Watch Ryan Duffy get shot in the chest as he tests the strength of a fashion forward bulletproof vest made by Steven Seagal's personal tailor. Hosted by Ryan Duffy | Originally released in 2009 at Check out the last VICE Presents here Subscribe for videos that are actually good: Check out our full video catalog: Videos, daily editorial and more: Like VICE on Facebook Follow VICE on Twitter: Read our tumblr: Author: vice Duration: 10:07
Bill, HR 658 30000 Drones To Police America Special Thanx to Lynn Now, on 2/10/2012 we find the corrupt US Congress has approved (and President Obama has signed) a law funding 30000 DEVIL DRONE UNMANNED AIRCRAFT[.b] for use inside America's boundaries at the behest of the Department of Homeland Security. Bill, HR 658, the FAA Air Transportation Modernization and Safety Improvement Act authorizes the manufacture and deployment of the dreadful spy drones by 2015 at a cost of $63.4 Billion which may not include the cost of supporting and maintaining them after they are deployed. I thought we were cutting spending. Who are the financial power elite enabling - military industrial complex crony capitalists getting the spy drone construction contracts? Read More Here: The corrupt Congress must also expect widespread food riots and protests in the coming deflation economy and Greater Depression. Why don't you hear about any of this? Well, because the evil elite own all the mainstream media. That's why! If it is in the major newspapers or on the nightly news you can BELIVE THE OPPOSITE! Police Drone With Grenade Launcher 300000$ for one drone! Police Use Predator Drones Dozens Of Times: Shadowhawk Drone Specs And Payload: Government Hiding Drone Use & Ignoring Freedom of Information Act Police Drone With Grenade Launcher Police <b>...</b> Author: SurvivalWithBushcraf Duration: 5:52
Photos for video 30000 Drones Over America! Obama's Weaponized Police State! 2012
In his last Afterburner of 2011, Bill Whittle takes a look at the state of this country three years into Obama's rule and has amassed a list of breathtaking failures bound to stun and/or depress champions of smaller government. Solyndra, Fast & Furious, the Keystone Pipeline and the deficit are just a handful of the scandals that make Bill's blood boil. So what do we need to do in 2012 to counteract Obama's policies? Take a look. Author: Pajamasmedia Duration: 6:35
Photos for video Afterburner with Bill Whittle: Three Years Under Obama
representative Dominique Baettig and members of Swiss National Council are calling for the arrest of conference participants who are internationally wanted for war crimes, including George W. Bush, Henry Kissinger, Dick Cheney, and Richard Perle. In February, Bush cancelled a trip to Switzerland due demands for his arrest over the treatment of prisoners at Guant Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 15:06
Photos for video AFP Editor Mark Anderson: Dominique Baettig Marches on Bilderberg Meeting
"...We ought to hold Obama to his promise to be different & bold & to make change. So far, he hasn't come thru on that promise. ...You cannot depend on presidents, & you cannot depend on elections & voting to solve your problems. People themselves, organizing, demonstrating, clamoring, they are the only ones who can push the President and push Congress into change." Historian & WWII veteran Howard Zinn interviewed on Democracy Now, 13 May 2009 ********************************* Author: yrrmom Duration: 3:56
Photos for video Howard Zinn on Obama: "If you want to end terrorism, you have to stop being terrorists" - Inspired by a surreal night in a Chicago park & a tear in Jesse's eye... A Brand New America Written and produced by Keb' Mo' and John Lewis Parker Author: kebmonet Duration: 2:48