Governor Romney faced a fiery President Obama, sparing over issues like oil and gas drilling, women's rights, immigration, and the 47 percent. Things became particularly feisty during an exchange on Benghazi and whether the phrase "acts of terror" was used to describe the attack. (October 16, 2012) Author: ReutersTV Duration: 14:55
Photos for video Romney, Obama Debate Round 2: binders full of women, blind trusts, and acts of terror - The Trail
Actor/Producer and Former Associate Director of the White House Office of Public Engagement Kal Penn spoke to the Democratic National Convention Tuesday night, encouraging the need to vote and telling stories of his activism during the last campaign. Author: PBSNewsHour Duration: 5:25
Photos for video Actor Kal Penn Talks President Obama Activism, Need to Vote
For the first time since May, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and MSNBC host Chris Matthews squared off live. This time, as the general election has entered its hottest phase, the conversation went from jovial and colleague to antagonistic. Matthews opened by asking about Mitt Romney's "birther" joke from last week. Before closing his question, Matthews accused Gingrich of engaging in offensive rhetoric himself on the campaign trail, saying that Gingrich had accused President Barack Obama of being a "food stamp president." Matthews asked Gingrich if he regretted using "ethnic politics" in his race to become the GOP's presidential nominee. "I find your assumption so absurd that it's hard to answer your question," Gingrich replied. He went on to say that Romney's "birther" reference was "part of the common culture" and was clearly not malicious. Author: NewsPoliticsLeaks Duration: 8:24
Photos for video Matthews And Gingrich Square Off Over Race In The 2012 Presidential Campaign
Reupload / make any video that can proof of voter fraud call it "GOP voter fraud against Ron Paul 2012" Ron Paul WINS Virgin Islands MSM calls it for Romney Music Credit: Hans Zimmer - 'Time' Video Credit: PoliticMo - donnjx2 - PSNy2kUK- Ron Paul is America's leading voice for limited, constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, sound money, and a pro-America foreign policy. To spread the message, visit and promote the following websites: http http http http Author: PSNy2kUK Duration: 7:36
Photos for video Make GOP voter fraud against Ron Paul 2012 Famous!!!
Steven Tyler, Dave Grohl, James Taylor , Gwen Stefani, & No Doubt plutes to Paul. Gwen sang Penny Lane & Hello Goodbye. Next Dave Grohl sang Maybe I'm Amazed. James Taylor sang and played Let it Be. Later Steven Tyler played the last 4 songs of Abbey Road (She Came in Thru the Bathroom Window, Golden Slumbers, Carry That Wieght, & The End) and actor/comedian from The Office made a funny speech to Paul. the Finale was Steven Tyler and all musicians/guests and the crownd including the Obamas singing Hey Jude Guests included President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama, Hilary Clinton, Caroline Kennedy, various senators and Representatives, Paul's girlfriend Nancy Chevell, Glee tv star Mathew Morrison, and other honorees Bill T Jones, Merl Haggard and Oprah Winfrey. The event was Dec. 5, 2010, broadcast on CBS Dec. 28 2010. There also is a before the concert interviews/ speech/ red carpet and event at the White House video posted and on CBS website. *All copyrights go to CBS and the Kennedy Center no infringement intended. Author: 4FabBEATLES Duration: 4:05
Photos for video Kennedy Ctr Awards McCartney-James Taylor & Steven Tyler Let it Be & Hey Jude finale.flv
Cenk Uygur (host of The Young Turks) on MSNBC Live speaks with Nicolas Kristoff on the increasing income inequality in the United States. Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 6:10
Photos for video The Rich Get Richer - MSNBC w/ Cenk
One year after his speech in Cairo promising to repair ties with Islamic nations, has Barack Obama kept his word? The US President pledged to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world "one based upon mutual interest and mutual respect." Trying to distance himself from his predecessor George W. Bush, Obama said it was time to end the mutual mistrust and suspicion. He said the US had made mistakes in Iraq and renewed Washington's calls for a two-state solution in the Middle East saying: "America will not turn our backs on the legitimate Palestinian aspiration for dignity, opportunity, and a state of their own." But on the first anniversary of that speech, many Muslims say Obama has not only failed to honour his promises, but in certain respects has continued the policies of George W. Bush. They point to his increasingly stern language against Iran over its nuclear programme, the White House's refusal to join the broader global condemnation of Israel's attack on the Gaza-bound aid flotilla, and the intensified drone attacks in Pakistan as some of the reasons. His supporters argue Obama has succeeded in reaching out to the Muslim world but must be given more time to carry out his policies. On Thursday's show we ask: "Has Obama has succeeded in changing the tone of US engagement towards Islamic nations... or has he defaulted on his Cairo commitment?" Joining the show will be Rashad Hussain, President Obama's special envoy to the Organization <b>...</b> Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 11:37
Photos for video RIZ KHAN: Reviewing Obama's Cairo Commitment - Part One