Mitt Romney says it's nice to finally wear what he and Ann Lounge around in at home every night. Just one of many great lines from Mitt Romney's 10 minute monologue at the 2012 Al Smith dinner. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mitt Romney... Author: NakedMile2000 Duration: 10:34
Photos for video Mitt Romney Jokes at The Al Smith dinner - 2012 (Full Monologue)
Reupload / make any video that can proof of voter fraud call it "GOP voter fraud against Ron Paul 2012" Ron Paul WINS Virgin Islands MSM calls it for Romney Music Credit: Hans Zimmer - 'Time' Video Credit: PoliticMo - donnjx2 - PSNy2kUK- Ron Paul is America's leading voice for limited, constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, sound money, and a pro-America foreign policy. To spread the message, visit and promote the following websites: http http http http Author: PSNy2kUK Duration: 7:36
Photos for video Make GOP voter fraud against Ron Paul 2012 Famous!!!
В этом выпуске: - Почему падают российкие спутники; - Чаепитие в Белом доме: о чём судачил Барак Обама с другом Саакашвили и приведет ли это к новой войне; - Почему новейшую шведскую БМП сравнивают с детским конструктором; - Поклон кораблям Великой Победы; - Чем занимаются американские командос на слёте вольных стрелков; - Учёные обещают человечеству Апокалипсис; - Археологи обнаружили мумии пришельцев из далёких Миров. Author: North Seven Duration: 71:31
Photos for video Военная тайна, 131 (эфир 04.02.2012) / President Barack Obama marks the historical turn of events in Egypt and the resignation of Hosni Mubarak with a speech from the White House. No copyright intended. Posted for information and educational purposes. Author: VeracityStew Duration: 6:55
Photos for video President Obama Speech on Egypt/Mubarak Resignation 2-11-11
Is our reality controlled by free humanity or by a powerful elite? Was The Matrix trying to tell us something? You decide. If you enjoy the video, check out my channel for more. Author: aenfroy87 Duration: 6:52
Photos for video The Big Brother Matrix of Reality