Abby Martin breaks the set on the Third Party Debates, FBI Sting Operations and the Re-branding of Bush Policies under the Obama Administration. LIKE Breaking the Set @ FOLLOW Abby Martin @ EPISODE BREAKDOWN: On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin talks about the Third Party Debates that aired live on RT, and talks to Georgetown Professor, Chris Chambers about the total media blackout that keeps alternative voices and third party candidates in the dark. Abby then looks at the NYPD's continued surveillance of Muslim communities and foiled FBI sting operations, and Obama's rebranding of the Bush administration's counter-terrorism policies with an interview with Media Roots Journalist, Robbie Martin. Author: breakingtheset Duration: 27:56
Photos for video [36] Rebranding Propaganda, Normalizing Torture, Third Party Censorship
Guests: Brenda Elliott and Kurt Haskell Topic: Obama's agenda for his next term Book - Fool Me Twice Author: trunewsdotcom Duration: 59:01
Photos for video Obama's Agenda For His Next Term TRUNEWS
Published on Jul 7, 2012 by NewAmericaNow I had no part in making this video nor am I associated with the production company... What is it? I do not know but It is very intriguing and worth sharing. You will have to watch this vid many times to see ALL the symbolism, signs and hidden meaning. The word Heliofant represents the devil. Even I, Pet Goat II, based on the the book being read to a class by President George Bush during the 9/11 attacks, has 9 characters, and then 11 at the end? 9/11? Coincidence? Not sure. The video length is 7:27. Date of opening of the Olympic Games. Christ on an Annubis boat? Too much stuff here, and, for my money, way too slick for a showreel. The map on the wall behind Dubya. Pins in Gulf of Mexico, New York, Oklahoma City, New Orleans and Southern Florida. The evolution line above his head, ending with the Illuminated Man. A penis shaped like a missile and tower. Can anyone discern/analyze the faces and/or symbols that shine vaguely through the wiped out chalk? The lightning bolt that divides the brain, watched/guarded by a dragon (Ladon?) What does F=-F mean? Red crescent moon on Obamas face. Canine teeth. Purple, the color of royalty/leadership. The autocue, LOL or 101? Video can also be viewed here- Heliofant homepage- Details about I, Pet Goat II- More about Heliofant- Category: News & Politics Tags <b>...</b> Author: TheLipperTube Duration: 7:28
Photos for video I, Pet Goat II - Illuminati Message??
See Bob Unruh's ( Full Article Here Hear Carl Gallups (narrator every Friday - 1330 WEBY AM - Gulf Coast Talk Radio Freedom Friday With Carl Gallups LIVE STREAM Author: ppsimmons Duration: 2:39
Photos for video BREAKING! NDAA - Rhode Island Rebelling? More States to follow? New American Revolution?
President Obama made a surprise call yesterday to Gail O'Brien, a woman in Keene, NH, who is benefiting from the Affordable Care Act, which was passed six months ago today. Gail was previously uninsured and diagnosed with high grade non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Thanks to the new law, Gail now has insurance through the new Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan that will pay for her treatments, and she is responding very well. Author: UpTakeVideo Duration: 4:21
Photos for video President Obama Makes Surprise Call To Gail O'Brien
What a find this was while researching the possible connection between BP Colonel Gaddafi and Barack Obama. I stumbled upon this upload from PindzMedia's channel. This is the first time I have heard such a prominent political figure mention the connection between Kennedy's assasination and Israel's Dimona secret nuclear plant inspections. Reuploaded from PindzMedia's channel- Their blog is here- Author: 91177info Duration: 7:44
Photos for video Gaddafi says JFK was assassinated by Israel
The Killers" July 4th "God Bless America" & "Read My Mind" 4th Of July at The White House. The Killers celebrated Independence Day at the White House South Lawn as guests of President Barack Obama. The group played six songs ("Human," "Somebody Told Me," "Mr. Brightside," "A Dustland Fairytale," "Read My Mind" and "When You Were Young") to a crowd of military personnel as part of the second annual USO "Salute to the Military" This is a video of a live broadcast from the White House site. Author: dawni30 Duration: 5:37
Photos for video The Killers" God Bless America" & "Read My Mind" 4th Of July Celebration at the White House
Real proof President Obama is into the occult. He worships Satan! Take a look at some of the hidden messages in President Obama's speeches. Could he be the Antichrist (Anti-Christ)? Author: realphotoking Duration: 6:35
Next year, for the first time ever, social security recipients will not receive a cost of living adjustment in their payments. Instead, Barack Obama is proposing a one-time $250 payment right before next fall's midterm elections. Gerald Celente says that the cost of living really hasn't decreased, the government is basing their measurements on a decreasing standard of living and the payout is just to keep people quiet. Author: RussiaToday Duration: 5:12
Photos for video Celente: Government is bribing seniors
Alex talks with Michael Hollingsworth in Montana about the APF and the prison in Hardin. Alex also covers the latest developments from Harkin, Montana. His Youtube Channel Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:42
Photos for video Michael Hollingsworth on Alex Jones Tv 1/2:Hardin's APF Prison Report & Alex Goes to Montana!! - The group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals wants the flyswatter in chief to try taking a more humane attitude the next time he's bedeviled by a fly in the White House. Author: eyesball1 Duration: 0:32
Photos for video Obama Kill a Fly live in the American TV (Funny)