vk.com Распространите это видео как можно шире! ВНИМАНИЕ: в ролике есть ошибка. Строительство Южного потока не завершено, а начато. Приносим извинения за ошибку. 2012 год на исходе и к счастью он не обернулся ни концом света, ни началом третьей мировой войны. Подведём его итоги, выделив наиболее существенные геополитические события. Крах внешней политики США Безусловно, главный итог года -- это полнейший крах внешней политики США. Сейчас, когда из новой администрации Обамы вычищаются старые ястребы, это стало особенно очевидно. Внезапный недуг старушки Клинтон, выразившийся в свалившемся на неё поносе и падении с сотрясением мозга -- удивительно точно охарактеризовал весь результат работы стратегов США. Они там умудрились не только лоб себе расшибить, но ещё и обосраться. Жаль только, что при этом погибло столько невинных людей. Некоторые считают, что США своими действиями пытались создать в нужных точках планеты т.н. управляемый хаос. Сейчас, это утверждение выглядит особенно спорным, так как нигде у США не получилось хоть в какой-то степени эту нестабильность контролировать. Чтобы не быть голословными, давайте вспомним, как это было. В Ливии итогом свержения Каддафи стало погружение некогда процветающей страны в пучину междоусобных войн и убийство американского посла Криса Стивенса. И если уничтожение процветающей страны еще как-то вписывается в интересы США, то вот убийство посла точно нет. Оно отчетливо продемонстрировало миру, что Вашингтон уже не способен защитить <b>...</b> Author: MrEsuper Duration: 15:01
Photos for video Мировой передел. Выпуск 57. Итоги 2012 года
Jimmy Kimmel talks about a night at the White House in which Michelle Obama yelled at his son, Cousin Sal pushed his agent into the Rose Garden, and other antics went down...all under the watch of Secret Service men holding machine guns. Visit Grantland: www.Grantland.com Grantland on Twitter www.Twitter.com Grantland on Facebook: www.facebook.com The BS Report Podcast: espn.go.com Grantland Network Podcasts: www.grantland.com Author: GrantlandNetwork Duration: 3:29
Photos for video Jimmy Kimmel Hosts White House Dinner | The Best BS:
The US is the most powerful nation on earth, but its position of global supremacy is being challenged - economically, militarily and politically. And the person many Americans hold responsible for these failings is the president who promised them change. The worldwide economic crisis of 2008 started in the US and the aftershocks are still being felt today. Unemployment is running at more than eight per cent, productivity is down and the national debt is a whopping $137bn. Such turmoil makes it hard to honour electoral promises. The country is deeply divided. The machinery of government has been tied in knots by partisan bickering and the rise of the right-wing, anti-state Tea Party and the street protests of the left-wing Occupy Wall Street movement are a reminder of how polarised the nation has become. Despite this, Barack Obama, the US president, has pushed through healthcare reform and turned around the failing auto industry. He has stopped the war in Iraq and killed Osama bin Laden. But is this enough to win re-election for a second term? And, whoever wins, will the next president have the unenviable task of overseeing the US' decline? Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 46:57
Gerald Celente, the founder of the Trends Research Institute gives RT's Marina Portnaya his predictions for the headlines of tomorrow. OWS movement, US presidential elections, economic embargo on Iran are among the issues discussed. RT on Twitter twitter.com RT on Facebook www.facebook.com Author: RussiaToday Duration: 12:26
Photos for video Battlefield USA 2012: Gerald Celente on year's top trends
On this first live show of 2012, Alex takes a large number of your calls and talks about the latest news, including the Iowa caucus tomorrow and Ron Paul's chances as the Republican establishment plots against him and pushes the script-reading warmongers Mitt Romney and the recently come-from-behind candidate Rick Santorum, who has proposed air strikes on Iran. Alex also talks about the concerted effort by the corporate media to fiddle with poll results in order to downplay Ron Paul's obvious lead in the eleventh hour before the caucus. Alex takes a look at the police state NDAA legislation signed into law by Obama, who promises he will not send the military to arrest American citizens and strip them of their rights under the Fourth Amendment. www.infowars.com Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 12:37
Photos for video Outlook for 2012: Total Collapse of Society and The End of Internet Freedom 3/3
ORIGINAL WND ARTICLE HERE www.wnd.com Hear Carl Gallups (narrator) LIVE - every Friday on 1330 WEBY AM - NW Fl Talk Radio. FREEDOM FRIDAY WITH CARL GALLUPS 4-6pm CT - Call in and be a part of the show! www.1330weby.com CLICK THE LISTEN LIVE LINK NOTE - This video was uploaded to PPSIMMONS with permission from SpecialGuests.com. Producer Dylan Wade, the original producer of this video. Author: ppsimmons Duration: 5:36
Photos for video BREAKING! ANOTHER SCANDAL THAT COULD TAKE OBAMA DOWN by Joseph Farah WND - (For Specialguests.com)
Please Subscribe to GloZell on YouTube. www.youtube.com Please Like GloZell's Official Fan Page. www.facebook.com Please Follow GloZell on Twitter. www.twitter.com Is politics the Circle of Lies? Do you believe everything the News is telling us about Obama and Osama? Author: glozell1 Duration: 1:07
Photos for video Da Lying King? Circle of Lies? ... By GloZell
For full story, pics and more, go to www.idetroitonline.com Detroit on Thursday as the likes of John Legend, Seal, Jamie Foxx, Nick Jonas and Sheryl Crow channeled their inner Motown before Michelle and Barack Obama. Musical pioneers Smokey Robinson and Stevie Wonder joined in for the celebration of all things Motown. Obama called it "the soundtrack of the civil rights era," and credited Motown's tight lyrics, catchy melodies and deep soul with helping to "blur the line between music that was considered either black or white." Foxx, Seal, Legend and Jonas launched the East Room concert celebrating the Motown sound with a high-energy medley in which the four took turns as backup dancers, complete with some smooth dance moves to the likes of "Get Ready," ''The Way You Do the Things You Do," ''Can't Get Next to You" and "Ain't Too Proud to Beg." Author: iDetroitOnline Duration: 3:58
Photos for video White House reverberates with Motown sound