Beyonce Sings the National Anthem at the 2013 Inauguration of Barack Obama BEYONCE At Last LIVE BARACK OBAMA MICHELLE Sweet Dreams Halo Inauguration Run The World 2013 BEYONCE, At, Last, LIVE, BARACK, OBAMA, MICHELLE, Sweet, Dreams, Halo, Inauguration, Run, The, World, 2013, Destiny's, Child, Super, Nuclear, Bowl, Half, Time, National, Anthem, Dance, For, You, Blue, Ivy, Carter, Countdown, Love, On, Top, Grammy, Awards, Grammys, Beyonce AT LAST Barack Obama & Michelle First Dance "Beyonce Live" Who Run The World God Bless The USA Live Move Your Body "Beyonce Who Run The World" "Who Run The World" BEYONCE Beyonce Girls That Rule The World Who "Beyonce Girls" New Song 2011 Live Performance Sweet Dreams Halo Single Ladies Lyrics Music Video Official BeyonceHalo "BeyonceHalo" Ft Lady Gaga Telephone Video Phone " Barack And Michelle Obama's "First Dance" President Obama's First 100 Days Speech Susan Boyle's 2nd Performance Is Also On This Channel Tea Party Republicans Sean Hannity Oscar Awards "Chris Brown" "Rihanna" "Etta James" "AT LAST" HD OBAMA'S DANCE "NAACP" "HALO" "TO DREAM THE IMPOSSIBLE DREAM" "JENNIFER HUDSON" Author: worldupdatenews Duration: 3:02
Photos for video Beyonce Singing the National Anthem at the 2013 Inauguration of Barack Obama
Sources say the screaming orb might be the only potential candidate that would tap into Republicans' deep-seated, seething fury after this election. Subscribe to The Onion on YouTube: Like The Onion on Facebook: Follow The Onion on Twitter: Author: TheOnion Duration: 2:38
Photos for video After Obama Victory, Shrieking White-Hot Sphere Of Pure Rage Early GOP Front-Runner For 2016
Gary Johnson, two-term governor and Libertarian Presidential candidate, knows that a President Obama or a President Romney will only bring four more years of the same. Only Governor Johnson will do what presidents SHOULD do: promote the peace, increase the freedom, and put America first once more. Be Libertarian with Governor Johnson just one time, and together we will make an America that's four years better brighter and more optimistic. Author: govgaryjohnson Duration: 1:48
From the Majority Report, live MF 11:30am EST and via daily podcast at Majority.FM The White House has said that President Obama will not veto the National Defense Authorization Act or NDAA. The bill allows the military to detain and imprison American citizens indefinitely without trial. Author: SamSeder Duration: 4:21
Photos for video NDAA: an Astonishing Attack on Our Civil Liberties Click here to watch the previous episode of Machinima Respawn! Machinima Respawn - Obama's Snow Day - 9/27/11 (S02E95) President Obama prevents Respawn from working. RCVR Episode 1 - Little Green Men! Send us your questions for this week's Respawn Inbox (Thursday)! Click here to watch Paul Oakenfold - Beautiful Machine (Gears of War, HL2 Live Action Machinima Music Video). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This video will show you... how to change your mattress How to get screwed by Obama how to prevent your cat from eating your entertainment system how to take care of your animals - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Like Machinima Respawn on Facebook! Enlist in the Respawn Army! FOR MORE MACHINIMA, GO TO FOR MORE GAMEPLAY, GO TO: FOR MORE SPORTS GAMEPLAY, GO TO: FOR MORE MMO & RPG GAMEPLAY, GO TO: FOR MORE TRAILERS, GO TO: Tags: Machinima Respawn Mr Sark Hutch Seananners Nanners OpTic J Jones Ricky obama "west hollywood" hollywood "snow day" "entertainment center" warhammer 40k "cat videos" "paul oakenfold" "gears of war" sleeping "day off" miles xbox co op video games gamers wifey "mrs sark" "change your mattress wires "how to" potusa president Author: machinimarespawn Duration: 4:08
Photos for video Machinima Respawn - Obama's Snow Day - 9/27/11 (S02E95)
Excerpts from highlights of The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan's world tours. To order the entire DVD, visit or call (866) 602-1230. Author: Ahmad770 Duration: 11:00
Photos for video Minister Louis Farrakhan - A World Leader (1 of 2) Alex welcomes back to the show Lindsey Williams, author of The Energy Non-Crisis. Williams correctly predicted the fall of oil prices, an effort by the global elite to devalue the dollar and wreck oil producing nations. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:56
Photos for video Lindsey Williams on The Alex Jones Show"Checkmate!!"3/4