`Don`t vote...it only encourages them` www.davidicke.com http Song - GreenZilla - Height of Intermission www.youtube.com Trapped in a prism of snakes, cant get away, though every single day try rememberin .watchin 911 on TV G watch the towers crumble 1 by 1 that really was our liberty undone thing that the started of darkenest days and a false messiah came into our life and now we cant look away or run away but we try every single day we cannot shake this mothafuckin false messiah, it coats the day like hot fire, thrown up in ya face on the dollar bill replace the masonic seal with the devils face!! At the height of Intermission, truth became so suspicious. We didnt know what to do so we gathered with arms, in armageddeon fashion. And we ended up the dominant force, we realized, we were the dominant force mothafucka. Strapped most of the nation head to teeth its a society you cant see believe it tho its you and me, all the families pain collected into one gamma ray, its like the lives that made mistakes and the lives you took away. All corners of the USA including all 57 STATES, I heard these mothafuckaz got alot to say. now we cant look away or run away yet we try every single day we cannot shake this mothafuckin false messiah, it coats the day like hot fire, thrown up in ya face on the dollar bill replace the masonic seal with the devils face!! At the height of Intermission, truth became so suspicious. We didnt know what to do so we gathered with arms, in armageddeon <b>...</b> Author: jay4louise10 Duration: 12:40
Photos for video David Icke - Puppet Obama,The Deceiver,False Messiah and a Free Phone.
Godfrey (@GodfreyComedian) gets a bad case of Gingrich at the Laugh Factory comedy club in Hollywood, CA, home of the best stand up comedians. Have you subscribed to the Laugh Factory's channel yet? Click here: youtube.com Tell us what you thought in the comments and don't forget to like and add this video to your favorites if you LOL'd! FOLLOW @thelaughfactory on Twitter: twitter.com LIKE the Laugh Factory on Facebook: facebook.com VISIT the Laugh Factory's website: laughfactory.com LIVE SHOW TICKETS bit.ly FOLLOW @GodfreyComedian on Twitter: twitter.com LIKE Godfrey on Facebook: facebook.com VISIT Godfrey's website: godfreycomedian.com SUBSCRIBE to Godfrey's YouTube channel youtube.com Author: TheLaughFactory Duration: 4:49
Alex welcomes guest Webster Tarpley to discuss the ongoing NATO bombardment and civil war in Libya, as well as why Al-Qaeda publicly backs the official 9/11 fable. tarpley.net www.infowars.com (Subscribe to Infowars Nightly News Today!) www.prisonplanet.tv Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 15:21
Photos for video CIA Speaks Through Al-Qaeda: Webster Tarpley Reports 1/3
Romney says I'll ask my lawyers,ahh how did this Corporate/Nazi think he could fool the people.If you like Mitt Romney you must like OBAMACARE.Mitt is a Corporate pig you don't believe me come live in Mass or google Mitt Romney Corporations :). Author: TheRonPaulAffect Duration: 2:32
Photos for video Ron Paul tells Mitt Romney to read the Constitution! (Nazi Romney just like Bush/Obama)
"We must speak truth to power or die! We must not be afraid to tell the truth even if it means we lose our lives." -Min. Farrakhan at Aug. 13, 2011 rally to against US-NATO military assault on Libya. Read more FinalCall.com news coverage @ goo.gl Author: FCNN Duration: 106:14
Photos for video Farrakhan Full Speech: War on Libya, Africa (Harlem, NY)
The big guns of America's military establishment are taking defensive action on Capitol Hill to protect their budget. Defense secretary Robert Gates warned cuts any deeper than the 78 billion dollars proposed by President Obama, would have 'tragic consequences'. Author: RussiaToday Duration: 5:10
Photos for video Pentagon Almighty: Defense Budget Fat, Sick Economy Starving
Cenk Uygur (host of The Young Turks) on MSNBC Live speaks with and professor Juan Cole and Trita Parsi of the National Iranian American Council on the Wikileaks revelations on the Middle East and potential war with Iran. Author: TYTInterviews Duration: 9:20
Photos for video Wikileaks & War With Iran - MSNBC w/ Cenk
You should be with us in 2012, join now: my.barackobama.com Joe Biden's first appearance as Barack Obama's running mate in Springfield, Illinois Author: BarackObamadotcom Duration: 16:55
In the Associated Press they did a report that over 41 million people are exposed to pharmaceutical drugs in TREATED drinking water. We have all heard the saying 'There is something in the water' Well There IS. Time to Stand UP and Get Pissed for Once AMERICA. Remember your baby's formula is now being contaminated with drugs. And there is NO FEDERAL or STATE REGULATIONS ON WATER TREATMENT FOR DRUGS. 'There Is Something In The Water' well this saying is no more just an idea of a conspiracist. This is what is really going on across America from major cities to suburban neighborhoods. Are you the Americans going to take this with a smile. Are you going to trust the government to fix this problem when they dont even have any regulations for it. What are you going to do. The New World Order, Big Corporations taken over, 911 inside job, Alex Jones, Micheal Moore, George Bush, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, IRS, Illuminati, Free Masons, WTC, Major Media, Corrupt Politicians, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Jews running the world, Terrorist trying to take freedom, etc. All of this does not matter when Americans cannot even get up and DEMAND CLEAN WATER. Below is a list of some of the pharmaceuticals they found in TREATED drinking water. ANTIBIOTICS Amoxicillin — for pneumonia, stomach ulcers Azithromycin — for pneumonia, sexually transmitted diseases Bacitracin — prevents infection in cuts and burns Chloramphenicol — for serious infections when other antibiotics can't be used Ciprofloxacin <b>...</b> Author: reality2me4u Duration: 9:53
Photos for video Drugs in Drinking Water Mind Control and Others Must Watch