About 3:30 in northern CO, quite the busy flyboys today. Manned or UnManned? No matter, man is involved. MAN is wanting to OWN the weather. Patents galore. The only CON I see is the one being done to us by or with our government's blessing. COMBAT? global warming for Al...what did Al do for you POTUS that you feel the need to give him a present as big as this program? Must have been good, whatever it was and wherever it was. This video has been made with a wish for Peace for all nations, small and large. I wish...I wish.... Tags: geo engineering, Al Gore, POTUS, OBAMA, WAR, HUMANITY, ANIMALS, KARMA, EYE, Barack Obama (US President), NASA, UN, NATO, BANKS This is my truth. No copyright involved. I own this video. Author: ctwatcher Duration: 5:03
On this Sunday, November 4th edition, Alex Jones breaks down the latest news leading into a hot election cycle, as well as the latest developments on Hurricane Sandy, which has left millions of people without electricity and FEMA a new excuse to grab power. With the 2012 election just two days away, the polls are too close to call, but various politicos are arguing why they think Barack Obama or Mitt Romney will pull ahead. Either outcome is guaranteed to be continued business as usual, for the pro-war, pro-bailout, pro-GMO candidates, even as fresh signs indicate a possible strike on Iran and other geopolitical conflict in the Middle East. Alex welcomes your calls as he cuts through the rhetoric of an election with plenty of room for error, fraud and surprise. www.infowars.com prisonplanet.tv conspiracyscope.blogspot.com www.youtube.com Alex Jones Show Playlist: www.youtube.com Alex Jones Show Playlist Pt. 2 www.youtube.com Author: ConspiracyScope Duration: 118:17
Photos for video Alex Jones Show: Sunday (11-4-12) Full Show
What do Mitt's Mexican cousins think about his strict immigration policies? VICE finds out. Watch the rest here: bit.ly bit.ly bit.ly bit.ly bit.ly bit.ly bit.ly Hosted by VICE Founder Shane Smith Follow Shane on Twitter: twitter.com Watch more VICE documentaries here: bit.ly Subscribe to VICE for the best videos online: bit.ly Check out our full video catalog: www.youtube.com Videos, daily editorial and more: vice.com Like VICE on Facebook fb.com Follow VICE on Twitter: twitter.com Read our tumblr: vicemag.tumblr.com Author: vice Duration: 5:16
Photos for video Meet Mitt Romney's Mexican Mormon Family (Drug Cartels vs. Mormons Part 6/7)
Видео с Олимпийских игр в Лондоне. Светлые Силы побеждают!))))))))))) ru-an.info levashov.info genocid.net www.rod-vzv.info levashov-media.com www.1-sovetnik.com razboynik.info derjava-rus.ru http Author: Rasvet Slavyan Duration: 1:13
Photos for video Флаг США не выдержал соседства с Братскими флагами!
Link Back- www.youtube.com Ron Paul Warns Of Economic Collapse March 12, 2008. There is no questioning we are in a recession Now.The War has taken it's toll. The bases worldwide are taken their toll. The Roman Empire fell the same way...welcome to the New Rome. Please like, share, & comment..., subscribe only if you love liberty. "An Empire Overrun by Tyranny is where Truth becomes a LIE" Ron Paul is America's leading voice for limited, constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, sound money, deficit elimination, personal liberties, freedom, and a pro-America foreign policy that promotes world peace with an unwavering commitment to National Defense. And Military Intervention only if a Declaration of War is passed (by Congress..., not NATO or the UN) unless circumstance dictates eminent danger to America's...., On American Soil. Let's Restore America Now..., before it's too late! To spread the message, visit and promote the following websites: www.RonPaul.com http www.RonPaul2012.com http www.RonPaulCountry.com http www.DailyPaul.com FAIR USE NOTICE This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 USC section 107 of the US Copyright Law. Author: VoteRealVotePaul Duration: 7:20
Photos for video Ron Paul- Warns Of Coming Worldwide Economic Collapse- Will You Listen?
Real News @ RevolutionNews.US — Why is this not a campaign issue? This boy obviously was on the assassination list...he likely would not be made to stand trial as an adult in CO but our president can kill him without charges? This fundamental and historic. It needs to be a campaign issue at least if not a national outrage on it's own. Two weeks after the US killed American citizen Anwar Awlaki with a drone strike in Yemen — far from any battlefield and with no due process — it did the same to his 16-year-old son, Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, ending the teenager's life on Friday along with his 17-year-old cousin and seven other people. Full Article www.salon.com video: www.youtube.com -- "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."—John F. Kennedy "Leave no authority existing not responsible to the people." —Thomas Jefferson Time For A New American Revolution? Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com Facebook: facebook.com Original Channel: youtube.com Author: RevolutionNewsUS Duration: 8:37
Photos for video Ron Paul: Obama Targets and Assassinates a 16 Year-old from Colorado
Cenk Uygur (host of The Young Turks) on MSNBC Live speaks with Nicolas Kristoff on the increasing income inequality in the United States. Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 6:10
Photos for video The Rich Get Richer - MSNBC w/ Cenk
infowars-shop.stores.yahoo.net prisonplanet.tv In anticipation of the official release of THE OBAMA DECEPTION-- now available for high-quality download and streaming at PRISONPLANET.TV-- director Alex Jones reaches out to Obama supporters everywhere, to let them where he stands. The Obama Deception is not about Left or Right politics, but about taking a stand against the offshore bankers who have seized control of the country from the shadows. The film aims to expose that Barack Obama is a puppet-- a mere front man-- for the globalists' agenda who will help to loot the Treasury, bankrupt the USA and seize assets from the American people, all while pretending to represent the people of the nation. Those who supported Obama's election need to wake up right now to the fact that the Obama Administration has been a bait-and-switch. Obama will lie to the people, even as he continues and expands the foreign wars, pushes through banker-bailouts, continues torture & renditions, advances the North American Union agenda and much more. TO FIND OUT MORE, GET THE DVD AT INFOWARS.COM OR DOWNLOAD THE FILM IN HIGH QUALITY AT PRISONPLANET.TV infowars-shop.stores.yahoo.net prisonplanet.tv ABOUT THE FILM: The Obama Deception is a hard-hitting film that completely destroys the myth that Barack Obama is working for the best interests of the American people. The Obama phenomenon is a hoax carefully crafted by the captains of the New World Order. He is being pushed as savior in an attempt to con <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 6:43
Ron Paul gets a refered by Bill Maher as being his hero. That here is a guy that is telling the truth and he's being excluded by talking heads and the media. www.ronpaulmessageboard.com http www.ronpaulnation.com Author: ronpaulnation Duration: 8:15
Photos for video Ron Paul refered by Real Time with Bill Maher FreeMe.TV