LATEST: Ex-CIA officer Kiriakou gets 30-months prison for intel leak A CIA veteran and a man who oversaw the capture of Al-Qaeda's third-in-command has been sentenced for nearly 3 years in jail for leaking classified intelligence. John Kiriakou was the first to blow the whistle on Washington's torture program - later revealing the name of an alleged torturer at Guantanamo Bay. He was convicted on a law which hasn't be used for 27 years. As for the accusations - CIA officer Ray Mcgovern believes them to be political. RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark. Author: RussiaToday Duration: 6:07
Photos for video Ex-CIA Officer: Torture great way to get false confessions
THE iTUNES LINK! - NEW TANK TOPS! - Join us LIVE on Mondays @ 11AM PST on SUBMIT YOUR WTKGTS BANNER! (4ft. tall x 6ft. wide) Send to: PO Box 66580 Los Angeles, CA 90066 OUR CHANNELS! WTKGTS FACEBOOK! WTKGTS TWITTER! OUR TWITTERS! THEME SONG BY TERABRITE! OTHER STUFF! Google+ Facebook: Instagram: SHOE! SHIRTS at Rodeo Arcade: OUR WEBSITE: Author: WhenTheKidsGoToSleep Duration: 29:01
Photos for video AND THE WINNER IS . . . (WTKGTS#80)
Jimmy Kimmel Live - First Lady Michelle Obama's Plan to Get People to Vote Jimmy Kimmel Live's YouTube channel features clips and recaps of every episode from the late night TV show on ABC. Subscribe for clips from the monologue, the interviews, and musical performances every day of the week. Watch your favorites parts again, or catch-up on any episodes you may have missed. Website: Channel Subscribe: Author: JimmyKimmelLive Duration: 1:23
Photos for video First Lady Michelle Obama's Plan to Get People to Vote
[Oct 24, 2012] : *Exclusive, found nowhere else; Sobering facts 12 days in advance of November 6 Election of Next USA President ~ ______ *Other VIDEOS at PatmosIsle : - 6- 6- 6- .."guessing-game" ..ENDS HERE ---- [ ID'd ] - End Time America : ---2013, 2014 FOREWARNINGS - "Abomination of Desolation" -- Rehearsals in Jewish Temples [News] - DIVINE Forewarning to Israel - World War 3 and ISRAEL --- how, why, when? :: *Bible Foretells - ISRAEL "Dissolving" Muslim DOME of Rock --- [News] - False Prophet & Mark of Beast --- In Plain View [News] - Sir Isaac Newton ID'd ANTICHRIST - 100% PROOF of Christ's Nearness______ *All PatmosIsle Videos w/ narration, by founder Rob Conrad - ______ "See to it that NO ONE misleads you." / [ Jesus - Matthew 24:4 ] "Have your senses trained to discern good & evil." / [ Hebrews 5:14 ] "....Judge with righteous judgment." / [ Jesus - Gospel John 7:24 ] ______ *FOX News today [Oct 24, 2012] reports : *Overall Romney-Obama Presidential POLLS nearly EVEN, w/ possible slight Romney lead ~ ::::.. Author: PatmosIsle Duration: 11:21
Photos for video 100% PROOF Obama Re-Election Matches spirit of ANTICHRIST
CBS affiliate KPHO channel 5 in Phoenix declares OBAMA Winner of the 2012 Election. Remember folks Its NOT voter fraud its election fraud Read this article from Forbes Magazine: "Romney Family Investment Ties Author: RP4409 Duration: 5:34
Photos for video 4409 -- CBS leaks 2012 election results Declares Obama Winner
The last GOP debate of the year was held last night in Iowa. At the debate Ron Paul and Michele Bachmann took the spotlight with their back and forth jabs on foreign policy. In recent numbers Ron Paul has been on a surge in the polls, so will this spat push Ron Paul over the edge? Follow Kristine on Twitter at Author: RTAmerica Duration: 5:56
Photos for video Ron Paul and Michele Bachmann go head-to-head
Cenk Uygur (host of The Young Turks) filling in for Chris Jansing on MSNBC Live talks to Rolling Stone's Matt Taibi about a giant loophole in the financial reform bill that allows the Fed to give backdoor bailouts to banks. Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 7:08
Photos for video MSNBC w/ Cenk: Matt Taibi - Magic Money Printing Machine at The Fed