"Some actions are so ruinous to human rights, so destructive of the Constitution, and so contrary to basic morals that they are disqualifying," wrote the Atlantic's Conor Friedersdorf. This is what he was talking about. bit.ly Read the report, "Living Under Drones." livingunderdrones.org Author: SkepticalLibertarian Duration: 10:55
Photos for video Obama's War Crimes: The US Drone War
Actress Eva Longoria delivers a heartfelt speech at the Democratic National Convention. Watch the conventions live here: live.cnn.com For more CNN videos, check out our YouTube channel at www.youtube.com Or visit our site at www.cnn.com Author: CNN Duration: 5:38
Photos for video Raw Video: Actress Eva Longoria talks about American opportunity
THE KING HAS RETURNED: OBAMA, RULER OF NATIONS The 44th President of the United States of America "BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA" The greatest black man... that ever lived! REV. 16:16 There will be "nowhere to hide" once Israel is attacked! God's... promise to man! The battle... begins. OBAMA, was Author: NextLevelEnt1 Duration: 0:17
U2 - Where the Streets Have No Name - Joplin Tornado Version Created from video I shot shortly after, and the two weeks following the tornado that struck the city of Joplin, Missouri on 5-22-11, leaving over 140 people dead, countless injured, and thousands of homes and business in ruins. Author: KillBoxFilms Duration: 6:41
Photos for video U2 - Where the Streets Have No Name - Joplin Tornado Version
Cenk Uygur breaks down the different ways conservatives are trying to take credit away from President Obama for the capture and death of Osama Bin Laden. Subscribe: bit.ly TYT Mobile: bit.ly On Facebook: www.facebook.com On Twitter: twitter.com www.theyoungturks.com FREE Movies(!): www.netflix.com Read Ana's blog and subscribe at: www.examiner.com Read Cenk's Blog: www.huffingtonpost.com Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 3:54
Photos for video Conservatives: Obama Gets No Credit For Osama Bin Laden Death
All politicians sound good running for office, but we need to look at their actions, NOT their words. George HW Bush - George W. Bush - Barack Obama. Three different men, three similar Presidents. Top 3 Obama Excuses 1. Give him time - The Job is 4 years long. He has been in almost a year. I think he has had plenty of time. 2. He is better then McCain - I agree, but that is not saying much. He is not better then Ron Paul or Dennis Kucinich. Has it not been made abundantly clear that this fake Democrat and Republican thing is a complete and utter joke? They all act like they have all the answers when they have no control, but when they get in office they mess it up. This has been the same sick joke for about 4 decades now. 3. He inherited a bad job I agree, but he is not going in a different direction than we were already headed. If he were changing course I think we all would and should be more patient. The facts clearly state otherwise. FACT: (google any of these topics and you will see several articles confirming these. It is not my job to do your research and many of these are already in the video itself being reported by the mainstream media. That is how bad it is right now. Even they cant cover for all this nonsense.) The economy is worse now after his stimulus. Unemployment went to over 10% even after the stimulus when they said it would not get that high if we passed it. Guantanamo Bay is not going to be closed on time, if at all. He is not getting us out of Iraq <b>...</b> Author: therealweeklynews Duration: 11:00
My tribute to the greatest female rock vocalist who ever lived,Janis Joplin... An even better tribute: www.youtube.com More Janis: www.youtube.com Author: eenkmouse2311 Duration: 3:43
Photos for video Bette Midler - The Rose (Tribute to Janis Joplin)
Kucinich weekly campaign update 11-19-07 This week's Kucinich video news update report highlights last week's Presidential debate, the "real problem" behind the recall of Chinese-made toys, an encouraging new poll in New Hampshire, and other campaign news and events. Produced in Los Angeles, California and Cleveland, Ohio for Kucinich for President 2008 by Chad Ely and Dutch Merrick. Written by Dutch Merrick, Andy Juniewicz, and Sharon Manitta. Directed by Dutch Merrick Hosted by Anne Marie Howard Edited by James Legoy Camera Operator, Sound Mixer- James Legoy Script Supervisor, Playback- Brian Kinney Author: Kucinich2008 Duration: 8:51
Photos for video Kucinich weekly campaign update 11-19-07