: On Facebook: On Twitter: FREE Movies(!): Read Ana's blog and subscribe at: Read Cenk's Blog: Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 3:55
Photos for video Fox News - Bad To Kill Osama Bin Laden?
Check out for an eclectic group of individuals debating politics on a daily basis in a non-confrontational and friendly manner. Also, check out http This video is a compilation of public statements made by Representative Ron Paul and President Barack Obama over the years regarding the issue of the War on Drugs and the legalization of marijuana. Author: KramerDSP Duration: 11:13
Photos for video The War On Drugs: Ron Paul versus Barack Obama
The White House has publicly responded to the controversy surrounding the Obama administration's agenda to bankrupt the coal industry. Alex Jones & Paul Joseph Watson February 5, 2011 - Lies about Texas not being affected by draconian EPA rules on greenhouse gases. - Deception about clean burning coal-fired plants producing "carbon pollution". - Spin in denying EPA and Obama administration have publicly stated and openly embarked on mission to destroy coal industry by blocking construction of new power plants. The White House has publicly responded to the controversy surrounding the Obama administration's agenda to bankrupt the coal industry and its connection to this week's blackouts across the country, by attempting to deny the link in a rebuttal that amounts to nothing more than a tissue of lies, deception and spin. In a blog that appears on the front page of, White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer begins by claiming that the story came from a "questionable" source and is "unquestionably false," without even naming the source. Frightened that Americans might actually read the source and make their own minds up based on the facts, Pfeiffer fails to provide a link to our original article that was subsequently picked up by the Drudge Report, Fox News and numerous other media outlets. Pfeiffer then oversimplifies the debate by building a straw man argument based around the premise that "the Obama Administration <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 13:59
Photos for video Alex Jones Calls DHS to Report Real Terrorists LIVE on Air - Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition
Alex talks with Paul Babeu, the Sheriff of Pinal County, Arizona. Babeu is outspoken about the need to secure the state's border with Mexico and supports law SB1070. He has received death threats from the Mexican mafia and drug cartel members for his comments on securing the border. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:17
Photos for video Sheriff Paul Babeu : Obama Has Undermined The Rule of Law!! - Alex Jones Tv 1/4
The Killers" July 4th "God Bless America" & "Read My Mind" 4th Of July at The White House. The Killers celebrated Independence Day at the White House South Lawn as guests of President Barack Obama. The group played six songs ("Human," "Somebody Told Me," "Mr. Brightside," "A Dustland Fairytale," "Read My Mind" and "When You Were Young") to a crowd of military personnel as part of the second annual USO "Salute to the Military" This is a video of a live broadcast from the White House site. Author: dawni30 Duration: 5:37
Photos for video The Killers" God Bless America" & "Read My Mind" 4th Of July Celebration at the White House
Michael Savage on Larry King Homo Baiting Bill O'Reilly Obama sympathizer & Dylan Ratigan declaring Tea Parties racist Author: rocknrollfriday Duration: 6:30
Photos for video Michael Savage on Larry King Bill O'Reilly & Dylan Ratigan