Jimmy Kimmel talks about a night at the White House in which Michelle Obama yelled at his son, Cousin Sal pushed his agent into the Rose Garden, and other antics went down...all under the watch of Secret Service men holding machine guns. Visit Grantland: www.Grantland.com Grantland on Twitter www.Twitter.com Grantland on Facebook: www.facebook.com The BS Report Podcast: espn.go.com Grantland Network Podcasts: www.grantland.com Author: GrantlandNetwork Duration: 3:29
Photos for video Jimmy Kimmel Hosts White House Dinner | The Best BS:
Romney's Mexican cousin was held for ransom by the Cartel. So what does Mitt's family think about his strict drug & immigration policy? Watch the rest here: bit.ly bit.ly bit.ly bit.ly bit.ly bit.ly Hosted by VICE Founder Shane Smith Follow Shane on Twitter: twitter.com Watch more VICE documentaries here: bit.ly Subscribe to VICE for the best videos online: bit.ly Check out our full video catalog: www.youtube.com Videos, daily editorial and more: vice.com Like VICE on Facebook fb.com Follow VICE on Twitter: twitter.com Read our tumblr: vicemag.tumblr.com Author: vice Duration: 5:25
Photos for video Mitt Romney's Family Kidnapped by Cartel (Drug Cartels vs. Mormons Part 7/7)
News Articles: Libyan President el-Megarif reportedly eyes Al Qaeda in 'preplanned' attack on US consulate www.foxnews.com Exclusive: America 'was warned of embassy attack but did nothing' www.independent.co.uk Palin: 'Obama administration dropped the ball' in the Middle East www.foxnews.com Obama Had Advance Knowledge of Mideast Attacks frontpagemag.com State Department knew of impending embassy attacks 48 hours prior www.nowpublic.com Author: SignsofThyComing Duration: 9:38
Photos for video Middle East : Planned Riots Burnings and Murder to bring forth the New World Order (Sept 14, 2012)
Mitt Romney is the GOP choice of today, but the party has been through a buttload of candidates this year. John Fugelsang explains it all in episode 5 of PoliPop's "Caffeinated!". Subscribe for new episodes every Tuesday: bit.ly FOLLOW US twitter.com LIKE YOU, TOO! www.facebook.com by MAKER STUDIOS makerstudios.com http www.facebook.com johnfugelsang.com Follow John twitter.com Like John: tinyurl.com WATCH JOHN'S OTHER "CAFFEINATED!" EPISODES: #1 ROMNEY VS. MUHAMMAD ALI! youtu.be #2 CHICK-FIL-A VS. THE GAYS! youtu.be #3 EPIC KARDASHIAN RANT! youtu.be #4 AFGHAN REALITY SHOW! youtu.be (LIVE) JOHN DEBATES LEE DOREN! youtu.be Written by John Fugelsang Executive Producer Will Keenan www.twitter.com Produced by Matt Cross Directed and Edited by Logan Burdick Director of Photography Tyler Carey Clips of the candidates courtesy of Maker Studios' PoliPop partner, BadLipReading: www.youtube.com Originals: Mitt Romney: youtu.be Rick Santorum: youtu.be Newt Gingrich: youtu.be Herman Cain: youtu.be Rick Perry: youtu.be Ron Paul: youtu.be Royalty Free Music by audiomicro.com Effects by audiomicro.com ==== "Mitt Romney" "Newt Gingrich" "Rick Santorum" "Michelle Bachmann" "Herman Cain" "Rick Perry" "Jon Huntsman" "Ron Paul" "President Obama" "Barack Obama" Obama "Election 2012" polipop "Maker Studios" "John Fugelsang" politics vote Caffeinated "RNC" convention "tampa florida" Author: POLIPOP Duration: 4:59
Photos for video ROMNEY VS. THE GOP! (@JohnFugelsang/Caffeinated #5)
Alex welcomes guest Webster Tarpley to discuss the ongoing NATO bombardment and civil war in Libya, as well as why Al-Qaeda publicly backs the official 9/11 fable. tarpley.net www.infowars.com (Subscribe to Infowars Nightly News Today!) www.prisonplanet.tv Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 15:21
Photos for video CIA Speaks Through Al-Qaeda: Webster Tarpley Reports 1/3
he reality of defense spending continues to upset many Americans and they feel that money should be used for issues at home. Debt looms over the country, but billions and billions continue to flow into defense spending. Can the US afford to dramatically cut on defense spending? Douglas Macgregor, a retired Colonel of the US army, tells us how this could be dangerous to America. Follow Lauren on Twitter: twitter.com Author: RTAmerica Duration: 9:39
