"Christians United for Israel, which calls itself the largest pro-Israel organization in the United States, issued a statement opposing Chuck Hagel's nomination as secretary of defense. So did Concerned Women of America. Both groups drew attention to the former Republican Senator's record on Iran and Hezbollah. Meanwhile the Log Cabin Republicans purchased a full page ad in The Washington Post to attack him on gay rights."* Chuck Hagel is getting barraged by Republican opposition to his nomination for Secretary of Defense. Are the arguments perfectly reasonable and in-line with the GOP's views historically? Of course not. Cenk Uygur breaks down the dearth of sanity. *Read more from Juliet Lapidos/ New York Times: takingnote.blogs.nytimes.com Author: TYTshows Duration: 4:36
Photos for video GOP Ditches Sanity to Oppose Obama Defense Nom.
HBO's Bill Maher opines on President Obama's winning a second term and other ballot issues on MSNBC's "Hardball" with Chris Matthews. Maher also weighed in on changing demographics, ObamaCare and "the bubble" he claims conservatives live in. "Last night was a victory for pot, for gay marriage and for math. You know, these people have denied facts and math. And one of the big arguments they put forward for not doing anything about health care was, 'Why are we messing around with the greatest health care system in the world?' I don't know, maybe because the UN ranks it 37. You know, outside the bubble there are facts. I know they're not in the Bible but can't we use them sometimes?" Maher said on "Hardball" tonight. Author: MrObamanos Duration: 8:39
Photos for video Bill Maher: "Last Night Was A Victory For Pot, And Math"
check us out on Facebook www.facebook.com Follow us @ twitter.com twitter.com Welcome to Capital Account. Last night the two main contenders for US President debated issues including tax policy, jobs, energy, and the national debt. During the debate President Barack Obama proposed "the way we're going to create jobs here is not just to change our tax code but also to double our exports." But to whom, exactly, can we export? The Eurozone, the US's largest trading partner, is contracting, and major emerging markets are slowing down. On the other hand, Mitt Romney stated that, "On day one, I will label China a currency manipulator." China is the largest foreign customer for US debt; do we really want to start a trade war with China? And where was the discussion of lobbying, of special interests and of the favorable treatment for connected, too-big-to-fail firms? What about a serious conversation that delves into how we may finally begin slicing into the sacred cow of military spending and the major firms that benefit from it? Perhaps when it comes to these issues, the candidates are not very different; our guest, Joel Bowman, Managing Editor for The Daily Reckoning, describes the candidates as "Obamney" and "Robama." We talk to Joel Bowman about why he feels the two candidates are not so different after all. Plus, we often hear about likely voters, but what about the non-voter class in the US? Non-voters include those who are disillusioned by the lack of choice of candidates <b>...</b> Author: CapitalAccount Duration: 28:04
Photos for video Obamney vs Robama: an Anarchic view of America's Economic and Political Duopoly!
Libertarian presidential nominee Gary Johnson has filed a lawsuit to win a spot in the presidential debates that start in Denver on Oct. 3. It's unlikely that he will succeed, but Johnson argues that the private Commission on Presidential Debates, along with the Democratic and the Republican parties, are unfairly blocking him from participating. Only President Barack Obama and GOP challenger Mitt Romney are being allowed to debate. "Someone has to stand up and call this what it is—a rigged system designed entirely to protect and perpetuate the two-party duopoly," says Johnson spokesman Ron Nielson. "That someone will be the Johnson campaign." [Gary Johnson has been an outspoken advocate for efficient government, balanced budgets, rational drug policy reform, protection of civil liberties, comprehensive tax reform, and personal freedom. As Governor of New Mexico, Johnson was known for his common sense business approach to governing. He eliminated New Mexico's budget deficit, cut the rate of growth in state government in half, and privatized half of the state prisons.] www.garyjohnson2012.com [[[Enhance your stored food supply today]]] www.infowarsshop.com www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv twitter.com www.facebook.com [Join The Alex Jones Team and Start Getting Healthy Today!] www.infowarsteam.com [New Website] www.infowarshealth.com Get all your Youngevity Products such as Beyond Tangy Tangerine, the Alex Pack and Pollen Burst. These supplements are a great way to get <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 37:25
Photos for video Gary Johnson: Both Candidates will Give You A Greater Police State
Bob Tuskin and Larken Rose take on the new executive order recently signed by Obama that many have claimed amounts to peace time martial law. The Bob Tuskin Radio Show is Live Monday Through Friday 8 to 10pm EST theintelhub.com Author: NotForSale2NWO Duration: 21:22
Photos for video Bob Tuskin and Larken Rose Discuss Obama Martial Law Executive Order
Make Love, Not War. I hope this video opens your eyes, and inspires you. It took me a few weeks to find all the right pieces, but it paid off in the end. This is the first political video I've made. Enjoy. :) www.dailypaul.com If you can't watch in Germany, or Japan, here is a mirror that should work: infowebstorm.com I'd like to credit "30 Seconds to Mars" for writing an amazing song about peace that inspired me to make this, "Charlie Chaplin" for giving such a beautiful speech about peace and liberty with so much passion, and "Ron Paul" for CHANGING the world, as well as all of the other peacemakers who came before him. Author: peaceloveandgoo Duration: 12:49
Photos for video The American War-Machine, A Lesson in Blowback, and The Greatest Speech Ever Written.
Alex welcomes back to the show Ray McGovern, a retired CIA officer turned political activist. McGovern presented morning intelligence briefings at the White House for a number of presidents. www.consortiumnews.com www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:53
Photos for video Ray McGovern: Israel to Start War with Iran Maybe in August 2010 - Alex Jones Tv 2/2
SUPPORT THE RESISTANCE www.wearechange.org This video was premiered on our new live video show www.mogulus.com its rebroadcasting right now tune in every Sunday 3pm eastern to get the latest CHANGE news from Robert Wanik and Luke Rudkowski live. WeAreChange hits the streets to talk to people in Time Square about the current states of America. keep spreading this video - people need to see it and realize how dumbed down society is and how to educate people.! Rate it, Email it, Favorite it, Message it, and Share it. don't be silent get the word out! www.wearechange.org http www.infowars.com WeAreChange would like to acknowledge that we do not support or endorse the views described by the people being interviewed, they represent themselves and not the wearechange organization Author: wearechange Duration: 10:00
Infowars January 27, 2009 www.infowars.com In the seventh installment of his new audio blog, Alex Jones and his wife Violet discuss various government propaganda, as well as television programs, which advance the idea that those who dont vaccinate will contaminate the rest of society. Violet discusses an episode of Private Practice which features a scenario where the mother of an autistic child had refused to vaccinate another child out of concern about the link between vaccine & autism. That action is portrayed as a dangerous misjudgment leading to the second child spreading measles which the doctors see as evidence that the womans children should be taken by CPS. Alex also discusses USA Service ads that are promoted by Obama, government propaganda about the supposed dangers of marijuana smokers, the pro-abortion culture, and other issues. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 7:45
Photos for video Alex Jones Audio Blog: January 27, 2009 on Vaccine & Other Govt Propaganda 3/3
Emmy Award Winning, Judge Judy stops by and visits with Larry King and discusses many issues. She talk about Michelle and Barack Obama, and the importance of this election. She also talks a little about Proposition 8 and Gay marriage as well as Gay Adoption. Author: RandomClips2008 Duration: 7:34
The revelation that Obama's candidacy was the only thing that gave their lives any meaning has caused many supporters to wander aimlessly, unsure of what to do with themselves. Author: TheOnion Duration: 2:48
Photos for video Obama Win Causes Obsessed Backers To See How Empty Lives Are