US President Barack Obama is hoping Americans will learn from the country's history of shootings and call on their elected leaders to agree to ban the future production of some assault weapons and ammunition clips that hold more than 10 bullets. He also wants to make sure everyone who wants to buy a gun has to pass a more comprehensive background check. But despite the proposals given by Vice President Joe Biden on gun control, there are still an estimated 300 million guns already in the US and a strong pro-gun lobby. Al Jazeera's Patty Culhane reports from Washington, DC. Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 2:05
Photos for video Obama says Americans must demand stricter gun control
Eek a Veep! Stefan Molyneux of Freedomain Radio breaks down the cynical lure for desperate libertarians. Freedomain Radio is the largest and most popular philosophy show on the web - Paul Ryan... Voted YES corporate welfare for big agriculture Voted YES pm TARP Voted YES for a bloated defense bill Voted NO to repeal NDAA indefinite detention Voted YES to prohibit reductions in nuclear weapons as required by START Treaty Voted NO to limit military spending on the Afghanistan War Voted YES to override military sequestration (spending cuts) negotiated in last year's 'let raise the debt limit bill'. Voted YES on CISPA, the bill that attacks Internet liberty and the 1st amendment. Voted YES on corporate welfare for the Keystone Pipeline which also authorized the use of Eminent Domain to seize private property for a private use. Voted NO to extend payroll tax cuts which is effectively a tax increase on the poor and middle class. Voted YES to increase the debt ceiling Voted YES on war in Libya Voted NO to limit funding of NATO for use in Libya Voted NO on removing armed forces from Libya Vote YES to extend the Patriot Act Paul Ryan's Budget Ryan's "roadmap to prosperity" lays out $6.2 trillion in cuts over the next 10 years—not, sadly, cuts from what government spends today, but from what President Obama wanted to spend. Spending would actually increase by about a trillion dollars over the decade. Ryan's "radical" budget would only reduce government <b>...</b> Author: Stefan Molyneux Duration: 8:33
Photos for video No Saving Private Ryan! Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney and the Betrayal of Ayn Rand The Grammy-nominated Archandroid herself sits down for a feature chat in Studio Q. She's a surprising, soulful, bold new musical voice and one of the most exciting artists anywhere today. Author: Qtv Duration: 27:59
Chicago radio host Cliff Kelly from WVON interviews Minister Louis Farrakhan on current events. The Minister explains the historic relationship between The Nation of Islam and Colonel Gaddhafi and why he has always been hated by Western Neo-Colonial governments. Author: Ahmad770 Duration: 10:19
Photos for video Farrakhan Explains Why Western Powers Hate Gaddhafi and Libya
Eight years after the launch of the 'war on terror,' how does the US view the al-Qaeda threat? Empire finds out. Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 22:16
Photos for video Empire - The Long War:The US and al-Qaeda - Part 2
Sponsored by Dean Markley inc.: If you like what you hear then SUBSCRIBE, as I probably will be releasing more material soon! A SPECIAL THANKS TO ALL WHO LEAVE A COMMENT AND RATING! Long overdue rendition of Canon Rock. Hope you like it! The last part is just own improv so i cant send you any tabs, as I dont have any myself, but below is a link to a tab of the original version: Thanks to JerryC, Mattrach and Funtwo! Author: Rockaholick1 Duration: 5:21