The Republican Jewish Coalition presents "Perilous Times," a mini-documentary in which Israeli experts and everyday citizens candidly discuss their concerns about the US-Israel relationship under Pres. Obama. Among the notable experts consulted for this film are : • Zalman Shoval, former Israeli ambassador to the US and a highly-respected diplomat; • Oren Kessler, foreign affairs correspondent at the Jerusalem Post; • Barry Rubin, an expert on terrorism and Middle East affairs; • Jacob Levy, Israel's leading pollster and founder of Gallup Israel; • Itamar Marcus, founder and director of Palestinian Media Watch; and • Yair Shamir, leading Israeli businessman; former chair of El Al and Israel Aerospace; son of former PM Yitzhak Shamir. For more information about the RJC, visit Author: RJCHQ Duration: 9:17
(Pусский / English subtitles) June 26, 2012, Amman, Jordan - Click the blue numbers before each question to get his answer. 00:38 - What is your outlook (on Syria)? The US has stated that it does not want to talk with Iran on this matter. Do you feel it would be possible to discuss this issue, and settle this problem overall, without Iran? 1:59 - The President of Israel Shimon Peres devoted most of yesterday's reception to the topic of Iran. Do you share his point of view that Iran represents a direct threat to Israel's existence as a state, or could present that threat in the foreseeable future? 3:46 - Do you feel that it was right to accept the resignation of the Russian Football Union President Sergei Fursenko? How, and most importantly, when will we know the name of the next Russian Football Union president? Perhaps you already have an idea of who it might be? And when? 6:03 - Today, you opened a science and culture centre in Bethlehem, and the street where it stands is named after you. Did you know about this? How do you feel -- not only when this is done abroad, but in Russia as well -- about being immortalized like this while you are still living? 7:04 - In these two days, you spoke with all the sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Have there been any signs that the situation in settling this conflict may move forward from the current standstill, and were you able to get Mr Netanyahu and Mr Abbas to agree to a personal meeting? 9:01 - Mr President, there is <b>...</b> Author: Marine1063 Duration: 12:18
Congressman Ron Paul delivered a speech for the National Association of Home Builders at the 29th Annual Cato Monetary Conference yesterday. The key topics were the US monetary policy and the Federal Reserve. Author: RTAmerica Duration: 30:14
Photos for video Ron Paul: "FED is immoral" - speech at the CATO
LINKS: Jerome Corsi: Obama's birth certificate is 100% forged; Inside sources say Hawaii made Obama's forged Certificate of Live Birth and placed it in the Hawaii DOH books. The interview was on the Peter Boyles show and aired on 5/18/11. - - - http Author: BirtherReportDotCom Duration: 22:11
Photos for video Jerome Corsi: Obama Birth Certificate 100% Forged; Hawaii Officials Forged It - 5/18/2011
Congressman Ron Paul joins Larry Kudlow to discuss his recent CPAC straw poll victory, his reaction to comments from Donald Trump, the likelihood of defeating Barack Obama in 2012, the message of liberty, and various points from his speech at CPAC 2011. Author: campaignforliberty Duration: 8:45
Photos for video Ron Paul: The Kudlow Report 02/14/11
Rare footage of the legendary soul artist extrordinaire on a coast to coast televised show from 1974, notice the introduction by Del Shannon and Roy Orbison "the way he moves there is no energy crisis'" referring to the energy crisis of 1974 which some of you may remember Author: keithchanner Duration: 5:58
Photos for video Jackie Wilson Performing Live Higher And Higher & Lonely Tear Drops
Government Demands Inventory of All VFW Weapons Kurt Nimmo Infowars June 9, 2009 Editors note: Alex Jones has called the VFW and received confirmation that the email mentioned below is genuine. An Infowars reader has passed along an email sent to VFW commanders by the Assistant Adjutant of the Department of Texas Veterans of Foreign Wars indicating the US Army TACOM (Tactical Army Command) is demanding an inventory of all weapons held by VFW posts. Email sent to VFW commanders Inventory form While you may have had possession of this equipment for 20, 40, 60 or 100 years, the email states, it still belongs to the US Military. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:59
Photos for video Alex Jones Tv 1/3:Obama's War on Veterans & The 2nd Amendment !! CleanTV® is your safe haven for educational and entertaining television programs. EXCLUSIVE! Pastor Gallups responds to Keith Olbermann, MSNBC! LISTEN LIVE! Streaming ONLINE "Freedom Fridays" with Carl Gallups 1330 WEBY AM - Northwest Florida's Talk Radio - HOME WEBSITE EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW OF PASTOR CARL GALLUPS! This is UNBELIEVABLE! Yet...documented, verified and TRUE! You have got to watch this film and forward it to everyone you know! This will blow you away! Obama, The Lottery and 666. It cannot be debated - the facts are we simply wait and see. Is he really the antichrist? You will also want to watch these films on youtube 1. Is Obama a Muslim or Arab? 2. Obama the Renegade 3. Is Obama the Antichrist? 4. OBAMA - The ONLY One 5. Obama - A Catalogue of Blasphemies! 6. Revelation is Happening Now! THE MAGIC MAN IN THE SKY: Effectively Defending The Christian Faith - Carl Gallups Author: ppsimmons Duration: 3:29
Photos for video Obama - The Lottery and 666 - You have GOT TO SEE THIS! What are the CHANCES?