www.facebook.com twitter.com TRANSCRIPT To the President of The United States Of America. We are ANONYMOUS. We would like to ask you, Are you happy with what you have allowed the United States to become? The entire country a war zone, People standing up for their rights and the city governments allowing the brutal beating and arresting the citizens across America. By allowing this to happen you are a disgrace to the presidency. Any past president would put their political careers aside and focus on the city streets of his own country. So far you have done nothing about the thousands of people arrested in the city streets for exorcising their First Amendment rights, because you are too busy campaining for your 2nd term as president. Stop and listen to the people you took an oath to uphold, Stop treating the people of America like terrorists with the building of FEMA camps to house Americans that stand up against political control. Mr. President you had a dream of change when you were first elected but clearly you have sold out to the corporate injustices that every American involved in the Occupy movement are speaking out against. You Mr. President are a FAILURE to AMERICA. In fact you are building an ARMY, An ARMY of angry AMERICANS that will not allow the government to control every little aspect of their lives. It is only a matter of time before the people of America turn the tables and focus their revolution on True Freedom. And they will fight for it. By allowing the <b>...</b> Author: xen0nymous Duration: 3:29
Photos for video Anonymous - Message To Obama
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