The US Senate is considering President Obama's picks to lead the Pentagon and the CIA. The candidate for the post of Spy Chief, presidential counter-terrorism advisor John Brennan, is a strong advocate of aggressive CIA tactics, and has secured a controversial drone programme as one of the agency's main tools. Paul Craig Roberts, a former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury thinks if Brennan is confirmed as the CIA head, the agency will further expand its powers. RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark. Author: RussiaToday Duration: 5:36
Photos for video 'CIA turns into military force, targets countries it's not at war with'
Watch the original video here: Add me on facebook: Be sure to subscribe to my channel if you liked my commentary: "Maybe He Will Get Assassinated This Term" - Denise Helms (She calls Obama the N-Word, yet Claims Not To Be Racist) The United States Secret Service is investigating this Turlock woman over a post she made, using the N-word, about President Obama on Facebook. Author: Pictoron Duration: 4:59
Photos for video Racist Woman Hopes For Obama Assasination!?!
Election Main Shorter: - Thanks for the LIKE/FAV! Watch Kids React to the Election here: SUBSCRIBE! New REACT episodes every Sunday: Watch All React Episodes (incl. Kids React & Elders React) Watch our new show MyMusic! 4:00 - Campaign Spending 7:40 - Binders full of Women 11:54 - Unemployment 13:37 - War in Afghanistan 14:26 - Does it feel like we're at war? 15:32 - Would you go to War? 15:58 - Do you like talking Politics? 17:17 - Why so difficult to discuss Politics? 18:07 - Have you never not voted? 20:29 - Advice for Candidates? For the first time ever we present the first multi-generational episode of REACT. We're proud to feature both Teens and Elders reacting together in the first multi-generational episode of "React". It is important to capture the pulse of the country so we can look back one day and reflect on the issues that were facing our world. Leave video ideas in the comments or at our Facebook below of what you want us to show the Kids, Teens, or Elders next! Created and Directed by Benny & Rafi Fine (The Fine Brothers) MAIN CHANNEL: SECOND CHANNEL: FACEBOOK: GOOGLE+: T-SHIRTS: IPHONE APP PINTEREST- WEEKLY PODCAST: SEND US STUFF: TheFineBros PO BOX 4324 Valley Village, CA 91617-4324 ----------------------------- VIDEO FEATURES IN THIS EPISODE: We <b>...</b> Author: TheFineBros Duration: 22:54
Photos for video EXTENDED - Teens/Elders React to Election 2012
Тема: Ангела Меркель обещает спасти Еврозону от распада. Слушать эфир: Получить бесплатно аудиозапись вэбинара Михаила Хазина «Проблемы и возможнсти России - 2012» от 16 марта 2012 года можно подписавшись на рассылку "Экономического дискуссионного клуба" Блоги Михаила: Author: Neprotivlenec Duration: 31:19
Photos for video 27.03.2012. ЭКОНОМИКА ПО-РУССКИ с Михаилом Хазиным
Minister Farrakhan exposes the hate-filled rhetoric and writings of right-wing conservative elected officials such as New Gingrich, Rick Santorum and other influential members of American society directed at President Barack Obama and his family, during his keynote speech at the Nation of Islam's annual Saviours' Day convention. View this entire lecture at and order MP3 @ Author: FCNN Duration: 29:12
Photos for video Hate rhetoric against Obama & his family - Election 2012 / President Barack Obama marks the historical turn of events in Egypt and the resignation of Hosni Mubarak with a speech from the White House. No copyright intended. Posted for information and educational purposes. Author: VeracityStew Duration: 6:55
Photos for video President Obama Speech on Egypt/Mubarak Resignation 2-11-11
What does the new year and new decade have in store for the World? Is the financial crisis over? Will Afghanistan be won and terrorism be beaten at home? Are people fed up of America's politics and media? To answer these questions and more, RT spoke to the renowned Trends Forecaster Gerald Celente. Author: RussiaToday Duration: 11:01
Photos for video Celente on 2010: Wave of Terror, Internet revolt & War on migration