On this Sunday Edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talk about World War 3, now in implementation stage as Obama ignores the Constitution and Congress in Libya and the US steams warships toward the coast of Syria on the Mediterranean. See Alex's video, Obama Launching World War III. Alex also covers Google-owned You Tube's removal of Eric Schmidt at the 2011 Bilderberg Group conference. You Tube removed the "honors" associated with the Alex Jones Channel and prevented the clip from going viral. Alex covers the latest news and takes your calls. www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv www.infowars.net www.prisonplanet.com Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 12:35
Photos for video Hardcore Tyranny is Coming, Evil Has Been Unleashed! - Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 2/3
Swiss Politicians To March On Bilderberg Meeting, Demand Arrest Of Kissinger Steve Watson Prisonplanet.com June 10, 2011 In the videos contained on this page, Infowars reporters Paul Joseaph Watson, Aaron Dykes and Luke Rudkowski interview activists and journalists covering the elite meeting in Switzerland. They detail how activists from We Are Change Switzerland have a written letter from the Swiss parliament informing police that they must respect the rights of those documenting the meeting and not interfere with their work. Swiss People's Party representative Dominique Baettig is going to march to the meeting along with two other leading politicians from the Swiss People's Party and demand to be allowed inside to confront the elite attendees. One of the Swiss politicians appeared exclusively on the Alex Jones show today to details their plans. We will bring you more details as soon as we have them. www.prisonplanet.com Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 12:05
Photos for video Breaking News: Powerful Swiss Politicians to Confront Kissinger/Bilderberg Members
Lowkey Speaks On Jay Z, Obama, & Bush my new channel www.youtube.com Lowkey is a British musician, poet, playwright and political activist of English and Iraqi descent. He first came to fame through a series of mixtapes he released before he was 18, before taking a hiatus from the music business. He would return in 2008 with wider music coverage, featured on BBC Radio and appearing at various festivals and concerts including the Electric Proms,Glastonbury, T In The Park and Oxygen in the build up to his first solo album, as well as collaborating with other famous British musicians to form a supergroup. Dennis was born in London to an Iraqi mother and an English father. From the age of twelve he began to rap, initially imitating American rappers but soon using his own accent. He began attending the open mic sessions which took place at the Deal Real record shop on Carnaby Street, Central London. The first time he went he introduced himself as Lowkey and was told there was already a regular there by that name; the two had a rap battle over the use of the name which Dennis won. In an interview he stated how his brother's suicide made him come to terms with the fact that some things were just not meant to be understood. Solo work The first part of his mixtape series Key To The Game, was released independently in 2003. Within a year and a half he had released a second and third volume, all of which gained critical acclaim from UK hip hop circles. Though the first volume <b>...</b> Author: TheFlexEffect Duration: 13:09
thejuicemedia.com Rap News Episode 5 Who let the Logs out!? Wikileaks drops 400000 classified documents shedding new light on the Iraq war—the biggest leak of classified military documents in history—sending shockwaves across the Fourth Estate. Rap News marks the occasion by inviting into the studio the former US Secretary of Offense, Donald Rumsfeld. But what starts out as a conventional Rap News interview soon descends into mayhem as the live feed is hijacked by News World Order, eager to spin the record like a disc jockey on crack. Enter Bill O'Really, the champion of Fair & Balanced journalism, dragging us screaming into the No Spine Zone. Only divine intervention can save us now, from a fate worse than death. But beware of imitators; not all is what it seems to be! Join us for a rollercoaster episode of Rap News, featuring a very very special guest appearance. Juice Rap News: written by Giordano Nanni; lyrics and performance by Hugo Farrant. Created by Farrant & Nanni in a back-yard studio in suburban Melbourne. **************************************************************************************** USEFUL LINKS: Find out more about: Wikileaks: wikileaks.org Julian Assange www.youtube.com Bill O'Reilly at his finest: www.youtube.com UN Human Rights Commissioner calls for inquiry into US/IRAQ after seeing Wikileaks evidence: www.ohchr.org Full clip of Barak Obama's words on Government transparency (2008 election campaign): www.youtube.com <b>...</b> Author: thejuicemedia Duration: 5:59
