TRANSCRIPT & REFERENCES: THE NEWS Live - "Obama: The 2012 Time-Travel-Captured US Presidency" THE NEWS Live for Nov. 9, 2012 - "Obama: The 2012 Time-Travel-Captured US Presidency" THE NEWS Live with Alfred Lambremont Webre WATCH ON YOU TUBE: READ ARTICLE: Author: ExopoliticsTV Duration: 31:31
Photos for video Obama: The 2012 Time-Travel-Captured US Presidency
As the national debt finally passes the $16 trillion mark, are Democrats serious about addressing deficit spending? Several Democratic delegates and supporters that Reason TV spoke with at the 2012 Democratic National Convention said that Democrats care deeply about the debt, but when it came to offering solutions, they said that serious reductions in government spending would actually be counterproductice. Instead, many suggested increasing public works spending to stimulate job growth, despite the fact that President Obama's first stimulus still hasn't moved the economy above 8 percent unemployment. They also defended Obama's proposal to raise taxes on anyone earning more than $200000 a year, even though this won't even come close to closing the annual budget deficit. Approximately 4:00. Produced by Paul Detrick and Zach Weissmueller. Visit for downloadable versions and subscribe to ReasonTV's YouTube Channel to receive notifications when new material goes live. Author: ReasonTV Duration: 4:00
Photos for video Democrat Debt Solutions: Tax the Rich, Spend More Money
On the May 20 Sunday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the global elite on the run as the establishment media is forced to report on the Bilderbergers and their noxious plan to finally unfold a devastating attack on Iran, undermine the internet with government censorship, and sell the public on more trillions in bankster bailouts and punitive carbon taxes under the discredited cover of saving the earth. Alex talks about the continued and long overdue outing of Kenyan-born Obama the imposter and the G8 war council in Chicago that has transformed the Windy City into a repressive police state where political activists disappear and patsies are set-up as terrorists to further the manufactured war on terror and its Orwellian control grid. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 24:58
Photos for video Barack Obama: A Foundation Operative!
Voters describe recent images of Obama eating a gigantic hoagie all by himself "somehow very sad." Subscribe to The Onion on YouTube: Like The Onion on Facebook: Follow The Onion on Twitter: Author: TheOnion Duration: 3:01
Photos for video Obama's Approval Rating Down After Photos Surface Of Him Eating Big Sandwich All Alone
You and your family may live to see the new world order - that is also the last Bible prophecy to be fulfilled before the return of the Savior Jesus Christ! For centuries, shadow groups like the Illuminati, and more recent groups such as the Bilderbergs, have planned for how to bring about a one-world government. Recently Henry Kissinger declared: US President Barack Obama has been elected at a unique moment in history that could allow him to create this new world order! In this video teaching, Drs. Jack & Rexella Van Impe show you the biblical foundation for this coming one-world government, document the great strides that have been made toward it through the European Union and explain how the critical years from 2012 to 2019 could be the rapidly approaching time-frame for the return of Jesus Christ! Author: theyareagreewithhe Duration: 97:06
Photos for video Jack Van Impe-New World Order Rising
More: Obama's death panels. A "committee" who knows nothing about medicine will have to approve your operation if you're over 70, presumed to be no longer useful. Don't fool yourself Obamacare will include death panels. Author: L. J. Martin Duration: 5:54
Under Obama's term as president there has been more people prosecuted for whistle blowing than all other US presidents combined. Bradley Manning, the latest whistle blower, is being held on trial for releasing video exposing a US Apache helicopter shooting and killing civilians and journalists in Baghdad. Some say Manning is a hero, but he is being charged with aiding the enemy. Susan Lindauer, former CIA asset, gives us her taking on whistle blowing. Follow Liz on Twitter at Author: RTAmerica Duration: 8:28
Photos for video Whistleblowers being demonized in the US?
Paul Craig Roberts March 30, 2011 What does the world think? Obama has been using air strikes and drones against civilians in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and probably Somalia. In his March 28 speech, Obama justified his air strikes against Libya on the grounds that the embattled ruler, Gadhafi, was using air strikes to put down a rebellion. Gadhafi has been a black hat for as long as I can remember. If we believe the adage that "where there is smoke there is fire," Gadhafi is probably not a nice fellow. However, there is no doubt whatsoever that the current US president and the predecessor Bush/Cheney regime have murdered many times more people in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia than Gadhafi has murdered in Libya. Moreover, Gadhafi is putting down a rebellion against state authority as presently constituted, but Obama and Bush/Cheney initiated wars of aggression based entirely on lies and deception. Yet Gadhafi is being demonized, and Bush/Cheney/Obama are sitting on their high horse draped in cloaks of morality. Obama described himself as saving Libyans from violence while Obama himself murders Afghans, Pakistanis, and whomever else. Indeed, the Obama regime has been torturing a US soldier, Bradley Manning, for having a moral conscience. America has degenerated to the point where having a moral conscience is evidence of anti-Americanism and "terrorist activity." The Bush/Cheney <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 15:03
Photos for video Paul Craig Roberts: Obama Raises American Hypocrisy To A Higher Level
"The Best of me" was Cliff Richards 100th single released. And it was first released in may 1989. And written by the David Foster. This little romantic valentines day video is a performance by danish crooner Thomas Lille Author: Thomas Lilleore Duration: 4:31
Alex welcomes back to the show Gerald Celente, a trend forecaster, publisher of the Trends Journal, business consultant and author who makes predictions about the global financial markets and other events of historical importance. Celente's accurate forecasts include the 1987 stock market crash, the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the 1997 Asian currency crash and the 2007 subprime mortgage crisis. He is the author of Trend Tracking: The System to Profit from Today's Trends and Trends 2000: How to Prepare for and Profit from the Changes of the 21st Century. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 14:52
Photos for video Gerald Celente: US Double Dip Depression will Lead us into War - Alex Jones Tv 2/4
Alex Jones and I discus Africom. Please, all African and African Decedent people, everybody: GET THIS WORD OUT! Us troops are escalating in African countries, we have to convince their leaders not to harbor imperial combatants before they turn into another Iraq. For more info, look up Africom @; they've written an excellent article on it. Act now, stop Africom! Peace PS Alex Jones' movie: 'The Obama Deception' should be coming out some time in March. Check it out! Author: BlaquePhoenix41 Duration: 10:57
Photos for video Africom: The Obama Agenda - Covered By Alex Jones