Photos for video The War on Journalism - with Julian Assange [RAP NEWS 5]
Police Attack Journalists and Citizens at Toronto G20 The Hermit with Davis Fleetwood is independently produced & individually supported: wp.me Grab my book, DROPPIN' KNOWLEDGE LIKE A CLUMSY LIBRARIAN, here: www.createspace.com FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com G8 G20 protests Canada G20 police care fire G20 protest global economy police cruiser raw vide riot police brutality summit protests забор в Торонто саммит Медведев Обама 20 vandals demonstration Black block real news Author: Dennis Trainor, Jr Duration: 3:54
Photos for video Police Attack Journalists and Citizens at Toronto G20
One year after his speech in Cairo promising to repair ties with Islamic nations, has Barack Obama kept his word? The US President pledged to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world "one based upon mutual interest and mutual respect." Trying to distance himself from his predecessor George W. Bush, Obama said it was time to end the mutual mistrust and suspicion. He said the US had made mistakes in Iraq and renewed Washington's calls for a two-state solution in the Middle East saying: "America will not turn our backs on the legitimate Palestinian aspiration for dignity, opportunity, and a state of their own." But on the first anniversary of that speech, many Muslims say Obama has not only failed to honour his promises, but in certain respects has continued the policies of George W. Bush. They point to his increasingly stern language against Iran over its nuclear programme, the White House's refusal to join the broader global condemnation of Israel's attack on the Gaza-bound aid flotilla, and the intensified drone attacks in Pakistan as some of the reasons. His supporters argue Obama has succeeded in reaching out to the Muslim world but must be given more time to carry out his policies. On Thursday's show we ask: "Has Obama has succeeded in changing the tone of US engagement towards Islamic nations... or has he defaulted on his Cairo commitment?" Joining the show will be Rashad Hussain, President Obama's special envoy to the Organization <b>...</b> Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 10:38
Photos for video Riz Khan: Reviewing Obama's Cairo Commitment - Part Two
thejuicemedia.com Rap News - episode 2 - Back by popular demand, Robert Foster turns his attention to the soaring Orwellian rhetoric hailing from Oslo, where Barack Obama is currently receiving the prestigious Nobel War-is-Peace prize. This second episode of Rap News covers the fallout from the now infamous NASA Moon Bomb on October 9th, the very same day on which the Nobel Committee awarded US President Barack Obama the 2009 'War is Peace' Prize. Is it justified? Is it premature or plain immature? And what will the Moon say?! Was this a prize for peace-making or for making war look like peace, something Bush was not able to do? And why do we even care what these Norwegian guys do. All this, and more, in this latest report with Robert Foster on ~JuiceMedia's Rap News. Juice Rap News written & created by Giordano Nanni and Hugo Farrant in a back-yard studio in suburban Melbourne, on Wurundjeri Land. Download MP3 and Lyrics and find out more: Website: thejuicemedia.com Lyrics www.reverbnation.com Connect with Robert Foster: www.facebook.com **************************************************************************************** SUPPORT Rap News so we can keep broadcasting rhyme and reason on the only remaining free frequency: thejuicemedia.com **************************************************************************************** CAPTIONS: Many thanks to Ismael & The Three Arts, for English captions. TRANSLATIONS: * Many thanks to Ismael & The Three Arts, for Spanish <b>...</b> Author: thejuicemedia Duration: 5:12
Photos for video Barack Obama wins the Nobel War-is-Peace Prize [RAP NEWS 2]